Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1320 Small Caliber

Chapter 1320 Small Caliber

"But!" Sun Erwei immediately asked Wang Xuexin in doubt: "Aren't you using it to equip the airborne troops for airborne? Why do you need five?"

According to common sense, the airborne troops do not need as many as five, and even the 82nd Airborne Division of Yingjiang only has two... In principle, it is enough to have one ground surveying and mapping radar to follow when airborne at night, and the surveyors can detect it from the radar. Judging whether it has reached the target area on the terrain, and then giving an order to the airborne troops to parachute.

However, the airborne troops of the Eighth Route Army only have one regiment, and one or two units is enough to meet the demand.

This problem caught Wang Xuexin by surprise, but Wang Xuexin quickly found an excuse: "First of all, we plan to expand the airborne force. We have 50 C47s, and one airborne regiment can be airborne in one batch. We can prepare the second batch." , the third batch... so there is no problem with an airborne division."

Sun Erwei nodded in agreement.

There is nothing wrong with this statement. The C47 can be delivered repeatedly, and 50 aircraft can barely meet the needs of an airborne division.

The reason why I say "barely" is that it is not enough for Yingjiang. They also need to airdrop a large amount of supplies while airdropping troops.

Wang Xuexin continued: "Secondly, we use it to fight against the enemy on the front line. We cannot guarantee that these aircraft and radars will not be shot down or disabled by the enemy. In addition, there are malfunctions... We cannot produce this kind of radar. In order to To prevent the airborne troops from facing the situation that there is no such thing available, it is not too much to prepare five units, right?"

What Wang Xuexin said was reasonable and made Sun Erwei speechless.

How did Sun Erwei know that Wang Xuexin wanted this kind of radar not for the airborne troops but for the artillery!
If it is used for artillery and is used to make digital maps, it is necessary to fly all the relevant areas before the war to record all the data of each place.

Only one or two radars can handle the job?

Sun Erwei still wanted to say something, but he didn't want to be preempted by Wang Xuexin again.

"There is no room for bargaining, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin said, "This is already our minimum requirement. If you think about it from our perspective, if there are no five units, then our army will probably lose them in the near future." Faced with the point where there is no radar available, that is, it does not mean much to us, so you give me a reason, why should I make this deal with you?"

Sun Erwei was stunned. Hearing what Wang Xuexin said, it seemed that it was true... It was not a question of whether there were too many, but whether it was useful or not.

It's common sense that no one will spend a lot of money on something that doesn't work for them!
What's more... the bursting rifle can affect the whole body with one stroke. This is related to the overall improvement of the combat effectiveness of the entire army. It seems that a small matter is actually a big matter.

If Wang Xuexin can really provide a suitable solution, this deal may not necessarily be a loss.

Thinking of this, Sun Erwei nodded slowly and said: "Okay, Wang, I will report this matter to my superiors. Now, can you tell me about your solution? In your design plan, how do you ensure that the continuous firing rifle Is it a matter of range?"

Wang Xuexin only answered two points: "Reduce the caliber and shorten the twist of the rifling!"

At first, Sun Erwei felt that this was a bit too simple, but after thinking about it, he realized that this might indeed be feasible.

Reducing the caliber means that the warhead of the bullet will also become smaller, and a small warhead means that there is less air resistance, so of course it can fly farther.

Shorten the twist of the rifling, which means that the barrel of the same length has denser rifling, which will increase the speed at which the bullet is ejected from the chamber. The increase in speed means that it will fly more smoothly in the air, and the accuracy and range will also increase.

Hearing this, Sun Erwei knew that what Wang Xuexin said was true, he was a person capable of developing a burst rifle and improving its range, at least he knew how to improve it.

"So..." Sun Erwei asked again: "What can you give us? Just this suggestion? I don't think this is enough!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin took out a piece of paper from the drawer and handed it up. It was a sketch of M16 that Wang Xuexin took some time to draw.

"This is the preliminary design I made according to your needs!" Wang Xuexin said: "If your radar can satisfy us, then this is not a sketch, but a complete design drawing!"

After Sun Erwei took the sketch, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was a pretty perfect rifle structure diagram, from the barrel design to the gun body to the butt... Although Sun Erwei couldn't judge it without seeing the real thing, But he had tried the AK47 before and knew what it was like to shoot with such a gun.

Another thing that surprised Sun Erwei was that he originally thought that Wang Xuexin just changed the Eighth Route Army's repeating rifle and sold it to Yingjiang, but now it seems that these are two completely different styles of repeating rifles.

"It's beautiful!" Sun Erwei praised sincerely: "Moreover, it looks cool!"

Wang Xuexin just smiled, of course he knew that this kind of rifle was in line with Yingjiang's aesthetics, because this is what they will develop themselves in the future.

Sometimes Wang Xuexin feels that he is a little immoral: he develops Mao Xiong's stuff in advance and sells it to Mao Xiong, develops Ying Jiang's stuff in advance and sells it to Ying Jiang, and even sells a lot of things that cannot be bought with money. high tech stuff.

But after thinking about it, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. Who let themselves be a modern person and know more than them?

The point is still that what is discussed between countries is interests, who would consider this moral issue!

"I...can I keep this sketch?" Sun Erwei asked: "I hope to let our scientists see, their judgment will be more convincing!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin said.

He wasn't worried that the scientists of Eagle Sauce could figure out the M16 after reading the sketch.

Because the gun is not the key point at all, just like the situation when Wang Xuexin asked Mao Xiong to develop the intermediate power bullet, the bullet is the key point.

Although the eagle sauce scientists know that the caliber should be reduced to shorten the twist distance, they don't know how many calibers can ensure the power of the bullet and its range, and they don't know how much to shorten the twist distance.

If eagle sauce scientists want to figure out these, they need to go through countless experiments and comparisons before they can finally finalize them.

And all of these are just a number to Wang Xuexin.

Later, Wang Xuexin heard that the scientists of Yingjiang were severely reprimanded by President Yingjiang for this reason.

Needless to say what the reason is, President Yingjiang finds it unbelievable that a team leader in Huaxia can easily do what their team of so many top scientists can't do...

There is only one explanation, either the head of Huaxia is a genius, or their scientists are all trash!
(End of this chapter)

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