Chapter 127

During the battle, Li Yunlong wrapped a package of things with a poncho he found from the devil's corpse, ran to Wang Xuexin who was drinking water with his back leaning on the trench, threw it at his feet, and said, "Here, put it away." I!"

"What is it?" Wang Xuexin opened it curiously, and said "Yo" when he saw it: "Head, why are you so generous? At least thirty rounds!"

It turned out that what was wrapped in the poncho was a single round of bright yellow original bullets.

Li Yunlong stared and scolded in a low voice: "Can you keep your voice down, kid? Don't you understand the reason why you don't reveal your wealth?"

Wang Xuexin grinned, how could he have thought that this was secretly given by Li Yunlong!

Sure enough, someone came up immediately:

"Commander, why are there so many bullets?"

"Send me some too?"

"I'm almost done!"


"Go, go!" Li Yunlong waved his hands impatiently at them: "One day, you will be able to shoot like Xiao Dongbei. Let alone thirty bullets, I will give you one hundred bullets!"

Having said that, the soldiers could only leave unwillingly.

Huzi also muttered: "Isn't this intentional to embarrass others? Competing with the platoon leader for shooting?"

Li Yunlong ignored Huzi, he squatted beside Wang Xuexin, and said fiercely: "I said Xiao Dongbei, I took out a machine gun to collect these bullets for you, why don't you make ten times the profit of these bullets?" Come back, next time I won't give you a single shot!"

Wang Xuexin secretly thought that this was the case, and he was still doing business after doing it for a long time!One hair for ten, online loans are not so ruthless!
But Wang Xuexin didn't say anything. He skillfully picked the bullets and pressed them on the magazine, and replied confidently: "Commander, isn't it just a few hundred bullets? What a joke!"

Li Yunlong said "Hey" and praised: "Ambition! He is a soldier of my independent regiment! But when you said that, I remembered, what happened to your two shots hitting the car's fuel tank? A few cars of ammunition It’s so generous, it’s so generous! You don’t feel sorry for me, but I still feel sorry for you!”

"Commander, you are not being kind!" Wang Xuexin retorted: "That is the supply in the devil's hands. If the ammunition does not burn, it can be given to us, but it will hit us! It's not that my heart hurts, it's that there are more holes in my body, which makes it more painful!"

"Don't come around with me here!" Li Yunlong put on a rogue look: "The devil is not short of ammunition now, why didn't he give us more holes? Don't you look at the devil one by one , I lay down before I fired two shots! If you continue to fight like this, the devils have finished firing their ammunition, so can the ammunition be counted as devils' account?"

Wang Xuexin:  …

Li Yunlong has this ability, he can justify everything.

After a pause, Wang Xuexin asked: "Regimental Commander, our troops are running out of ammunition!"

Li Yunlong nodded with a serious expression: "If it wasn't for picking up some from the devil's corpse, we would have bottomed out a long time ago! The shells are almost finished!"

Wang Xuexin asked again: "When will the supplies be delivered?"

Li Yunlong shook his head, and squeezed out a word between his teeth: "Difficult!"

Wang Xuexin knew where the difficulties were.

The Eighth Route Army has a large number of troops, with a total strength of 40. Guarding the mountainous area and relying on the reverse slope fortifications to fight against more than [-] people from the three divisions of the Devils seems to have an advantage!
The problem is that the 6 devils have sufficient supplies, and the bullets and shells in the rear are almost continuously produced.

On the other hand, in the arsenal of the Eighth Route Army, even reloading bullets had to be picked up to produce them. The output was not bad for small-scale battles before, or barely enough for guerrilla warfare, but a large-scale battle with 10 people on the entire defense line like now And if you stick to it head-on, it will be stretched.

So it's not that the rear is unwilling to send ammunition and supplies to the front line, but that there is no ammunition at all.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin learned that the logistics of the Eighth Route Army were so urgent that they had to confiscate the ammunition of an army and send it to the front line!
But even if the east wall is demolished to make up for the west wall, it still cannot meet the needs of the front line.

It's no wonder that Li Yunlong would be worried about the trucks of ammunition burned by Wang Xuexin. There was a shortage of ammunition here, but the other side watched the ammunition trucks burn...

Wang Xuexin thinks further:
If the devil brigade in front of us is just the vanguard, does that mean that the enemy's brigade is still behind?
If the big troops are behind, it means that there will be more intense battles next.

At this time, the independent regiment's ammunition is almost bottomed out, so how can they deal with the upcoming battle?
Thinking about it, Wang Xuexin turned his attention to the group of cars in the encirclement. Although it had been burnt to pieces, there were still a few ammunition cars left.

This is the "credit" of the devil's auto soldiers. They drove the ammunition vehicle to the side of the road and left the road in time to avoid being affected by the fire, and drove the ammunition vehicle to a low-lying place that was difficult for several shells to hide.

In fact, it is not that the shells are difficult to reach, but that the newly produced [-] small cannons are not accurate enough, and the distance and height have not been measured in advance, so it is difficult to hit the target.

Li Yunlong looked at Wang Xuexin staring at those ammunition carts, and said angrily: "Don't think about good things, those ammunition is not our turn!"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin asked back: "What did you say just now? What did you say...the devils have finished firing their ammunition..."

"That was just now!" Li Yunlong interrupted Wang Xuexin: "Didn't you see that the devil has built a fortification now? Can you still pull out the teeth from the tiger's mouth?"

Although Li Yunlong's words were preposterous on the ammunition issue, he was right about the devils building fortifications to protect the ammunition.

The ammunition truck couldn't get out because the road was blocked at both ends, and it was always in the encirclement.

But the devils were unwilling to give up this batch of ammunition, so they sent a squadron of 200 people to stay in the encirclement to guard.

The Eighth Route Army had to rely on the fortifications on the reverse slope to fight. It would be another matter if they went down the mountain to attack the devil's position.

In fact, if it was just a squadron of devils, it could still be taken. After all, this squadron is within the encirclement of the Eighth Route Army.

The problem is that the devils who withdraw from the encirclement will not sit back and watch the squadron be surrounded and wiped out, nor will they watch the ammunition fall into the hands of the Eighth Route Army!
One is not good. After such a struggle, the battlefield will be transferred from the anti-slope fortifications to the foot of the mountain. That is not a good thing for the Eighth Route Army!
That's why Li Yunlong was so angry that he yelled: "Damn it, you can't even eat the meat that's in your mouth!"

Wang Xuexin thought for a while and said, "Why don't we try it?"

"Do you have a way?" Li Yunlong's eyes lit up, and then he laughed "hehe", patted his chest and pretended to be generous: "Xiao Dongbei, if you really have a way to get this batch of ammunition, I didn't say anything, I will send you a hundred rounds of bullets personally !"

Wang Xuexin:  …

What a fucking pick!
(End of this chapter)

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