Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1316 Ground Mapping Radar

Chapter 1316 Ground Mapping Radar
Wang Xuexin returned to Liyuan Airport with disappointment.

He didn't ask Su Liguo to start the research on artillery detection radar... If a project can't be proved to be feasible in theory, it will only be a waste of time and money to start it hastily.

Wang Xuexin originally wanted to ask the system for help on this issue, but quickly dismissed the idea.

What the system gives is just technology. As long as Wang Xuexin can afford the military currency, the technology it gives to Dongfeng Express is fine.

The question is can the Eighth Route Army build it?

What is the use of these technologies if they cannot be produced and converted into physical objects?

Therefore, Wang Xuexin knew very well that the system would not be of much help.

If it could, the system would have made a "ding" sound, how many military coins are the solution, and whether the host has bought it!
Unexpectedly, at this moment, the system "ding": "The solution is [-] million military industrial coins, will the host buy it?"

Let me go... If there is a solution, why don't you tell me sooner?
Fucking [-] million!Isn't Lao Tzu starting from scratch again?

But it can't be said that he is poor and white. Wang Xuexin has already exchanged 5000 million US dollars in his account for preparation funds.

2000 million military industrial coins, this is another [-] million US dollars, real money, can only buy one solution?
But after thinking about it, Wang Xuexin believed that whether this problem could be solved was very important to the future operations and development of the Eighth Route Army, and it could even be said that it opened up a new field, so he gritted his teeth and chose to buy it.

The system "beeps" and jumps out of a three-dimensional interface, which looks like a radar, and there is a text introduction below:
"Name: AN/APS-15 Surface Mapping Radar"

"Nickname: Mickey"

"R&D Country: Eagle Sauce"

"Development time: March 1941"

"When put into service: February 1943"


Looking at this information, Wang Xuexin couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Wouldn't it be worth 2000 million military industrial coins or [-] million US dollars just like that?
I have seen a pig butcher, but I have never seen such a pig butcher!
But Wang Xuexin still suffers from being dumb after all. Who made this the information age?

If it wasn't for the system saying that Yingjiang has such a surveying and mapping radar, how would Wang Xuexin know that there is such a thing?
ask others?
Just kidding, radar is the latest technology in this era. Yingchan has developed such a thing because of the rapid development of industry and is at the forefront of the world. It is estimated that this surveying and mapping radar is a military secret for Yingchan. Others don't even know.

But then the question arises: if this is Yingjiang's high technology and it is still a military secret, how does Wang Xuexin know and buy it from Yingjiang?

Wang Xuexin was still thinking:

How about we build a similar ground mapping radar ourselves?

Anyway, the Eighth Route Army already has a Mark 3 radar, and there is a C47 transport aircraft. Wouldn’t it be enough to move the Mark 3 radar to the C47 for ground surveying and mapping?
But after taking a closer look at Yingjiang's AN/APS-15 ground mapping radar, Wang Xuexin gave up this idea.

"Band: X, wavelength 3 cm"

"Error: 150 meters"

Yingjiang’s X-band radar with a wavelength of only 3 centimeters has a surveying error of 150 meters. If Wang Xuexin reluctantly puts the Mark 3 radar on an aircraft for surveying and mapping, the error will at least double, right?

If the error of the digital map reaches hundreds of meters, and then Mark 3 detects the shells and then makes some errors... If the two errors are added together, can the artillery still accurately hit the enemy artillery positions?
If it can't be hit accurately, is this gun detection radar still meaningful?
What's more, the Eighth Route Army only has the Mark 3 medium-wave radar at this time, and they need a microwave radar with higher accuracy... One day in the future, Su Liguo will be able to develop his own microwave radar and further improve the accuracy of the gun detection radar.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin no longer hesitated. He habitually wanted to send a report to Sun Erwei, but after thinking about it for a while, he asked the correspondent to call Derek.

Within 10 minutes, Derek appeared in Wang Xuexin's office.

This is because Derek and his men have been in the training camp of the Airborne Forces during this period, especially after the Airborne Forces withdrew from Yanmen Pass.

Needless to say why Derek did this, he just wanted to learn more and more comprehensive airborne tactics from the Eighth Route Army airborne troops... This is definitely a kind of irony, their military advisory group was originally here to teach the Eighth Route Army how to carry out airborne Those who fought, but now they are learning airborne operations from the Eighth Route Army.

"Comrade Commander!" Derek said to Wang Xuexin with embarrassment as soon as he entered the office: "First of all, congratulations on your brilliant victory in the airborne operation at Yanmen Pass. Secondly, I think I should apologize to you. Prove you right, you know more about airborne operations than we do!"

Then without waiting for Wang Xuexin to answer, Derek said again: "But this is also what I find strange, Comrade Commander, you have never had an airborne operation before. You didn't even have a transport plane before, but you were able to carry out a nearly perfect airborne operation." Combat... If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it was real!"

To be precise, Derek did not "see it with his own eyes", but the entire process of the Eighth Route Army's airborne operations and command remained transparent to Derek. After all, Derek and others are military advisers, and they may make suggestions on command.

But until the end, Derek couldn't make any suggestions, because in his opinion, this is the combat mode that an airborne force should have.

"It's nothing, Captain!" Wang Xuexin replied: "There is a saying that 'all roads lead to Rome'. Although this is an airborne combat that we have never been in contact with, whether it is airborne or land combat, they are all It’s connected, isn’t it? All we need is some imagination, and then we know what we should do!”

Derek nodded in admiration. He believed what Wang Xuexin said was true, because there was no other explanation except this statement.

Of course Derek didn't know that Wang Xuexin's tactics were based on modern knowledge rather than imagination.

Wang Xuexin called Derek, but that wasn't what he was talking about. He changed the topic and said, "But this time, our airborne operations were not as perfect as you said. Some of our troops parachuted into the mountains and caused some damage. Heartbreaking casualties! I wonder if there is a way we can avoid this loss?"

When Wang Xuexin said this, he paid attention to Derek's expression.

Seeing Derek's hesitant expression, he knew that his guess was right... Eagle Sauce must have equipped the airborne troops with that ground surveying and mapping radar.

At this time, the 82nd Airborne Division was still the first and only airborne unit of Eagle Sauce. As a member of it, Captain Derek would of course know of the existence of this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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