Chapter 1360
After listening to the analysis, everyone looked at Wang Xuexin in shock.

What Wang Xuexin said is actually not difficult, such as the theory of the three-ball positioning system, which can be understood by anyone with a junior high school education level.

It can even be said that it is not difficult to implement, and most of the equipment needed are ready-made. For example, ultrasound can directly delay the parts of the memory with mercury, and the base station can delay the receiver of the memory with mercury. Even the conversion from sound waves to digital is automatic. brought.

If there is any new invention, it is the quartz timer... This thing was invented in 67. Although it was more than 3 years earlier, the technological content is not high, mainly because people have not discovered the characteristics of quartz, that is, it Under the action of voltage, it can generate more than [-] stable resonances per second.

Knowing this is easy to handle. Wang Xuexin doesn’t even need to convert it into time. He just needs to simply transmit ten resonance times per second with a certain cycle, such as ultrasonic pulses. The base station on the other side also has a quartz chip resonance. The time difference is obtained by subtracting the resonance times on both sides.

The theory is not difficult, and the realization is not difficult. The difficult thing is to think of this method, just like the first person to erect an egg.

And Wang Xuexin is the one who thought of this method.

Su Xin couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wang, how did you think of this?"

"Hey!" Wang Xuexin replied with a little embarrassment: "Isn't it just... random thinking, I just thought of it with luck!"

Of course, Wang Xuexin's thinking is not random, nor is it good luck, but these modern theories are quite mature and have even been written into textbooks.

(Note: The three-ball positioning system theory is written into high school geography textbooks)
Thinking about it now, people's imagination is really limitless, especially after the invention of computers, many things that cannot be imagined by common sense can be easily realized with computers.

For example, in the three-ball positioning system, Wang Xuexin lowered the requirement to calculate ten positioning times per second, that is, it takes one-tenth of a second to complete the calculation of the three-ball intersection point... There must be no human being who can solve the answer so quickly on the earth. But it's a piece of cake for computers.

Therefore, the most important reason why this theory can be realized is because of computers.

Although the few people in the conference room cannot be said to be the top talents in the world, they are also top talents in China. Even so, they are still amazed by Wang Xuexin's theory.

But they didn't have any doubts about Wang Xuexin.

This means that Wang Xuexin came up with a solution when he encountered difficulties here on the spot, and it is indeed possible to think of... who said that he couldn't think of it just because of a flash of inspiration?Moreover, Wang Xuexin thought of so many ideas and invented many things including computers.

The second is that there is no such three-ball positioning system in this world. Wang Xuexin is the No. 1 who proposed this theory, and of course it cannot be someone else's idea.

Wang Xuexin was a little ashamed of this, he really borrowed other people's ideas.

Professor Su and others seemed to be used to Wang Xuexin's super innovative ability, and after a while of self-deprecating sighs, they turned the focus of discussion to the realization of the positioning system.

Chen Jiefeng was a student of mathematics. He was silent for a while and then said: "Commander, if our missiles can do this, why don't we go further and achieve precise positioning of the target?"

"Precise positioning of the target?" Wang Xuexin was a little puzzled, but he didn't know how to do it.

He Zhimin also has expertise in calculations, and he replied: "Xiao Chen, this method relies on a device installed in the missile to emit ultrasonic waves to achieve precise positioning. We can install this device in our missile, but we cannot This device is installed in enemy missiles or aircraft, so it cannot be used to intercept targets!"

"He Lao, I know this!" Chen Jiefeng explained: "However, isn't the error of our Mark 3 radar 300 meters? And our positioning accuracy of our missiles is very high, and the error may not even be less than one meter." Bar……"

Speaking of which, Chen Jiefeng turned his attention to Wang Xuexin. He was not sure how much the error in the positioning of the three balls was.

In fact, Wang Xuexin didn’t know either. He only knew that the error of the civilian GPS was about 15 meters, but the positioning was made from satellites at an altitude of more than 2 kilometers. Wang Xuexin’s positioning of the missile was only a dozen or tens of kilometers. This error...

"Almost!" Wang Xuexin can only answer in this way: "The exact number will not be known until it is made!"

Chen Jiefeng hummed, and as soon as his energy came up, he took a pen and paper and drew while saying: "Leader, He Lao, you can see that our positioning from the base to our missile is accurate, but our missile is constantly moving." Flying to the target, that is, precise positioning will keep approaching the target. At the same time, our missile has a proximity fuze, which is actually a small radar..."

He Zhimin said "Oh": "You mean to use our missiles as the basis to align the target coordinates?"

"Yes, you can say that!" Chen Jiefeng continued to explain: "Although the radar on the proximity fuze is small, it also has a transmitting source and a receiving end..."

Every radar has a transmitting source and a receiving end. The radar actually emits ultrasonic waves and then receives the reflected ultrasonic waves to know the position of the target. Although the radar of the proximity fuze is small in size and has a short detection distance, the sparrow is small and has five internal organs. Everything you need is there.

Chen Jiefeng continued: "Although the precision of the proximity fuze radar is not high, the error is small because it is close to the target. Why don't we use this to get the distance between the two? If we get the distance between the two, Combined with the precise coordinates of our missiles and the azimuth angle of enemy missiles, can the error caused by the mechanical and wavelength problems of the Mark 3 radar be reduced?"

Everyone nodded in agreement with an "oh".

Although Chen Jiefeng's method can only get a distance and cannot be accurately positioned, the problem is that the Mark 3 radar also detects the target, and it also has azimuth and distance, but the accuracy is not high because of the radar itself.

If the two data are combined, that is, the position detected by the Mark 3 is used to calculate a more accurate distance using the coordinates of the missile and the detected distance, it should make the target's position more accurate.

"I think this method can work!" Su Liguo laughed happily: "In this way, not only the problem of our missile positioning is solved, but also the problem of radar error is solved, and the hit rate will increase! "

He Zhimin nodded his head: "With Zhuge Liang on top of three cobblers, the idea of ​​brainstorming becomes clearer..."

"Hey!" Professor Su interrupted He Zhimin's words: "Old He, what you said is wrong, can the head of the team be considered a cobbler? He can be a Zhuge Liang no matter what?"

The crowd burst out laughing.

Knowing the inside story, He Zhimin glanced at Su Xin and replied with a pun, "Old Su, are you starting to protect yourself?"

Su Xin couldn't help blushing when she heard this, and looked at Wang Xuexin with a little panic in her eyes.

Fortunately, Wang Xuexin didn't understand what this meant at all.

(End of this chapter)

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