Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1358 Identification of Foe and Self

Chapter 1358 Identification of Foe and Self
On this day, Wang Xuexin was discussing the issue of the missile base with Su Xin.

Wang Xuexin's idea is that the missiles should be installed on the car, and two missiles should be installed on the left and right sides of each car compartment.

Su Xin has a different opinion on this: "Commander, if our missiles are used to protect airports, train stations and warehouses, why should we install them on cars? Can't we just use fixed launchers? "

Wang Xuexin understood Su Xin's thoughts. At this time, the Eighth Route Army was not rich, and there were many places where cars were used. Many logistics troops were picked by horses, mules, or even wheelbarrows. In addition, the mechanized troops needed half-tracks. Cars, radar troops need cars, and various factories also need car engines to generate electricity.

Although the Eighth Route Army can produce its own car engines at this time, with the development of the Eighth Route Army, the demand for cars is increasing, so it is still not enough.

Under such circumstances, the Eighth Route Army has added another anti-aircraft missile unit that needs cars... This makes Su Xin, the factory manager, embarrassing!

But Wang Xuexin insisted on his own ideas.

"Director Su!" Wang Xuexin said, "I use the car precisely to save resources. If we save the car, we may end up paying more for it!"

"How to say?" Su Xin blinked at Wang Xuexin, and said with disbelief: "Student Wang, are you bluffing me? Saving the car can become a waste?"

A few people around couldn't help casting meaningful glances here.

Su Xin lowered her head in embarrassment. She realized that she called out "Classmate Xiao Wang" again in a flash... Usually, because of identity issues, Su Xin and Wang Xuexin always referred to each other as "Team Leader" and "Su Factory Manager", but Inadvertently still call the wrong one.

"It's like this!" Wang Xuexin didn't care about these things. He pointed to the map and said, "For example, Datong has a railway station, an airport, and warehouses, right? They are not far away, some are two or three kilometers away, and some are five or six kilometers away. In principle, three air defense forces are needed to defend against..."

Su Xin said "Oh" and understood: "If you use a fixed launcher, you must have three air defense units, but if you mount the missiles on the car, you can use fewer air defense units to defend these units!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin drew a circle on the map: "An air defense missile can be flexibly mounted on a car, and being able to maneuver means that it can defend against two sides at the same time. This means that it can exert twice or more combat power in actual combat. It is almost equivalent to having twice as many anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, we can also flexibly adjust the position of the missiles according to the incoming direction of the enemy's missiles, or at a certain point, such as the airport, because the enemy's bombing is too frequent and the missiles are used up and temporarily Can't add..."

Su Xin nodded: "In this case, if you use a fixed launcher, it will be difficult to replenish, but if you use a car to maneuver, you only need to mobilize from other positions!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin continued: "There is another situation, that is, our anti-aircraft missiles can also be used to attack enemy aircraft. What if our army's ground troops need air defense during combat? Or our army's transport team needs air defense. What about it? Or trains need air defense... They can all be deployed using the mobility of cars, which cannot be done with fixed launchers!"

Su Xin sighed in her heart. She realized how ignorant she was. She always wanted to save and save, but she didn't expect that such saving would cause greater waste and even cost the lives of frontline soldiers and even the entire battle. the price of victory.

Fortunately, classmate Xiao Wang was there, otherwise he would have made a big mistake.

Thinking of this, Su Xin nodded firmly and said, "No problem! No matter how hard it is, we must equip the missile with a car!"

At this time, Su Liguo walked up to Wang Xuexin with a pale complexion, and said, "Commander, the accuracy of the Mark 3 radar we use is about 300 meters, there may be some problems..."

"It won't be a problem, right?" Professor Su, who was working on the detailed design of the missile on the other side, turned around and interjected: "If our missile can reach a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, the distance of [-] meters is just a distance for it. Two seconds, such a short time, even if the radar loses its target and cannot guide the missile, the missile can still rely on inertia to reach the predetermined position and hit the target!"

Su Liguo replied: "Professor Su, that's not what I'm worried about. An error of 300 meters will cause another problem, that is, our radar may not be able to identify the enemy and us. It will regard the target as our intercepting missile and intercept our interception missile." If the missile is used as a target, then this is a big problem!"

These words shocked everyone, including Wang Xuexin.

No one has ever considered this issue, but thinking about it, it really is like this... If the error of the radar is 300 meters, of course it is impossible to distinguish who is who between the two targets at a distance of 300 meters.

If the identification of friend or foe is confused at this time and a wrong command is issued, the interceptor missile will change direction at the last second, and because the missile is equipped with a proximity fuze, it is likely to detonate the moment it changes direction.

In other words, the interceptor missile is accidentally detonated at a distance of 300 meters from the target.

Although it is not known at this time what the killing distance of this missile equipped with a continuous thin-rod warhead is, it is obviously unrealistic to destroy the target at a distance of 300 meters.

"We need a radar with higher precision!" Su Xin thought for a while and said, "Don't we have an X-band ground mapping radar? Its error is 150 meters! Can we..."

Su Liguo shook his head and said: "First of all, we are still unable to produce X-band radar, and secondly, 150 meters cannot meet our requirements. Even if we use this kind of radar, it will not help!"

Xuexin Wang agrees.

Anti-aircraft missiles should be as close to the target as possible, instead of automatically detonating when the target is 150 meters away... let alone 150 meters, 50 meters or even 10 meters cannot be tolerated, which will reduce the hit rate of anti-aircraft missiles.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin understood why this problem occurred:
The head of the genuine Hongqi 61 is equipped with a radar semi-active seeker, that is, there is a small radar on the head of the Hongqi 61, which can automatically track the target and respond in the final stage.

But at this time, the industrial level of the Eighth Route Army has not yet reached this stage... If the missile is to respond autonomously, a small processor, that is, a small computer, must be installed in the missile to process the data and feed it to the control system.

And this little processor uses transistors.

Wang Xuexin's computer had only developed electron tubes at this time, and more importantly, the volume and weight of the memory were seriously exceeding the standard. If this function is to be realized, a larger missile is needed.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin replaced it with a proximity fuze on his own initiative... Unexpectedly, this problem arose.

(End of this chapter)

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