Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 121 No Man's Land

Chapter 121 No Man's Land

While the Eighth Route Army was actively preparing for battle, Okamura Ningji had already transferred back the strength and equipment of the three divisions from the frontal battlefield.

The Japanese army had railways to use, so they mobilized troops very quickly, especially when they moved the frontline troops to the rear... When the trains went to the front line, they were loaded with various strategic materials, but when they returned, they only transported some wounded and letters. Many trains were Return empty.

This allowed Okamura Ningji to mobilize the three divisions in just one week.

With these three divisions, Shinozuka Yoshio confidently drew up a battle plan and presented it to Neiji Okamura.

Neiji Okamura carefully read the proposal, page after page.

Yoshio Shinozuka tried to guess from Neiji Okamura's facial expression how satisfied he was with the proposal, but unfortunately failed.

Neiji Okamura neither frowned displeased nor nodded with satisfaction, like an old monk flipping through scriptures, or doing something unrelated.

It would be strange if Yoshio Shinozuka could see that. Neiji Okamura had served as a spy military officer in China, and he knew how to control his expressions and emotions.

After a while, Okamura Ningji finally finished reading, he closed the proposal, and then fell silent.

Shinozuka Yoshio felt an invisible pressure pouring from Okamura Neiji's direction like a tide.

After a while, Okamura Ningji said, "I remember Shinozuka-kun said that you used to be an excellent student, right?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied, he seemed to have gotten used to Okamura Neiji's ramblings.

"Sometimes!" Neiji Okamura, who was sitting above, nodded politely and said, "I think Mr. Shinozuka should look at things from the perspective of a teacher. There is a Chinese idiom called 'teach students according to their aptitude' , Shinozuka-kun, do you know what this means?"

Yoshio Shinozuka hurriedly replied: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, please clarify!"

"It means that different students should be educated in different ways." Neiji Okamura patiently explained: "I have been an instructor in Japan for several years, and I have a deep feeling for this. Some students must be nice Persuasion; some students you need to use words to motivate; and some students, you just need to fight! Each of them has their own personality, doesn’t it?”

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshida replied, but he still didn't understand what Neiji Okamura's words had to do with the battle plan.

Neiji Okamura asked: "Does Shinozuka-kun think it is feasible to use one educational method for all students?"

"Of course not, Lieutenant General!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied.

"Then!" Okamura Ningji slowly pushed the battle plan in front of Shinozuka Yoshio with a blank face, and asked, "Why do you think that using the same army, the same tactics, and the same attack method against different enemies Is it doable?"

Shinozuka Yoshio finally understood what Okamura Neiji meant. He looked at Okamura Neiji in surprise and said, "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I don't understand. Aren't our enemies the same? They are both the Eighth Route Army..."

"Xiaozuka-kun!" Neiji Okamura interrupted Yoshio Shinozuka. He stood up, calmly walked to the map on the right wall, and said, "Although we are dealing with the Eighth Route Army, That's just a name. Our enemy, you should divide it into three parts: one part is the area that our army can control, I call this part the 'security zone'; one part is controlled by both sides The area, this part is called the 'quasi law and order area'; the other part is controlled by the Eighth Route Army, and it is difficult for our army to reach the 'unsafe area'."

Only then did Yoshio Shinozuka realize his mistake.

He simply regarded the Eighth Route Army as an opponent, and never divided it like Neiji Okamura.

At this time, Okamura Ningji reminded him that the situation was indeed like Okamura Ningji's analysis. There were obvious differences in the people, enemies and situations in these three districts.

Neiji Okamura turned around and asked Yoshio Shinozuka: "Isn't your battle plan just to educate different students in the same way?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied, feeling very ashamed.

Although it is a very simple truth, he doesn't know how to translate it into the military.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh, Lieutenant General Okamura's wisdom is really impressive!

"Now." Neji Okamura intends to test this subordinate. He stepped aside in front of the map and said, "I think Shinozuka-kun knows how to deal with the enemy!"

"Yes!" Yoshio Shinozuka stepped forward, and replied after a little thought: "We don't have too much pressure to fight in the 'security zone'! The main difficulty is the enemy's intelligence personnel lurking among the people. We should use the military police Squad and Guard!"

Seeing that Neiji Okamura did not object, Shinozuka Yoshio went on to say:

"'Quasi law and order area', we are facing more enemy guerrillas and militia forces, we should use mixed brigades to sweep them out!"

"The vicinity of the 'unsafe area' is the scope of activities of the main force of the Eighth Route Army. We should launch a surprise attack with the main force, find the main force of the Eighth Route Army and fight it!"

Neiji Okamura nodded in satisfaction. Yoshio Shinozuka's ability in specific implementation is quite good, but his countermeasures are not in place yet, and he is not courageous enough.

"Xiaozuka-kun, do you still remember what I told you about cutting grass and roots?" Okamura Neiji said: "The Eighth Route Army's military resources, financial resources, and material resources mainly come from the people in unsafe areas. If..."

Said Neiji Okamura drew a line on the map between the "quasi law and order area" and "not law and order" with his baton, and said: "If we separate them from here, then the Eighth Route Army will not be far from perishing." Already!"

Shinozuka Yoshio asked in surprise: "However, Lieutenant General, how to separate them? Do you send troops to garrison for a long time? That requires too many troops, and also consumes a lot of financial and material resources. This is something we can't do at this stage! "

Yoshio Shinozuka was right.

In the special terrain of mountains, the defending side may take advantage, but in plain areas, the attacking side often takes advantage.

The reason is that the defender does not know which point the attacker will attack, so they need to spread their forces evenly across the long defense line to defend every point.

On the other hand, the attacker can concentrate its forces, secretly look for the defender's weakness and then launch an attack suddenly.

This is the situation of the Japanese army at this time. If the Eighth Route Army is to be completely blocked and separated from the people, at least double or even more troops must be invested.

But Neiji Okamura smiled and shook his head. He looked coldly at the imaginary line drawn on the map, and said, "We just turn this area into a no-man's land, and that's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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