Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1322 Advance

Chapter 1322 Advance
The second thing Wang Xuexin did was to call Ban Haolin and Chen Jiefeng who were studying with Qiong.

The reason why they are looking for them instead of Turing or Joan is because this is a military secret, and nothing can be disclosed to Sun Never Set.

When Ban and Chen stood in front of Wang Xuexin, Wang Xuexin exchanged a few words with them first, and then said with a tone of testing them: "You two, if we know two points on the parabola and want to calculate the entire parabola , can it be done with a computer?"

Wang Xuexin originally thought that Ban and Chen would say "yes", but they didn't expect them to answer without any hesitation: "No!"

"No?" Hearing this, Wang Xuexin couldn't help frowning.

He also thought that Ban and Chen didn't learn any skills from Qiong, and he didn't want Ban Haolin to explain hesitantly: "Leader, to determine the trajectory of a parabola, you must...know three points!"

Wang Xuexin said "oh", it seems to be the case... Two points can determine a straight line but not a parabola!

I only blamed myself for not learning mathematics well at the beginning, and I could even make mistakes about this matter.

Su Liguo is not a mathematics major, and in this era, basic science education in China has not yet been popularized, so no one discovered this mistake for a while.

In other words, the speed of the radar has to be increased, otherwise it will not be able to detect the three points... I will remind Su Liguo later!

Wang Xuexin settled down, and said with a little embarrassment: "So, if you know three points, can you calculate it?"

"Yes! Of course you can!" This time, Ban Chen and the two nodded happily.

Wang Xuexin asked again: "Can you do independent wiring?"

This is slightly different from modern computers.

Modern computers are programmed to calculate, but computers in this period need to be connected in advance according to certain rules.

What Wang Xuexin said made the talkative Ban Haolin start talking.

"Head!" Ban Haolin said: "Speaking of which, we still have to thank you. If you hadn't invented the 'C language', we would have been confused for a long time and couldn't find it. If you asked us if we could If we can't solve this problem, we're really not sure! But now... this is a small problem!"

"Yes!" Chen Jiefeng also nodded confidently and said, "It's a matter of time at most to be able to complete it independently. Test it a few more times. If the result is not right, let's spend some time to find the error, and it will always be solved!"

"That's good!" Wang Xuexin nodded.

This question is really not difficult for programming. Wang Xuexin believed that Ban and Chen could do it, otherwise they would not be worthy of being called mathematicians.

Then Wang Xuexin asked another question: "So, what if you use tubes instead of relays? Can you do it?"

It is not impossible to use a relay computer to calculate the trajectory of the gun detection radar. In fact, the calculation speed of the relay computer is sufficient. The problem is that the relay computer is large and heavy. Any calculation unit is as big as a ten-square-meter house. This is obviously not suitable for land operations, especially artillery operations.

Moreover, the development of computers will sooner or later develop in the direction of electronic tubes. If Huaxia wants to have a technological advantage in this area, it must be ahead of others.

Wang Xuexin's words made Ban and Chen stunned on the spot. After looking at each other, they each replied:

"Head, isn't this a bit ahead of the curve? Our relay computer hasn't been developed yet!"

"Yes, leader! The sun never sets and we have only developed to the stage of relay computing, so we started working on electronic tubes?"

It's no wonder that the two of them thought so. The gap between China and the Western powers at this time was so great that intellectuals in China didn't dare to look directly at them. It means that it is not bad to learn from the great powers, but you still want to catch up?Dream it!

If it was the past, objectively speaking, what Ban and Chen said was true. At this time, Huaxia should take it step by step and take it slow. You can't rush for success and think about making electronic tubes before the relay is out.

But it’s different now. Wang Xuexin, a person from modern times, knows which direction and how the computer will develop... It’s a fool not to advance.

Wang Xuexin believed that the self-confidence of Ban and Chen should be established at this time, so he said without haste: "You two, the reason why Joan and Turing and other technicians who never set the sun have not told you too much , because this project is the top secret on which the sun never sets, and this will cause the two of you to misunderstand!"

"Misunderstanding?" Chen Jiefeng heard the overtones of Wang Xuexin's words, and he asked suspiciously: "Boss, what do you mean..."

Wang Xuexin asked instead of answering: "Do you think, why did these researchers come to China? As they said, they helped our army decipher the devil's code? If it was just to decipher the code, why did Turing, the invention of the 'universal decoding machine' Why do you want to come here? Why do you start research on relay computers in Huaxia and are willing to cooperate with Huaxia? Have you thought about these issues?"

How could Ban and Chen have thought of this when they were concentrating on research work during this period of time? It is really puzzling to hear Wang Xuexin's words at this time.

Among them, especially the relay computer... There is no need to cooperate with Huaxia when the sun never sets, because the whole team and Chen are both studying, and they basically don't help in research and development.

The sun never sets, why bother to disclose such advanced technology to Huaxia, and even lead Ban and Chen like apprentices?
Wang Xuexin waited for a while, and saw that Ban and Chen had no idea about these issues... In fact, it was not that they had no clue, but that they simply dared to imagine that Huaxia could surpass the sun never sets in this respect.

Then Wang Xuexin gave the answer: "Because, we provide the relay computer technology to the sun that never sets!"

Ban and Chen were instantly speechless in shock.

After a while, Ban Haolin stammered and said: "Tuan, group leader... This, this is not right! If we have... this technology, why do we have to learn from them?"

"We have the technology but no equipment!" Wang Xuexin replied: "As you know, relay computers have high requirements on the reliability of relays. We cannot guarantee that so many relays can work at the same time, so we have to cooperate! That's why you can follow the sun forever." Let's develop together!"

Ban and Chen still couldn't believe it, but... only in this way can all these questions make sense!So it is not allowed for them not to believe it.

Finally, Wang Xuexin said: "Now, do you think we can't catch up before the sun never sets? Do we have to stop and wait for them?"

(End of this chapter)

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