Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1373 Experiment

Okamura Ningji's goal is very clear, which is the Yangyuan Passage.

Okamura Ningji's idea is very simple. He sent a troop to secretly intersperse from Taihang Mountain. Because this troop did not have sufficient supplies, it may not be strong enough to attack the city of Datong, but it went around to the other end of the Yangyuan Passage to cut off Datong and Yangyuan. contact is still possible.

Then, the airborne troops and aviation provided reinforcements, and the regular army on the other side attacked Yangyuan at the same time, so that they could quickly occupy and control the entire Yangyuan passage.

As for the main regiments of the Eighth Route Army deployed in the two mountain ranges in the north and the south... If the imperial army has deployed troops in the Yangyuan Passage and even repaired the roads and railways, then they will fight the Eighth Route Army fiercely on the plain of the Yangyuan Passage. Bar!

Neiji Okamura believed that the Imperial Army would not lose to the Eighth Route Army on the plains, especially those that came down from the mountains... The Eighth Route Army that came down from the mountains meant that they had no tanks, half-track armored vehicles, or even large-caliber howitzers.

For such an enemy, if the imperial army is still unable to defeat, then there is no need to fight this battle.

Next, if the Yangyuan Passage is successfully in the hands of the imperial army, it will not be a big problem to attack Datong or even split a part to attack Yanmen Pass.

Okamura Neji originally planned to use the airborne troops to parachute to the other end of the Yangyuan Passage to perform this task, but helplessly, the airborne troops of the empire are really embarrassing... Ever since the last time the airborne troops were defeated, Okamura Neji There is a psychological shadow in airborne combat, and I don't believe in airborne soldiers.

What's more, the Eighth Route Army probably still has mechanized troops near Datong... Half-track vehicles are the nemesis of the airborne troops. Under such circumstances, parachuting troops into the Eighth Route Army's defensive circle is almost letting them die.

Then Neiji Okamura started working on the plan.

Neiji Okamura arranged two brigades to intersperse. The ghosts of these two brigades almost looted the mules, donkeys, horses, cattle, etc. of the nearby people, especially the mules and donkeys. through the mountain roads.

Another advantage of using animal power is that it can be used as rations: mules and donkeys can carry food and ammunition on their backs, and they can be killed and eaten when the food or ammunition is used up.

In order to ensure that his whereabouts are not revealed, Okamura Ningji demanded that all the Chinese people encountered by the interspersed troops must be silenced... Although this cannot completely seal the secrets, it can at least reduce the probability of information reaching the ears of the Eighth Route Army.

While Okamura Ningji was preparing to attack the Yangyuan Passage, Wang Xuexin's construction was also advancing steadily.

Because the test of the first VS300 went smoothly, and the Eighth Route Army urgently needed to use helicopters, the VS300 V was put into mass production a week later. The output was [-] a month, an average of one a day.

In fact, this cannot be regarded as the real "production", because the main component and the most time-consuming engine are imported from Yingjiang, and one VS300V needs four engines.

The so-called "production" of the Eighth Route Army is more like "assembly". If it is calculated from the production of engines, it would be good to have two or three aircraft a month.

However, there is no way to do this. Aeroengines are not something you can learn if you want to. Its requirements for materials and technology are much higher than those of automobile engines.

The anti-aircraft missile under the charge of Su Xin is also gradually taking shape: the computer, base station and radar have all been modified and successfully performed two positioning calculations.

To Wang Xuexin's surprise, the speed of the anti-aircraft missile using tetrahydrofuran plus aluminum powder solid fuel far exceeded Wang Xuexin's estimate: its speed was not 800 kilometers per hour, but 2100 kilometers per hour.

(Note: Hongqi 61 using this fuel has a maximum speed of Mach 3, which is 3672 kilometers per hour)

This increases its success rate of intercepting the target to a large extent... The greater the relative speed of the anti-aircraft missile to the target means that it can catch up with it in a shorter period of time, and the enemy pilots have no There is no time to react and change flight status.

Among them, it is still a troublesome thing to determine "successful positioning". At that time, Su Xin prepared dozens of artillery observers to record time and missile data in real time by manual observation. Afterwards, multiple sets of data were compared... There are indeed differences, but most of them It is all caused by the low accuracy of manual calculations by artillery observers.

Therefore, until now, it is impossible to determine whether the positioning system is accurate or how accurate it is, because there is no device in this era that can prove that it is accurate or inaccurate.

Su Xin could only give a vague answer: "It should be accurate, not much different from the data calculated by the artillery observers!"

Wang Xuexin didn't think too much, and immediately ordered to enter the next stage, which is the interception experiment... It seems that there is only one way to know whether the positioning is accurate, and that is to see if the target bomb can be accurately destroyed. War is so realistic. The cat that catches mice is a good cat.

Wang Xuexin still did not go to the live ammunition test.

According to common sense, this is the first test of China's air defense missiles, so Wang Xuexin should participate in such a commemorative event.

But these are war years.

During the war years, all considerations were functions, values, and interests rather than taking pictures and punching cards to commemorate.

Is there any effect or value for Wang Xuexin to take this test himself, or is it of any value to the Eighth Route Army?

Not at all, just go and have a look.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that although he didn't go, the chief of staff went... The R&D headquarters of Wang Xuexin's project was very interested and continued to follow up.

The chief said: "Using missiles for air defense? This idea is very good! If it can be successful, it will be our unique weapon! The anti-aircraft guns can be saved, but I don't know if this guy Xiaobei has the ability!"

Wang Xuexin was very satisfied with the results of the experiment, and hit two out of three shots.One of the failures to shoot down the target bomb was probably due to the sudden increase in distance caused by the sudden strong wind, which caused the proximity fuze to explode too early.

This is the shortcoming of the proximity fuze.

In the actual sense, the missile should use a composite fuze, that is, use a computer and radar to calculate the distance of the target to determine whether to detonate instead of simply calculating whether the distance increases like a proximity fuze.

But at this time, the Eighth Route Army was not yet capable of developing this kind of computer, nor could it install the electronic tube computer into the missile, so it could only use proximity fuzes to make do with it.

Wang Xuexin, who was in the Liyuan Command, was not thinking about anti-aircraft missiles when he received the success of the experiment. With the blessing of the system, the success of this thing is only a matter of time.

At that time, Wang Xuexin was thinking about... In the current situation, is the time ripe for recovering Taiyuan?

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