Matsuzaki Chiho, the captain of the third regiment of the 8th Division of the Kwantung Army, is also the two brigade reinforcements that Umezu Yoshijiro reinforced Zhangjiakou.

Matsuzaki arrived at Zhangjiakou on the night of Ishihara's retreat.

Coincidentally, when Matsuzaki got off the train and drove into Zhangjiakou with his troops, he happened to meet Colonel Ishihara returning with his battered artillery unit.

At that time, Matsuzaki was riding a tall white horse... This is Matsuzaki's habit. No matter where he goes, he likes to ride the white horse given to him by the head of the Hirosaki Division, as if he was afraid that others would not know that it was a gift to him. It's like a reward for meritorious deeds in the Battle of Menhan.

Matsuzaki looked at the panic-stricken soldiers who had fled back in a hurry, and held up his whip and said to his subordinates: "Everyone, have you seen it? Any hesitation on the battlefield will end like this!"

The subordinates burst into laughter.

Colonel Ishihara also heard the ridicule here, but at this moment he couldn't care less about it, and just rushed all the way to Major General Kawamura's headquarters in disgrace.

Matsuzaki also happened to report to Kawamura's headquarters, so the two met again one after the other.

After Matsuzaki walked in and saluted Kawamura, Kawamura raised his head and said, "Matsuzaki-kun, you came just in time! Ishihara just fought against the Eighth Route Army, and they will probably arrive in Zhangjiakou tomorrow. I think you must be interested to hear Listen to his actual combat situation!"

This is a good intention of Kawamura, because there is a saying in Huaxia that "know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles". Of course, you must know as much as possible about the enemy's situation before the battle.

But I didn't expect Matsuzaki to refuse without thinking: "Major General, I don't think we need to know too much. We know that the Eighth Route Army has greatly improved its equipment in the past two years, but... the improvement of equipment cannot change their status. The essence of a second-rate army! Please rest assured, Major General, with our third regiment, the Eighth Route Army will not be able to move forward!"

Matsuzaki's words were not entirely out of arrogance.

But Matsuzaki knows that after the equipment is updated, it will take a period of training and running-in before it can display its combat effectiveness. Just like the stubborn army, the imperial army often encounters an army with a full set of eagle sauce or hairy bear equipment when fighting against it, but they are on the battlefield. Still defeated.

Kawamura seemed satisfied with Matsuzaki's self-confidence, but he was still a little worried: "However, Matsuzaki-kun, the Eighth Route Army seems to have strengthened its artillery. One of our artillery regiments ambushed on their way forward, but they were inexplicably defeated..."

Matsuzaki glanced at Ishihara, interrupted Kawamura and said, "This kind of thing probably only happens to Ishihara-kun! Shouldn't Ishihara-kun be responsible for this?"

"Bastard..." Colonel Ishihara was about to get angry, but Major General Kawamura stopped him with a wink.

You must know that Matsuzaki is the joint captain of the Kwantung Army and the Class A Division, even if he is a major general, he has to give him three points. If Ishihara Dazuo is impulsive, it is not impossible that he will be forced to commit suicide by caesarean section.

As soon as Kawamura changed the subject, he asked, "So, how does Matsuzaki-kun plan to defend Zhangjiakou? How should we cooperate with Matsuzaki-kun to fight?"

Kawamura's idea is very simple, can't you?Then let you go!

It would be best if you can stop the Eighth Route Army's attack, if you can't stop it, you will hit yourself in the face, and then we will see what face you have to show off your might.

As for combat, it is still necessary to cooperate well, after all, whether you can keep your life is directly related to your wealth.

How could Kawamura think that Matsuzaki didn't take Kawamura's defense into consideration at all, and he replied without thinking, "Defense? Your Excellency, Major General, in my combat creed, the word 'defense' does not exist! We Only attack!"

"Attack?" Kawamura hurriedly analyzed: "Matsuzaki-kun, the Eighth Route Army is equipped with half-track armored vehicles, and also equipped with bursting rifles. The firepower is far superior to that of our army, and now it has strengthened artillery...I'm afraid it is not wise to attack!"

"Your Excellency, Major General!" Matsuzaki stretched his legs together, saluted respectfully, and said, "You only need to entrust the task to me, and the rest will be seen tomorrow!"

Seeing that Matsuzaki's attitude was so firm, Major General Kawamura could only follow him.

Matsuzaki was not purely arrogant. He actually knew something about the new equipment of the Eighth Route Army, especially the Eighth Route Army's repeating rifles.

Knowing that the range of the bursting rifle was only 300 meters, the first thing Matsuzaki thought of was to use the advantage of the long range of the [-] cover to fight the Eighth Route Army.

This is one of the reasons why he chooses to attack.

Others thought that the Eighth Route Army should not attack with such powerful firepower, but in Matsuzaki's view, it was just the opposite.

Because if the imperial army builds a defense line and adopts a defensive posture, the Eighth Route Army will use artillery fire to suppress it and then rush into a range of 300 meters to fight the imperial army.

At that time, the firepower advantage of the Eighth Route Army's bursting rifles will be fully utilized.

But if the initiative of the battle is held in the hands of the imperial army...for example, a troop stationed on a high ground is condescending and shoots at the Eighth Route Army from a distance of more than 300 meters. At the same time, the imperial army suddenly launched an attack and tangled with the Eighth Route Army, making the Eighth Route Army's artillery unable to play a role. Isn't it common sense for the Eighth Route Army to retreat next?
With this in mind, Matsuzaki pulled his troops out of the city to garrison at Xiaosongshan, which was more than [-] miles outside the city.

The terrain here is just like what Matsuzaki imagined, there is a highland more than 100 meters high... The position on the top of the mountain is exactly more than 300 meters from the plain below, which allows the imperial army to safely shoot down from the top of the mountain to cover the attack of the main force.

The other direction is a large plain.

This kind of terrain should be suitable for the Eighth Route Army's half-track vehicles to fight, but if it is blocked by minefields on the plain, the imperial army will use individual fortifications to ambush. Once the Eighth Route Army enters the ambush circle...

Matsuzaki couldn't think of a possibility that the Eighth Route Army would not be defeated, as long as they dared to step into this land.

In order to be able to successfully ambush the Eighth Route Army, Matsuzaki personally led his subordinates to patrol and check their camouflage, and did not feel relieved until everything was properly deployed.

They will lie in wait all day in this open field.

Because as soon as the sky is bright, there will be reconnaissance planes of the Eighth Route Army in the sky.

Then there is the possibility of scouts from the Eighth Route Army passing through here... But Matsuzaki is also prepared for this, as long as the enemy scouts do not threaten the ambush area, they will be let in.

Otherwise, no one can be let go.

The 8rd Regiment does have such strength, because the [-]th Division is also the Hirosaki Division, and its soldiers are mainly composed of graduates from the local school of Devil Island. The education level of this unit is much higher than that of other units. The ability to learn is stronger and the combat effectiveness is stronger.

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