Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 138 Regular Troops

Chapter 138 Regular Troops
Wang Xuexin has no objection to this transfer, because his platoon is the main platoon, including him, 12 people seized 100 caps, and five of them were designated as sharpshooters with original bullets because of their combat experience and marksmanship... At that time, the number of sharpshooters had expanded to more than [-], and to be honest, some of them could no longer be called sharpshooters.

In addition, Wang Xuexin is a platoon leader who shoots original bullets. It is impossible to transfer Wang Xuexin to another platoon to be demoted!
As a result, Wang Xuexin immediately discovered that a platoon leader was demoted because of this, but he was assigned to a platoon to listen to Wang Xuexin's command.

The one who was demoted was Zhang Qingcai, the leader of the third platoon, and was transferred to the first platoon to fill Zhou Ping's vacancy as the third squad leader.

Seeing Zhang Qingcai’s displeasure on his face, Wang Xuexin told him directly: “Comrade Zhang Qingcai, if you are not willing to be the squad leader, I can immediately go to the company commander to apply for you to go back. I guarantee that you are still the platoon leader, and you can Save the gun!"

Zhang Qingcai hurriedly replied: "No, platoon leader. I didn't think about the officer of the platoon leader, nor did I think about guns and bullets. I have been with those dozen or so comrades for some years, and I can't bear it!"

After a pause, he added: "Since it was arranged by the superior, and you can fight again, although I am downgraded from platoon leader to squad leader, everyone knows that it is a real promotion. Who doesn't want to enter the platoon The platoon leader is beating devils? I have nothing to dislike!"

Wang Xuexin was relieved after hearing what Zhang Qingcai said.

In fact, Wang Xuexin doesn't really care whether he is a sharpshooter or not. The important thing is not to have emotions. If there is emotion on the battlefield, he will not be able to coordinate closely, which is likely to cause problems.

For example, in the battle where Wang Xuexin snatched the ammunition cart, Huzi actually needed the cooperation of Hu Zi, otherwise it would not be possible to snatch the ammunition cart so smoothly.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that there was actually another reason for Zhang Qingcai's displeasure.

When Zhang Qingchang was the leader of the third platoon, he aimed at Wang Xuexin's first platoon. He was in a hurry and vowed to lead the third platoon to catch up with the first platoon. As a result, such a transfer... all plans were over.

The disappointment in his heart, and the many promises he made to his subordinates before could not be fulfilled, which made him a little unable to face his old subordinates, but he just stayed in a place where he couldn't even look up.

After knowing this, Wang Xuexin was completely relieved of Zhang Qingcai, because he knew that he was an ambitious and responsible monitor, otherwise he wouldn't care so much about his promise.

After such small adjustments, it took a little time to rest and get familiar with each other.

But the Japanese army did not give the soldiers this time.

It's time for the soldiers to introduce themselves... This is a way for the soldiers to get acquainted with each other, but because they have contact with each other in normal times, it is a different style of painting:
"My name is Zhang Qingcai, the former leader of the third platoon..."

"I know, the nickname is 'what is it', and when others say something, they will reply 'what can that be?'!"

"I heard that I also responded to our platoon leader in the same way, do you still think it's nothing?"

Zhang Qingcai replied in embarrassment: "Go, go, I'm not the platoon leader? I have to talk about one platoon all the time, how can we mess around in the third platoon?"

The soldiers laughed when they heard the "coax".

At this moment, there was a faint "rumbling" sound in the sky, and all the soldiers raised their heads in doubt and looked in the direction of the sound.

Wang Xuexin quickly realized what it was, and hurriedly shouted: "It's an airplane, the devil's airplane! Go into the tunnel, all of you into the tunnel..."

As soon as the soldiers got into the tunnel, there was a harsh screaming sound outside... This is what the devils learned from the Germans. They always put a whistle on the bomb, and this whistle will make a scream like ghosts and wolves when the bomb falls. This is a psychological blow to the enemy.

Then, there was a flurry of "booming" sounds, and the bombs caused waves of vibration, like a volcanic eruption or an earthquake, causing the soil on both sides of the tunnel to "shuashuashua" down.

The soldiers all raised their heads and stared nervously at the soil layer above their heads, worried that it would collapse at any moment and bury everyone in the soil.

Wang Xuexin was also afraid, but he still suppressed the fear in his heart and the desire to run out of the tunnel, gritting his teeth, because he knew that he must not go out at this time, and being buried in the soil was better than being blown to pieces.

At this time, Wang Xuexin noticed that the soldiers around him moved a few steps towards the entrance of the tunnel.

Wang Xuexin immediately realized what the soldier was going to do, and stretched out his hand to try to grab him.

The soldier calmed down temporarily, but the two roars and huge tremors that followed frightened him. He broke free from Wang Xuexin's hand and rushed out. Perhaps because of the power brought by fear, the two soldiers tried to push him away. He failed to stop them.

Several soldiers wanted to rush out of the tunnel to pull him back, but Wang Xuexin blocked their actions by blocking the tunnel entrance in time.

After a while, the explosion finally stopped.

Wang Xuexin took the soldiers out and saw that the whole world had changed. The place that should have been a hill had been blown into a big crater, and a small hill had emerged from the place where a col was supposed to be. Buried in the broken soil, it became a small ditch.

Wang Xuexin searched around, trying to find the soldier who ran out of the tunnel, but there was no one in the surrounding area.

Huzi asked all the departments to register their names, and then reported: "Platoon leader, the one who ran out is called Wang Zhiyuan, and he is a sharpshooter who just arrived."

Wang Xuexin sighed secretly, the sharpshooter "disappeared" before he was transferred to the first row before he had time to play a role.

The company commander Wu Lei got out of the soil on the other side, and then shouted: "Enter the position and prepare to fight!"

With a wave of his hand, Wang Xuexin led the soldiers to run towards the top of the mountain. When he got to the ridgeline, he poked his head out and looked down. They came to surround Zhaojiayu, at least a thousand people.

They were wearing helmets and holding rifles, plaster flags were hung on the shining bayonets, three tanks drove up on the highway, stopped and turned the turret after approaching the high ground, and made a few "booms" A few shots were fired towards the top of the mountain.

"It's the devil's regular army!" Wu Lei scolded: "Damn it, the devil has spent a lot of money this time!"

The term "regular troops" is not accurate, and the devils did not have such a term, but Wang Xuexin still understood the meaning of these words.

Usually, because the Eighth Route Army adopted guerrilla tactics against the devils, they ran away after hitting and hid in the mountains, so the devils seldom used planes and tanks... These heavy equipment have no effect on guerrilla warfare, and the planes don't know where to blow them up. Tanks can't go into the mountains either.

These mixed brigades without heavy equipment were called irregular troops by the Eighth Route Army. In contrast, those divisions fighting on the front line were called regular troops.

At this moment, Wang Xuexin's anti-slope tactics are facing the threat of the devil's regular troops.

(End of this chapter)

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