Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1366 Helicopter Production Line

"Wang, what do you mean?" Sun Erwei asked knowingly: "What is the ability to produce helicopters?"

"Production line, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin replied: "What we need is a helicopter production line!"

"No, it's impossible!" Sun Erwei shook his head and denied the request without even thinking about it, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Do you know how much this entire production line costs? It includes engines, airframes, propellers, etc. Wait, there are also technicians, at least 2000 million US dollars!"

"Then you need to hurry up!" Wang Xuexin replied, "Because I won't give you the relay computer until you build the production line to produce helicopters! If you want to get the computer quickly..."

"You!" Sun Erwei choked on Wang Xuexin's words on the spot.

Sun Erwei angrily walked back and forth in front of the table for a few times, then leaned over to Wang Xuexin with his face blushing and leaning on the table with both hands, angrily said: "This is ridiculous, Wang, no one would make such a request at such a price!"

"That's because they don't have a computer!" Wang Xuexin replied calmly: "We all know how important a computer is, Sun Erwei, so your method doesn't work for me! I think you should save yourself some effort!"

Wang Xuexin knew that Sun Erwei's current performance was just acting, he just wanted to lower the price.

It's a pity that his opponent is Wang Xuexin. Wang Xuexin knows how urgent Yingjiang's computer needs are... This is the third industrial revolution. Only by mastering it and developing it before the sun never sets can the sun never set Pull down from the seat of number one in the world and take his place.

To be precise, it is to let Ying Jiang sit firmly on the number one position in the world.

So, what is a helicopter production line?
What is 2000 million US dollars!
The artillery detection radar that Wang Xuexin sold to Mao Xiong cost 3000 million US dollars, not including the technology!

Seeing that Sun Erwei was silent, Wang Xuexin added another sentence: "You should understand that if we only get a few is completely meaningless to us. We are going to use them in a war. How many helicopters can satisfy this war? One hundred One, two hundred? I'll buy from you when they're used up? No, Sun Erwei! There's nothing so cheap!"

Sun Erwei looked at Wang Xuexin with embarrassment in his eyes. Wang Xuexin's words revealed all his cards.

"So!" Finally Wang Xuexin concluded: "Either the production line is shipped over, or there is no deal! Got it?"

Just as Sun Erwei wanted to say something, Wang Xuexin replied: "Of course, you have to ask your superiors! You can't make this decision!"

When Sun Erwei sent Ying Jiang the idea of ​​Wang Xuexin, the conference room of Ying Jiang started to discuss this matter again... They originally thought that the Eighth Route Army's request was just to get the helicopter and copy it by themselves, but they didn't expect to ask Ying Jiang to help them build a production line.

But this time the debate was not heated, because everyone knew that it was the technology that mattered, not the production line.

If it has been decided to sell the helicopter to the Eighth Route Army and allow the technology to leak out, then the production line and technicians are not a big deal for Ying Jiang.

So Sun Erwei said helplessly to Wang Xuexin: "Well, they agree to your request, Wang! But they have one condition..."

"What conditions?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"They want to know the answer to a question first!" Sun Erwei said: "You know, our scientists don't really believe that you can develop a relay computer. If you can answer this question, we can convince these scientists!"

Wang Xuexin laughed "haha": "Let me guess, Sun Erwei! The question they want to ask is not how to realize data storage!"

" did you know?" Sun Erwei was confused.

"Because this is the most difficult part of the relay computer!" Wang Xuexin shook his head and said, "They must not have told you that as long as this problem is solved, your scientists can develop the relay computer themselves!"

It was only then that Sun Erwei realized that he had been used by the people in the headquarters... Maybe they wanted to deceive Wang Xuexin, but they didn't tell Sun Erwei the truth.

"So, do you think I will answer this question?" Wang Xuexin raised his head towards Sun Erwei: "Or, are you preparing to renege on the debt? Should we cancel this transaction?"

"No, no!" Sun Erwei wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I believe they will fulfill their promise soon, within a few days!"

This is what Sun Erwei said. Maybe it was because Ying Jiang wanted to get the relay computer quickly. Two days later, Ying Jiang's transport plane filled with equipment and technicians flew to Huaxia. There were more than [-] of them. They landed in Liyuan first. After refueling, I flew to three stores.

At this time, the three stores have become the industrial production center of the Eighth Route Army, and they are also connected to railways and highways, which is very suitable for transporting the finished products to the front line.

More importantly, the three stores at this time have opened up two for civilian transportation and the other for military use.

In order to ensure that the three stores will not be bombed, Wang Xuexin deployed 50 "La 5" here.

In addition, more than a dozen radars were deployed on the mountain outside the three stores, and more than [-] anti-aircraft guns seized from the devils were also deployed in this area.

One day in the future, if the anti-aircraft missile is successfully developed, the three stores will be the first to be deployed... The anti-aircraft missile can save a lot of resources. For example, Wang Xuexin had to arrange 50 "La 5" for a long time in order to ensure the safety of the three stores. Moreover, these 50 "La 5" have to patrol every day, which not only wastes fuel but also loses the motorcycle time of the "La 5" engine. Although there is no war, it has been burning money.

The deployment of anti-aircraft missiles will be different. At that time, fighter planes only need to maintain a squadron of 12 aircraft, and more anti-aircraft missiles will be placed around. The maintenance and air defense costs of these things are obviously much lower than those of fighter planes, and the effect The cost is low... The air defense of fighter planes has to go up to patrol when there is nothing to do, and it burns money all the time, while the air defense missiles only need to be placed on the ground, and there is almost no loss.

Therefore, it is necessary to build the helicopter production line in the three stores, and the three stores will be the safest place for the Eighth Route Army in the future.

However, one transport plane stopped at Liyuan and did not fly to the three stores.

This is the result of Wang Xuexin's negotiations...he asked Yingjiang to donate five helicopters and send them instructors.

The purpose of doing this is obvious. In addition to understanding the performance of the eagle sauce helicopter, it is to train helicopter pilots in advance.

Otherwise, when the Eighth Route Army can produce helicopters but no one will be able to fly them, then it will be too late to train pilots.

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