Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1333 Air Bomb

Chapter 1333 Air Bomb

In terms of training, Wang Xuexin didn't care too much. After all, these three mechanized units originally had artillery and a lot of artillery. For them, the basis and organization of actual combat means that the adaptation of the M30 artillery battalion is just an operational problem. A few bear consultants to teach them the details, maintenance logistics and that's it.

If Wang Xuexin has anything to do, it is to order artillery training to focus on shooting at designated coordinates, and immediately shift positions after three rapid fires.

This made the troops unable to understand.

It is no problem to shoot at the specified coordinates. Long-range artillery has to rely on the coordinates reported by the artillery observers to fire because they cannot see the target.

But the question is...isn't there a need for test firing?

The traditional way of artillery warfare is that the artillery observers report the coordinates. After the artillery is ready, they will conduct one to three test shots to ensure the accuracy. After the artillery observers successfully introduce the shells into the target area, they will fire in batches. Only in this way can the accuracy be guaranteed. Wasting shells and missing fighters.

The whole process takes about 5 minutes from the test firing to the batch firing. After 5 minutes, the enemy artillery also needs to evacuate quickly before the test firing and batch firing.

Evacuation includes collecting guns, towing, leaving, etc., and it takes another three to four minutes depending on the situation.

Therefore, artillery combat is actually very dangerous. If the enemy successfully enters the target area after a test shot, there may not be enough time to withdraw.

Now Wang Xuexin's order to them is to shoot according to the coordinates when they come up, which saves the communication of artillery observers and test firing, and evacuates immediately after three rapid fires... The rate of fire of the M30 grenade is about 6 rounds per minute. It only takes half a minute to fire rapidly.

Then immediately enter the withdrawal procedure. It is estimated that the total time required is only more than three minutes to four and a half minutes, that is, less than 5 minutes. At this time, the enemy artillery observers may have just passed the coordinates to the artillery unit to start test firing. .

For this reason, Ding Wei, who was puzzled, also took the lead in a teleconference realized by radio between the three heads:
Ding Wei: "Does your artillery also retreat after three rapid fires? Or is it just my troops?"

"Same!" Li Yunlong replied, "It's all three quick shots!"

"Me too!" Kong Jie replied, "I thought it was Mao Xiong's style of play, but I only found out after asking the consultants that this is not the case at all. This is the first time they have heard of this style of play!"

Ding Wei also said: "It's safe to fight like this. Our artillery has been withdrawn before the enemy starts to test fire, but can we hit the target like this? We are a regular army, and we use guerrillas to fight coldly." Law?"

The guerrillas really fought like this, they used the [-] small cannon, fired a few shells at the enemy barracks, then turned around and ran away...

A guerrilla has no problem using this tactic, because its main purpose is not to kill or overwhelm the enemy, but to harass the enemy and keep the enemy in a constant state of panic.

But the regular army also has this kind of tactics... Isn't that a waste of shells?
Li Yunlong said this: "Why do we think so much? Isn't it just to save two links? Let's practice first, and it won't work when we fight, and we don't care what the **** orders, we can fight as we want !"

Li Yunlong's character is like this, he has always followed the actual combat and doesn't care about orders.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie felt right when they heard it. The artillery observers and test firings didn't say they would be abolished, and the artillerymen would know it too. It would be a matter of adding a sentence, so they didn't bother anymore. .

Wang Xuexin really has no plans to abolish artillery observers and test firing, because even with artillery detection radar, these are still needed.

The gun detection radar can only detect the enemy's shells, that is, it can only work after the enemy's artillery fires.

At the same time, the artillery radar data is processed by the computer, which is much more accurate than the coordinates calculated by the artillery observer and the elements calculated by the artillery. Therefore, when dealing with enemy artillery, the two time-consuming steps of artillery observers and test firing can be basically omitted.

The reason why "basic" is used here is because the Mark 3 radar used by the Eighth Route Army at this time has a large error in the medium-wave radar, and on the other hand, the digital map also has errors, so the final result will not be perfect.

But artillery is not all used against enemy artillery.

For example, bombing the enemy's position, or blocking the artillery attack when the enemy is charging. At this time, the enemy has no shells flying into the air, and the artillery detection radar cannot play a role. Of course, there is no way to know the enemy's position. At this time, the old method must be used. That is to say, the method of artillery observer plus test firing is solved.

But Wang Xuexin is still a little dissatisfied with this configuration.

This is mainly because Wang Xuexin is worried that the combat effectiveness of the artillery battalion is not enough.

This is not to say that the power of the M30 is insufficient. In fact, the power of the M30 howitzer is quite amazing: when it launches a grenade, its effective killing area is 60 meters by 20 meters, of which 20 meters is the absolute killing radius. If the ground is not hit by shrapnel, it will also be shocked to death.

The question is, just as Li Yunlong worried, are the 12 guns a little less?
And these 12 guns have to deal with both artillery and infantry... Are the shells enough in battle?
If one or two guns malfunctioned or were hit by stray bullets during the battle, wouldn't the combat effectiveness be weaker?

Therefore, Wang Xuexin wanted to improve the lethality of artillery.

There are two ways to improve the lethality of artillery: one is to improve the artillery to make it hit more accurately and faster, and the other is to improve the shells.


The problem is that the Eighth Route Army at this time has no artillery production line at all, so what if you know how to improve it?Don't we have to rely on Mao Xiong to change and let Mao Xiong take advantage of it for nothing?
What's more, after the improvement, the failure rate is only less, and the power has not increased much.

Then only consider the direction of the shell.

The first thing Wang Xuexin thought of was to change the bomb type to an incendiary bomb?

It can be considered that incendiary bombs are very suitable for some special occasions, such as when dealing with enemy artillery... It was difficult for a few incendiary bombs to not detonate the enemy's shells in the past.

Another example is during night battles, incendiary bombs can indicate targets for our army.

But the incendiary bomb is still not ideal... Its projectile space is small and can not hold much napalm, and the killing radius is about 60 meters.

Besides, is there any way to increase the power of the shells?
Wang Xuexin didn't have a clue after much deliberation, holding a cup of coffee in his hand hanging in the air for a long time, but he didn't deliver it to his mouth.

But this also inspired Wang Xuexin. He looked at the coffee cup in his hand and thought: Why not make empty bombs to increase the power?

(End of this chapter)

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