Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1343 Technical Advantages

Chapter 1343 Technical Advantages

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just getting dark, and the bear soldiers and technical soldiers who were resting in various corners of the ruins suddenly received a warning: "Target detected, target detected..."

The air defense warning sounded over Stalingrad in an instant. The awakened soldiers of the enemy and the enemy all looked at the sky numbly. They didn't understand that there were at least hundreds of fighters and bombers bombing and strafing here every day. What's the point?
But soon they understood the significance of this anti-aircraft warning... It was actually one of the ways Lemon Lokoff prepared the anti-aircraft gunners to intercept.

At the same time, dozens of communication soldiers are anxiously calling the team they are in charge of:
"Hey, get ready!"

"Are the soldiers all up? The target will appear in about 5 minutes!"

"Get ready to fire within 5 minutes!"

"Yes, just follow the preset parameters and shooting heights, and you only need to fire when you get the order! It's as simple as that!"

Lemon Lokov stared nervously at the display screen on the radar, watching the dozen or so bright spots slowly approaching the tractor factory.

Getting closer, getting closer...

Suddenly, the radar soldier shouted: "The target turns to dive, the target turns to dive!"

"Calculate the trajectory!" Lemon Lokoff ordered immediately.

"Complete the calculation!" The technical soldier on the other side shouted: "Three, five, twelve, thirteen, twenty, 21..."




Following the order of the communicator, black smoke from anti-aircraft shells exploded in the sky above the tractor factory. At first, nothing was hit. They were just emptying cannons, or they seemed to be setting off fireworks to celebrate something, except for the color. Not much difference other than that.

However, just when everyone was puzzled by the behavior of the "blank cannons" of the Maoxiong anti-aircraft troops, a strange thing happened: the missiles that dived down from the air hit these "blank cannons" one after another. " of the anti-aircraft artillery shells.

Some of them were hit by shrapnel from the anti-aircraft guns, and the projectiles lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Some were directly detonated by anti-aircraft guns in the air, and a huge fireball exploded and disintegrated into pieces that fell from the air like raindrops.

In the end, out of a total of thirteen missiles, only two missiles slipped through this barrage of anti-aircraft shells. However, the reason why they could pass through was because they were affected by the explosive airflow during the dive. The interference deviated from its own orbit, so it failed to hit the target and exploded a few kilometers away from the tractor factory...

At that moment, all the furry soldiers in the field were boiling. They cheered and celebrated the successful interception, and many soldiers even whistled wildly in the direction of the antiaircraft artillery unit.

As for the Hans soldiers, they were a little stunned... The missiles were intercepted when they crossed their control area, so those missiles that exploded in the air and fell from the air all hit them hard. bear.

The bear's horn shouted at them at this moment: "Soldiers of Hans, surrender! Look at your missiles, they will never enter our area under the interception of our heroic antiaircraft artillery units , just like you will never be able to defeat us..."

The general counsel looked at Lemon Lokoff with a look of surprise, and asked, "Now, Comrade Lemon Lokoff! Can you tell me what happened? Also, what is the name of the machine that can intercept missiles? name?"

"Of course, Comrade General Counsel!" Lemon Lokoff replied: "It's called the artillery detection radar, Comrade General Counsel, the name given by the head of Huaxia, I think it's very sticky...a radar for reconnaissance of anti-aircraft guns!"

On the other side, Wang Xuexin also got the news that the gun detection radar successfully commanded the anti-aircraft guns to intercept the first batch of missiles, and also brought the general counsel's thanks:

"Thank you very much, Comrade Commander! You will never know how much help the sudden appearance of a gun detection radar capable of intercepting enemy missiles will bring us in such an extremely harsh situation. I can say without exaggeration... saved my life, Comrade Commander! If I make it back alive, I hope to meet you and have a few drinks!"

It was only then that Wang Xuexin remembered that although he had done business with the general counsel several times, he had never met him.

But what if we have not met?

In this troubled world, everyone lives day by day, each has its own enemies to solve, and the country still has a lot of problems... In this situation, you need to care more about yourself, right?

So Wang Xuexin didn't take the general counsel's thanks too seriously. For Wang Xuexin, it was a relationship of interest between countries.

He even heard a hint of sourness in the general counsel's thanks... Why didn't he think of meeting Wang Xuexin when he was the general counsel in Huaxia?Why do you want to meet at this moment?
The reason is simple: the general counsel found that Huaxia's artillery detection radar technology has surpassed that of Mao Xiong. At this time, the previous condescending attitude was gone. Another meaning of the meeting was also a taste of wanting to obtain this kind of technology.

This is indeed the case. After listening to Lemon Lokoff's detailed explanation of the operational principles of the gun detection radar, the general counsel immediately felt that this equipment has great military value and unlimited potential.

For example, as Wang Xuexin said, this radar can also play a certain role in the interception of aircraft by anti-aircraft guns.

Among them, the computer is the most envious of the general counsel.

"My God!" said the general counsel, "it's unimaginable that they can use a machine to complete the ballistic calculation, and it can be done in such a short period of time!"

Then the general adviser said: "If this can be done, can this machine be used to provide calibration for our army's shells?"

Although this function has been implemented, it is only for naval guns... The work is different now. The accuracy of naval guns is calculated by using the water splashes, and it is calculated manually after the data is obtained from the radar.

Because it is calculated manually, it is not necessary to use it in the artillery of the army... The calculation speed of manual calculation is not much different from that of artillery observers, so there is no need to do more.

But if the computer calculates the results in seconds, and even the cannonballs are flying in the air just after they are fired, you can know whether they are accurate or not, and adjust the trajectory of other artillery based on this.

Therefore, the general counsel thought about when he must meet with Wang Xuexin to discuss this issue.

At this time, Wang Xuexin didn't want to see him anymore, because Mao Xiong had already "owed" Huaxia tens of millions of dollars. It was not necessary for Wang Xuexin to sell computer technology to Mao Xiong. If the technology could be leaked less, it would leak less. The advantages in technology are always Yes, the more the merrier.

Just as Wang Xuexin was thinking, Chen Songyong rushed in and reported: "Regimental Commander, the stubborn army has retreated, and the devils seem to be about to win a complete victory in the south!"

"What?" Wang Xuexin couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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