Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1295 Parachute

Chapter 1295 Parachute
The sky was drizzling, and the heavily armed paratroopers arranged their formation in units of platoons. Under the command of the platoon leader, they counted the number of people tensely. A C47 was lined up in an orderly manner on the airport separated by several runways. Under the instructions of the ground crew, the fire was started, and the propellers roared in an instant, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gasoline, as if the soldiers had been brought to the battlefield.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wang Xuexin nodded to Chen Songyong beside him.

Chen Songyong immediately ordered: "Let's go!"

"set off!"


Soldiers walked into the C47 engine room from the rear in two rows, and the engine room was slowly closed under the direction of the signal light, and then slowly moved forward on the runway, faster and faster, and finally roared into the sky Rush to the distance in the night...

Chen Songyong looked at the C47s taking off one after another, and said with some concern: "Commander, this is their first time flying in an airplane, and it is also the first time they have parachuted from an airplane!"

Wang Xuexin nodded.

This is indeed a bit difficult for them. They were sent to the battlefield before they had time to train a few times, and they were parachuted in the dark.

But this is the battlefield, and Wang Xuexin has no choice.

"There is always a first time!" Wang Xuexin said.

He believes that the soldiers can overcome these difficulties, because they are the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army who crossed the grassland and climbed the snow-capped mountains did not fail their Eighth Route Army. What is the first time flying an airplane and parachuting for the first time?
The moment the plane took off, Wang Shuheng's stomach began to churn. He was not used to the smell of gasoline after fighting on the ground for a long time. What made him feel even more stressed was that 28 heavily armed soldiers were suffocating in this small cabin. The turbid air made Wang Shuheng feel breathless.

He wanted to vomit, but he held it back.

Not for any reason, just because he is the head of the regiment... If he, the head of the regiment, behaves so badly in front of his subordinates, then the morale of the entire army may be affected.

In fact, this was Wang Shuheng's overthinking. When the airborne regiment boarded the plane, it was already divided into small groups that could not be contacted with each other. Even if Wang Shuheng vomited something ugly, it was only known to the 28 people in the cabin where he was.

But Wang Shuheng has always been very stubborn. Before, he was shot through two holes in the abdomen by the devil's [-] big cover and he didn't say a word. Now this discomfort is nothing.

However, soon Wang Shuheng found out that he was wrong. Soon the plane encountered violent turbulence in the air. Wang Shuheng couldn't hold back the "wow" and vomited it out. Suddenly, the cabin was filled with a sour smell. taste.

Wang Shuheng was embarrassed for a while, he wiped his mouth and said, "Damn it, I shouldn't be so full if I knew it earlier!"

No one answered, only a few snickers came from the darkness.

Liyuan is more than 400 kilometers away from Yanmen Pass, and it took more than an hour for the C47 to fly at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour before reaching the sky over Yanmen Pass.

Because it is dark night, there is no need to consider the interception of Devil fighters... Actually, it needs to be considered, Devils have night fighters.

But the devil's night fighter actually relies on sight, it just adds a machine gunner in the rear cabin.

This kind of night fighter can still play some role when there is moonlight, but tonight the moon is dark and the wind is high and there is light rain, even if the night fighter is sent, it is useless.

Then, under the instructions of the pilot, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army jumped out of the open cabin door one by one...

At this time Okamura Ningji already knew that a group of planes flew to the rear of the empire, which was observed by radar.

Neiji Okamura was a little surprised when he heard this information. What is the Eighth Route Army's intention?
Could it be the mechanized troops that sent fighter planes to bomb the empire?
Or to deliver supplies to the Eighth Route Army?
None of this makes sense...

At this time, Neiji Okamura did not know that the Eighth Route Army had formed an airborne force, so he never imagined that this was an airborne operation against Yanmen Pass.

Until a communication soldier almost screamed and reported: "Your Excellency, Yanmen Pass... the airborne troops of the Eighth Route Army, they parachuted there!"

"What? Airborne troops!" Okamura Ningji's face changed drastically: "The Eighth Route Army actually has airborne troops!"

Dazed for a moment, he quickly ordered: "Quick, send reinforcements to Yanmen Pass immediately!"

However, it was too late to realize this.

Unfavorable information came to Neiji Okamura one after another:

"Your Excellency, the railway leading to Yanmen Pass has been blown up!"

"Route 19 bridge blown up!"

"Mines and guerrillas found on Highway 8!"


Just kidding, Wang Xuexin has taught Yingjiang how to coordinate the airborne troops with the guerrillas, how could he not know how to use it?
Long before the airborne, he had contacted the guerrillas in the Yanmen Pass area through the headquarters.

The guerrillas near Yanmen Pass were quite large, and one company was a regular army of the Eighth Route Army.

This is mainly because there are many mountains around Yanmen Pass, and these mountains are also connected to the Taihang and Luliang Mountains on both sides, which is very suitable for guerrillas to sneak in and disrupt traffic.

But that's why there are so many gun towers, bunkers and barbed wire fences near Yanmen Pass, in order to block the guerrillas from destroying the traffic line of Yanmen Pass.

The problem is that what the guerrillas destroyed this time was not the line of communication near Yanmen Pass, but to prevent the devil's reinforcements from reinforcing Yanmen Pass.

Therefore, the guerrillas launched about [-] kilometers north and south with Yanmenguan as the center, bombing bridges and railways, or laying mines or sticking to a certain high ground to buy time for the airborne troops.

The result is that the devil's reinforcements are unable to move an inch and cannot effectively implement reinforcements for a while.

The Eighth Route Army airborne troops parachuted down to both sides of Yanmen Pass like beans... According to the plan, one battalion of the Eighth Route Army parachuted down to the north side of Yanmen Pass, and two battalions parachuted down to the south side of Yanmen Pass, and then attacked Yanmen Pass at the same time.

Guarding Yanmen Pass is a squadron of 150 devils, and there is also a transportation brigade of more than 300 people... This transportation brigade just happened to transport ammunition and supplies to Yanmen Pass, and drove more than 100 vehicles full of military supplies. The car was parachuted by the Eighth Route Army on both sides and blocked at Yanmenguan.

This can also be regarded as one of the benefits of defeating Yanmen Pass:

Yanmen Pass is an important traffic road, and all ammunition and shells produced in Taiyuan Arsenal must pass through Yanmen Pass to be transported to the front line.

If the Eighth Route Army occupied Yanmen Pass, it would be equivalent to jamming the neck of the devils and preventing the two divisions north of Yanmen Pass and a large number of puppet troops from getting supplies.

No need to think about the result.

If the devils cannot get through the Yanmen Pass in time, their attack on the Eighth Route Army's Longxi Airport will be a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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