The problem must be solved, otherwise Mao Xiong is not a fool, and it is impossible to spend huge sums of money to pay for the artillery detection radar that does not work, especially if the money has not been paid.

More importantly, Wang Xuexin believes that China may not be able to bear the butterfly effect of Mao Xiong being defeated by Hans.

Wang Xuexin didn't dare to take this risk easily, so he must help Mao Xiong through this difficulty.

Wang Xuexin was thinking about this issue while drawing on the map. After a while, Wang Xuexin analyzed: "Baku can basically ignore this issue. The focus is on Stalingrad..."

"Why?" Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Is there any difference between them?"

Wang Xuexin pointed to the map and explained: "You said that Hans' missiles often enter the dive process when they are more than ten kilometers away from the target!"

Su Xin gave a "hmm" and then understood: "What does the commander mean, let Mao Xiong deploy the anti-aircraft artillery unit more than ten kilometers away?"

Wang Xuexin nodded, and drew an arc more than ten kilometers away from the Baku oil field, saying: "Baku's terrain is surrounded by the sea on three sides and connected to the mainland, so the only thing to guard against is the side connected to the mainland. Even if the defense line is extended to more than ten kilometers away, there will not be many anti-aircraft artillery units, and Mao Xiong can fully bear it. Therefore, in the direction of Baku..."

"All the missiles are cruising instead of diving!" Su Xin analyzed: "Unless their target is not Baku!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin said, "So Baku doesn't need to consider this issue. All we have to consider is Stalingrad!"

Su Xin nodded secretly. Although the problem has not been completely solved at this time, at least half of it has been solved.

At this time, Wang Xuexin frowned and said: "The problem of Stalingrad is difficult, and it is likely to be much more difficult than we imagined!"

"What do you mean?" After Wang Xuexin said this, Su Xin's heart that had just been let go rose again.

Wang Xuexin pointed at the location of Stalingrad with a pencil, and said: "For example, Maoxiong wants to use artillery detection radar to protect an important stronghold from being bombed by Hans missiles. In Baku, the antiaircraft artillery positions can be extended by more than ten kilometers, but in Baku Stalingrad...not only could they not expand the anti-aircraft artillery positions, but they had to move the anti-aircraft artillery positions back!"

Su Xin said "Oh" and understood.

No one will put artillery positions on the front line, especially anti-aircraft artillery positions, unless they think they die too slowly.

That is to say, there is almost no situation in Stalingrad where the antiaircraft artillery positions surround the protection target to intercept missiles... The antiaircraft artillery positions must be behind the target or even two or three kilometers behind the target, because at least they must avoid Enemy mortars.

This makes the problem even more serious: anti-aircraft guns may only have half a minute to react to a missile entering the dive phase.

It was impossible to do it for 1 minute, and it was even more difficult to give up in half a minute.

Su Liguo, who had been listening by the side, couldn't help but interjected at this moment: "Commander, it seems that this shouldn't be something we should consider? We only require that the artillery detection radar is effective in intercepting missiles. For example, in the Successfully protected the safety of its oil fields in the direction of Baku, and that has been explained to Mao Xiong!"

Wang Xuexin understands the meaning of Su Liguo's words, he still considers the problem from the perspective of a businessman: what we sell to you is not a fake, it is genuine and still has technological content. In terms of actual combat effect, protecting the Baku oil field will not be a success. up?As for the situation in's not that the gun detection radar is not good, but that the battlefield situation is like that, and the gun detection radar is not a panacea. Who can intercept missiles in that situation?
To be honest, Su Liguo's idea is really reasonable, and Wang Xuexin believes that Mao Xiong will pay for it.

After all, the technology is in Huaxia's hands, and the missiles are flying above Mao Xiong's head, so it can protect a strategic location like the Baku oil field... I just ask you whether Mao Xiong wants it or not?

Others may also think that what Su Liguo said is reasonable, so they agreed one after another:
"Yes, leader! After all, this is a new thing, and it's pretty good to be able to do this!"

"That's right, look at the way the bear and the bear scientist look at this machine with bright eyes, they are very satisfied!"


Even Su Xin persuaded Wang Xuexin: "Leader, I think it's better to just take one step at a time! In this situation in Stalingrad, firstly, it is unrealistic to intercept, and secondly, Mao Xiong can't blame me. On the square head, you can put it away for a while!"

If Wang Xuexin is just because of the money and just for the transaction, maybe he will go down this road.

But Wang Xuexin knew in his heart that he couldn't do this.

Because his purpose is not only for money to complete the transaction, but also for the common interest of ensuring that the bear wins the Battle of Stalingrad.

Su Xin and the others didn't know how big the consequences would be if Mao Xiong lost this battle. The consequences would even affect Huaxia, so they could easily choose to give up.

But Wang Xuexin knew the consequences, he could not choose to give up.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help flashing the scene of the Stalingrad tractor factory being bombed by Hans missiles again... If the T34 production base was razed to the ground by Hans, the defense of Stalingrad would be a fart.

"No!" Wang Xuexin said: "Protecting Baku is far from enough. We also need to consider the situation in Stalingrad!"

Everyone in the conference room was immediately stunned, or rather froze.

The time is only half a minute or even less, how can this be protected?

Su Liguo asked suspiciously: "Leader, can you give us a reason why we must do this?"

Of course, Wang Xuexin can't say the reason for the strategic direction. This is too far away and not certain. Only he, who is modern, knows what kind of butterfly effect there will be, and knows that the consequences may not be affordable.

Wang Xuexin thought for a while, and then replied: "Old Su, if Mao Xiong loses this battle, do you still expect them to pay?"

"You mean Mao Xiong will renege on his debt..."

"It's not that Mao Xiong will renege on his debt!" Wang Xuexin added: "The battle of Stalingrad is very important to Mao Xiong. If Mao Xiong loses, they will probably be driven to Siberia, and they will have money to pay Give it to us?"

As a result, everyone in the meeting room fell silent.

So sometimes this arms business is not as lucrative as it looks on the surface. It actually has a lot of risk and even looks like gambling. If you make a wrong bet, you will lose all your money. military.

However, Wang Xuexin was still powerless for a while.

This is no longer a problem of the computer not being fast enough, but rather limited by the reaction time of Mao Xiong's anti-aircraft gun.

Can't you connect the computer directly to the anti-aircraft artillery to save this time like modern fully automatic anti-aircraft artillery?
Even if this technology can be purchased from the system, there is no basis for realizing this technology now!

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