Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1371 Helicopter Pilot

As for helicopter pilots, Wang Xuexin didn't bother to find someone with flying experience... In fact, he couldn't find someone with experience. Helicopters have only been developed for a few years, and even Yingjiang doesn't have much experience in piloting. Don't talk about Huaxia.

If it is said that fighter pilots are used to fly helicopters, this is completely different, and it is also a waste of fighter pilots.

Wang Xuexin's selection of helicopter pilots is to directly select some educated, well-balanced, and smart-looking fighters:
To be literate is to learn quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to learn everything without even knowing the big characters.

A good sense of balance is to be able to correctly perceive the state of the helicopter and make timely adjustments. If you are slow in this aspect, accidents are easy to occur.

The need to be smarter is for the speed of reaction.

Wang Xuexin was the first to form a team of 200 pilots... Judging from the previous training experience of pilots, the elimination rate in the process of learning and training is often as high as half, that is, only 200 people in the team of 100 people are finally qualified.

However, the driving of the helicopter does not seem to be that difficult, mainly because the operation of the helicopter is relatively simple, and the task of the pilot is more to maintain a stable flight to transport supplies rather than roll over to avoid battles and the like.

Wang Xuexin remembers that in modern times, there was a classmate who took only three months to get the private photo of the helicopter... The requirements for the private photo are relatively low, as long as the flight training lasts for about 40 hours, and the commercial photo is more difficult , requiring up to 150 hours of flight training.

At this time, under the pressure of war and training for almost [-] hours a day, and then learning and training and learning and training again, helicopter pilots can master flying skills in about a month.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin realized that more than a month had been estimated as a long time. Helicopters in this period were much simpler than modern helicopters, and there were not so many requirements for driving.

Its training is based on the process of training fighter pilots: first, learn the theory and key points, and train on the ground with a wooden simulator. The simulated operation, followed by the actual flight accompanied by the instructor, and finally the flight alone.

The mental outlook of the Yingjiang instructors in this era is completely different from that of modern times. Most of them are very responsible. If the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army don’t know, don’t understand, or don’t understand, the Yingjiang instructors will take the trouble to explain them step by step. If the translator is not around, he will make gestures , drawing, or fiddling with the helicopter.

There were even a few instructors who learned some Chinese to communicate with the soldiers during the process.

If this were the modern Eagle Sauce, I'm afraid he would have spread his hands to express his powerlessness.

From this we can see that the virtue of "hard work and simplicity", Wang Xuexin believes that it has nothing to do with the country and race, but is caused by the general environment... At this time, the eagle sauce has changed from the era of the Great Depression to the era of great economic development. It is in the stage of healthy competition, so it is full of confidence and hope from top to bottom, which is the so-called "the ascending channel is not closed".

The common people of the modern eagle sauce have been in a superior environment for too long, especially when private companies have entered a vicious circle of monopoly. % of wealth).

The whole society of Eagle Sauce is even consciously stratified: rich people enter private schools to receive elite education (actually, Huaxia’s exam-oriented education), and ordinary people enter public schools to receive so-called quality education (actually, sheep-herding education, laissez-faire education, using Those who come to fool the people, let ordinary people stay at the bottom as much as possible and cannot compete with the people in the upper class).

In such an environment and atmosphere where the "ascending channel has almost been closed", it is unrealistic to ask the people of Yingjiang to have the same enthusiasm and responsibility as before.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin is a little fortunate to cooperate with the eagle sauce of this era instead of the modern one.

But at the same time, I also feel a headache because of this... Eagle Sauce is also a potential enemy of Huaxia. At this time, the powerful Yingjiang is also not a good thing for Huaxia.

While Wang Xuexin was busy building a helicopter unit, Neiji Okamura on the other side became a little uneasy when he detected the deployment of troops from the Eighth Route Army.

"They actually arranged the main force on the mountains on both sides of Yangyuan County?" Neiji Okamura asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied: "According to our latest intelligence, there are probably two main regiments in the north side of the Yinshan Mountain, and the south side of Hengshan and Yinshan... there should be six main regiments!"

"What's the matter with 'should'?" Neiji Okamura asked, "Can't you find out how many main groups they have?"

"No, Your Excellency General!" Yoshio Shinozuka said in embarrassment: "It's not that they can't be detected, but the Eighth Route Army... They expanded the main regiment, and their main regiment absorbed the Eighth Route Army from Taihang Mountain. One regiment was split into two." One regiment or even three regiments, so that we don’t know which ones are the main force regiments and which ones are not. It is estimated that there were four main force regiments that first entered the Taihang Mountain area! Now we are not sure!”

"So that's how it is!" Okamura Ningji said to himself, and then he looked at the Taihang Mountain on the map and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said: "The Eighth Route Army's deployment of troops makes us very embarrassed! It's not about attacking, and it won't work if you don't attack..."

Shinta Kono reminded from the side: "Your Excellency, are you still thinking about attacking? If the main force of the Eighth Route Army gains a firm foothold in the Taihang Mountain area, I'm afraid that the whole of Shanxi will be surrounded by the Eighth Route Army!"

No wonder Kono Shinta was so anxious.

The terrain of Shanxi is the Taihang Mountains on the west side of Luliang Mountain and the east side, and the whole is a long strip of straight tubes.

In the past, the devils occupied Zhangjiakou, Datong to Yanmenguan, and then went south to Taiyuan, Linfen, and Yuncheng. This entire route passed through the middle of the two mountain ranges.

Originally, there was no danger to the devils, because in the past, the devils were superior in terms of troops, equipment, supplies, etc., and the Eighth Route Army could only use the mountainous areas to fight guerrilla attacks against the devils. It can only be said to be a circle.

But now it is different. Zhangjiakou, Datong, and Yanmenguan are all occupied by the Eighth Route Army.

The occupation of Zhangjiakou cut off the possibility of the Kwantung Army going south for reinforcements.

The occupation of Datong blocked the entry of the devils into Shanxi.

The occupation of Yanmen Pass made it impossible for the devils in Taiyuan to go north.

As a result, the passage to the north of the devil was almost completely blocked.

The Eighth Route Army's defense in the Luliang Mountains in the west has taken shape. If the Taihang Mountains in the east develop and grow... then won't Shanxi be surrounded by the Eighth Route Army on three sides?
At that time, as long as the Eighth Route Army in Yuncheng pushes eastward, the encirclement will be completely sealed, and the devils in Shanxi, including Neiji Okamura, will have nowhere to escape.

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