Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1369 Disadvantages

Chapter 1369 Disadvantages
Alberta immediately sent Wang Xuexin's improvement plan back to Yingjiang's country.

When the admiral saw the improvement, he asked Doolittle, "This doesn't look like a complicated improvement, does it?"

"Yes, General!" Doolittle replied.

"It also looks easy to implement!" The admiral asked again: "And it is foreseeable that its performance will greatly exceed Hans's helicopter, isn't it?"

"Yes, General!" Doolittle felt something was wrong, and the admiral's tone was neither praise nor joy.

Sure enough, the next second, the admiral asked in a more emphatic tone: "Then, why can't our scientists think of this improvement plan? And a regiment leader far away in China, he only needs to glance at the design drawing to draw a conclusion! Could it be Because our scientists haven't been on the battlefield and don't they have a sense of urgency?"

Doolittle dared not answer.

He didn't know how to answer.

Answer no?

Doolittle believed that the reason why Huaxia's regiment leader had this simple and practical idea was indeed related to Huaxia's battlefield situation and pressure.

For example, Ying Jiang, there is not much difference between them having helicopters and not having helicopters at this time... Helicopters may indeed be used on Pacific islands, but when Ying Jiang attacks islands, he bombards them several times before using a large number of amphibious landings The ship brought supplies to the island.

Lack of supplies?

This does not exist for Yingjiang Dabing, it is something that the enemy has to consider.

That being the case, why is Yingjiang in such a hurry to improve the helicopter?

The Eighth Route Army is different. At this time, they are basically using the mountains to fight against the devils. It can be said that there is a huge pressure on transportation in every part of their defense line. They urgently need to use helicopters to make up for this shortcoming and increase the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Under such pressure, it is not surprising that the head of Huaxia will think of a plan to improve VS300.

But Doolittle could not say the same.

Because he was worried that the admiral would really send those scientists and technicians to the battlefield to experience "life".

After being silent for a while, the admiral ordered in a helpless tone: "According to the suggestion of the head of Huaxia, I mean, implement improvement work in their factory!"

Doolittle asked a little strangely: "Don't we have to do it at the same time in our country?"

"Improving in China is no different from our own improvement?" The admiral replied: "We can wait for Huaxia's factory to improve successfully and put it into actual combat to find problems before mass production in China!"

"Yes, General!"

Admiral, this is to reduce costs. After all, at this time, Yingjiang is also fighting everywhere and reinforcing supplies from other countries, so he can save as much as he can.

Later, Yingjiang often used this model in the research and development of equipment... Whenever they develop a new equipment, they don't use it for their own army first, but sell it to a third country or even give it away for free, and wait for the third country to put it on the battlefield After using it for a period of time, many problems were found and solved, and the eagle sauce was mass-produced and equipped with its own troops.

For this reason, theoretically, the helicopter production line of the Eighth Route Army in Sanjiadian is trial-producing the helicopter that is the most advanced helicopter in the world at this time. Yingjiang named it the VS300V type, and the last "V" means the fifth type.

But of course, Wang Xuexin knows that this is only the most advanced in "theory"... The Eighth Route Army has no ability to produce turboshaft engines and can only rely on imports, so this "most advanced" can only be regarded as Yingjiang, not Huaxia.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Ying Jiang can safely upgrade and develop in the Eighth Route Army Arsenal.

Helicopters improved rapidly.

This is partly due to the fast action of Eagle Sauce. The production line was completed in just two weeks, and a large number of technicians were also sent to the three stores.Because they were worried about the aviation fuel of the Eighth Route Army, they even sent their own fuel.

Another aspect has to do with the relative simplicity of the helicopter at this time:
The engine is imported from Yingjiang, and an engine costs [-] US dollars.

This price is impossible in modern times, it is almost as cheap as cabbage.But at this time, the price of a Wildcat fighter is only more than 2 US dollars, and the engine of a fighter jet is much more expensive than a helicopter engine. In this way, [-] US dollars is neither expensive nor cheap. It can only be said that Yingjiang is not making money .

Others such as starting devices, landing gear, fuselage, transmission system, propellers, etc. are all produced on the production line of the Eighth Route Army...the production of these parts does not have too many technical difficulties, and some of them are hydraulic dampers. Kuaiyingjiang shipped new equipment to solve this problem.

Everything is in full swing, Alberta is responsible for organizing the research and development team to design a new helicopter.

This aspect is not too difficult, just copy Hans' FA223, all you have to do is increase the number of engines and expand the fuel tanks on the wings... Now is the time of war, the best thing to copy is the enemy's stuff, you want Hit me if you don't agree!

Then Alberta and others discovered a benefit of FA223: a helicopter with dual propellers like this can directly cancel the tail rotor.

The function of the tail rotor is to counteract the reaction torque generated when the propeller rotates. Simply put, if there is no tail rotor, the helicopter body will rotate in the air with the main propeller.

Two-wing helicopters don't have this problem: the left propeller spins clockwise, the right propeller spins counterclockwise, and the reaction force produced by the two just cancels out.

However, Wang Xuexin raised a new question at this time.

At that time, Alberta was discussing the transmission with his researcher... The transmission of VS300 is realized by 6 belts, and the tail rotor is connected to the engine through a transmission shaft and extends to the tail.

Everyone is excited about removing the tail rotor, because it not only reduces the weight of the helicopter but also improves the utilization of engine power.

But Wang Xuexin poured cold water on them at this time: "Gentlemen, you only thought of the benefits of canceling the tail rotor, but did not think of the disadvantages of canceling the tail rotor!"

"Shortcomings?" Alberta looked at the design drawing, then looked up at Wang Xuexin in confusion and said, "Sorry, Comrade Leader! I don't see any shortcomings in it!"

Other researchers also looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what the shortcomings Wang Xuexin said were.

Wang Xuexin pointed to the design drawing and said: "Gentlemen, you must know that we use four engines, and now we have canceled the tail rotor, which means that as long as any one of the engines or propellers fails, the aircraft will not be able to maintain balance. Does it mean something?"

Everyone understood after hearing this.

This is not a small accident, especially since the helicopter is still going to be put into battle on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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