Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1300 Applications

Chapter 1300 Applications
Wang Xuexin has some understanding of "Turing Machine".

This is not something in the textbook, but the "intelligent" university lecturer who often sighed when he was learning the basics of computers: "Many things in this world have theories after the creation of entities, but computers are the exception." , it has the theory first and then invents the reality..."

This theory refers to the "Turing machine".

"Turing Machine" was not originally called "Turing Machine". He was a paper published by Turing in the Journal of Mathematics. The title of the paper was "On the Application of Digital Computers in Decision-making Problems".

It talks about the problems in real life, which can be converted into numbers and solved by machines in the end, which means that the entity of computers can also be called artificial intelligence.

These are things Wang Xuexin doesn't know, he only knows "Turing machine".

Turing machine is a name given by later generations to commemorate the theory that Turing expounded in this paper...Turing machine is not a machine, it is a theoretical concept, imagining a machine with read and write, storage and processing instructions machine.

If you talk about Wang Xuexin, there is no problem, because this is the hardware system of the computer, but it has not been realized yet.

This gave Wang Xuexin confidence, and he replied: "Yes, Mr. Turing, your article touched me a lot. You proved in theory that it is feasible to use machines to solve practical problems. This is also true. One of the reasons why we decided to develop a relay computer. It can be said that our research and development was guided by you, but we didn't know..."

"It's just that you don't know that you have walked the same road as us!" Turing laughed happily: "And you are still ahead of us and more advanced than us!"

Wang Xuexin quickly replied: "No, no, we haven't succeeded yet, but yours can already decipher the code!"

Wang Xuexin is telling the truth, because he actually has nothing.

Turing looked at the bomb defense hole where Wang Xuexin was, and sighed: "No, Comrade Commander, you are only limited by conditions. If you can have a better environment or concentrate on research and development... I believe you will be faster than us." many!"

Wang Xuexin secretly felt ashamed. Even if he, a modern person, has learned advanced knowledge, he still feels that he is not good enough in front of Turing, a genius.

"So..." At this moment Turing changed the subject and said, "Comrade leader, I want to hear your opinion on the paper! Is it possible to realize it?"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied with certainty: "In fact, we are already on the road to realization, aren't we? However, if we want to truly realize and make this kind of machine available to everyone, I think there is still a long way to go." Way to go!"

"Everyone can use it?" Turing's eyes widened. He just wanted to realize this kind of machine, but never thought that it could be developed into the problem of "everyone can use it".

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin said: "Isn't that what your paper said? There is a machine that can establish connections with the real world and solve some complicated tasks by operating pure mathematical symbols and logic. One day, of course Everyone can use this machine to realize its value, instead of just lying in the room and deciphering military codes for war service!"

Turing seemed stunned by Wang Xuexin's idea, so much so that he stuttered: "It, it...but it is too big!"

"One day it will become smaller!" Wang Xuexin said: "It's like we use relays instead of mechanical units, which reduces its volume several times! One day, I believe it will shrink to the point where it can be carried around , just like radios today!"

In fact, modern notebooks are much smaller than radios of this era.

But it was already hard for Turing to imagine, his face flushed with excitement like a child being praised, his eyes full of anticipation.

It took him a while to calm down and said, "But, Comrade Commander! I think that if we want to develop to that point, at least a few problems need to be solved, such is not something that ordinary people can operate!"

Of course Wang Xuexin understood what Turing meant.

Computers at this time are not like modern computers. At this time, anyone who can operate a computer can be said to be an expert... because its components only have two states of "power on" and "no power", and the stored data is only "0" and "1", the operation is to plug in and connect wires according to the logical relationship of the data. Ordinary people are confused when they see it, and they don't know what it means.

In fact, let alone ordinary people, even the two Chinese mathematicians sent by Wang Xuexin to study with Qiong still have a half-understanding.

If so, is it possible for this kind of machine to enter the homes of ordinary people so that everyone can use it?
But Wang Xuexin was very confident, and he replied: "I don't think they need to operate like us, Mr. Turing! Just imagine, according to your theory, machines can solve real problems, so why don't we use machines to solve input and output problems?" Question? To put it simply, it is to accept the input method that ordinary people are used to, such as decimal numbers, and the machine converts them into binary, and then displays them back to decimal for ordinary people after the operation..."

Turing couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, and praised: "A very good idea, this is completely achievable in theory!"

Of course it can be done, and it's not difficult at all if it's just decimal numbers.

According to the theory of "Turing machine", any problem in reality can be converted into a mathematical problem and solved, that is the problem of further conversion.

"My visit this time is actually related to this problem!" Turing took out a document from his bag and said, "Comrade leader, I put your floating-point calculations in 'Christopher'...that's mine." I have tried it on a mechanical computer, it can indeed improve the precision and make full use of the storage unit, but there will be many wirings that are much more complicated than fixed-point operations during operation, which will cause us many problems in operation!"

Wang Xuexin flipped through the document, and it was actually Turing's sketch.

Wang Xuexin found that he couldn't understand it at all, because what he drew was the wiring method for floating-point operations, just like circuit diagrams.

Turing pointed to the sketch beside him and introduced: "This is the order code! I think floating-point operations need to correct the order, and then perform mantissa operations, and then consider rounding and overflow issues, as well as normalized storage. ..."

Wang Xuexin is like listening to the scriptures. Although he knows floating-point calculations, he has never actually used them, and the computers of this era still use wiring to calculate.

Just when Wang Xuexin was confused and embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, the system "ding": "Solution, [-] million military industrial coins, will the host buy it?"

Wang Xuexin said "fuck" in his heart, this broken system will really take advantage of people's danger!Knowing that I have to buy it at this time, I just open my mouth for [-] million...

(End of this chapter)

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