Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1325 Change Program

Chapter 1325 Change Program
Then Wang Xuexin figured it out: Since Hans will use missiles in advance in the direction where the sun never sets, of course he will not let go of using missiles in the direction of Mao Xiong, especially in the direction of Mao Xiong. It is very suitable for use...

For example, in the Battle of Stalingrad, Hans originally planned to bomb Stalingrad with giant artillery.

It is said that Hans' giant cannon needs more than a month just to set it up, and then it also needs to transport shells and almost hell-level maintenance work.

Compared with cannons, missiles can achieve similar bombing effects but save a lot of logistical troubles, so why not use them?

The most important thing is that missiles are cheap and can be bombed in batches. Is that a huge threat to the Stalin Tractor Factory in Stalingrad, which is continuously producing T34s and driving them directly to the battlefield?

If the tractor factory was bombed by Hans, and the artillery that Mao Xiong was proud of was suppressed by Hans missiles but could not fight back, would Stalin still be able to hold on like history?

As for the Baku oil fields, Hans' army has always been blocked by the Caucasus Mountains and cannot approach and threaten Baku, while Mao Xiong's army can continue to get supplies from Baku.

Now that Hans has missiles, isn't it easy to hit Baku and cause a fire to destroy the bear's oil base?
This can have too much impact, because at this time, 70% of the bear's oil comes from Baku.

Once Hans made up his mind that "you can't get what I can't get", and then blew up the Baku oil field and oil refinery into a sea of ​​flames, the bear would immediately lose 70% of its fuel.

Then Mao Xiong's planes, cars, tanks, etc. all stopped moving.

Under such circumstances, the legendary Battle of Kursk, which is the largest tank battle in the world, will Mao Xiong win?

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin realized that his invention had a butterfly effect: because Huaxia had missiles, Hans' missiles came out ahead of time, and the early release of Hans' missiles had little effect on the never-setting sun, but it had a great impact on Mao Xiong's. The impact is significant.

"Comrade Commander!" Lemon Lokoff said, "Actually, even if you didn't let me come this time, I would find a way to meet you. I know that you also have such missiles. We need missiles for this transaction." drawings, just mention what you need, as long as we have it!"

This is a great temptation for Wang Xuexin, because Wang Xuexin originally wanted to sell the projectile drawings to Mao Xiong... This thing has already been sold to Sunbuset and Yingjiang, and more importantly, with the success of miniaturization of electronic tubes, the old models Missiles are about to fall behind. For Huaxia, it is something that is about to be eliminated. If it is not sold at this time, when will it be?
But Wang Xuexin thinks it can't do that.

Because if the bear loses this war, the impact will be too great. Once Hans captures Stalingrad, he will not only cut off the connection between the Baku oil field and other places of the bear, but also surround it from the flanks to the rear of Moscow. Mao Xiong's defense line is likely to collapse.

Once Mao Xiong is defeated by Hans, the devils will have no threat from the Far East. Not only can they join forces with Hans and directly receive Hans' technical and equipment support, but they can also turn all the hundreds of thousands of Kwantung troops stationed in the Northeast to China...

This is what Wang Xuexin does not want to see.

So it's not just a matter of doing business, it's a matter of strategic decision-making.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin shook his head and said, "No, Comrade Lemon Lokoff, I don't think you can solve the problem even if you buy the blueprint of the missile and produce this missile!"

Lemon Lokoff asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Wang Xuexin asked without answering: "May I know, if you produce this kind of missile, how do you plan to deal with Hans?"

"Destroy Hans's missile base with missiles, of course!" Lemon Lokoff replied without thinking, "You know, Comrade Commander! We don't have air superiority and cannot approach and destroy Hans's missiles from the air. On the other hand, we There is no equipment that has a range of two hundred kilometers, so we are very passive!"

Of course Wang Xuexin understood what Lemon Lokoff meant. Wang Xuexin developed missiles in order to have the advantage of "I can hit the enemy but not me".


Wang Xuexin analyzed: "Let's seriously consider this issue, Comrade Lemon Lokoff! I mean when you and Hans have missiles..."

As he spoke, Wang Xuexin put a stack of documents on the table and said, "This is Baku!"

Then he put some matches on the other side of the table and said, "This is Hans's missile base, and they can still move! But Baku can't move..."

Speaking of this, Lemon Lokoff realized where the problem was:
Baku is large and immobile, while Hans' missile base is small and mobile.

In this case, even Mao Xiong has missiles that can theoretically hit Hans' missile base... But Hans can easily achieve his goal, which is to hit Baku, but Mao Xiong has a hard time destroying Hans' missile base.

Wang Xuexin said: "I hope you understand that although missiles have a long range, they are not accurate enough. Therefore, your wish to use missiles to counter missiles may be difficult to realize! If you must do this..."

As he spoke, Wang Xuexin spread his hands and said, "I don't care, as long as I can complete the transaction and get what I want, that's enough!"

Lemon Lokoff is a smart man, he immediately understood what Wang Xuexin said made sense, just like the best way to deal with tanks is not tanks but bazookas, and the best way to deal with snipers is not snipers but artillery.

In the same way, the best way to deal with missiles is not missiles, but...

"So!" Lemon Lokoff said, frowning, "What do we do with it?"

Yeah, how to deal with missiles?
Wang Xuexin hesitated for a while, and then suddenly realized that his gun detection radar might welcome its first customer before it was successfully developed...

If the gun detection radar can calculate the trajectory of the shell, can it calculate the trajectory of the missile and the trajectory of the anti-aircraft gun, and then let them meet in the air as close as possible?

This idea will not work in Huaxia, because the Devil's missile that Huaxia faces is a "man-operated missile", which is controlled by humans, can turn and change the trajectory.

However, Hans's missile is controlled by the control system to maintain a stable flight attitude. After the gun detection radar detects it, it can easily infer its attitude.

On the other hand, Mao Xiong does not have a proximity fuze. Using anti-aircraft guns requires manual estimation of the target's height, speed, etc. If there is a computer combined with the trajectory of the anti-aircraft gun to directly give accurate parameters...then the accuracy will be higher and the speed will be faster ?

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin couldn't help nodding slightly, what he has to do, maybe change the program of the artillery detection radar!

(End of this chapter)

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