Chapter 1380
Here is an explanation of the CNC machine tool in the previous chapter: the first CNC machine tool in real history was developed in 47, successfully developed in 49, and officially launched in 51.Low-end CNC machine tools such as point control CNC machine tools are actually not complicated. They are mass-produced as soon as they are developed. The more difficult ones are mainly high-end contour control CNC machine tools.


Therefore, the monk who is not afraid of the sky and the earth is afraid of flying.

At first, the monk thought that what Wang Xuexin said was teasing him, and after a moment of surprise, he smiled and replied: "Leader, don't embarrass me, I'm already embarrassing enough..."

"Why am I embarrassing you?" Wang Xuexin interrupted the monk.

"Regimental Commander, what you said is true...really?" The monk became a little anxious at this point: "Then, isn't there an airborne regiment to fight by plane? I've heard about it. Feiduo Yanmen Pass, and Yulin Airport in Zhangjiakou..."

"They are them, you are you!" Wang Xuexin replied.

"Then...isn't that the same?" The monk cocked his mouth and said, "We all fight by plane. You already have an airborne regiment, and you want my reconnaissance company...why do you want to join in the fun?"

"What? Are you scared?" Wang Xuexin resorted to aggressive tactics, which he knew monks would do.

Sure enough, the monk replied without even thinking about it: "Who, who is afraid? I have never been afraid when I grow up as a monk!"

"That's it?"

The monk wanted to hold on like this, but the next second he gave in again, and he leaned up and said, "Headmaster, I, a trainer, pays attention to the stability of the foot, and the heart is at ease when both feet are on the ground. There is something wrong with the dangling body, you see... Is it inappropriate for me to do this?"

After hearing this, Wang Xuexin understood what was going on. The monk is used to controlling his body, and he couldn't do it on the plane.

"I said monk!" Wang Xuexin replied: "What are you competing with the plane? In a word, do it or not, if you don't do it, leave the troops and go back to the independent regiment!"

The monk felt that it was not good when he heard it!

The monk has nothing to like, but he likes to be brave and fierce. Ordinary troops can't stand his fists and feet. In his words, they are "boring".

There are many capable people in the reconnaissance company, and some of them can compete with the monk a few times in punches and kicks, and even more are better than the monk in marksmanship. The monks are comfortable in the reconnaissance company, and of course they don't want to leave.

Thinking about it, the monk immediately replied: "Don't, leader, can't I do it? Isn't it just flying? What's the big deal!"

What the monk said was hard, but it didn’t work when he got on the plane, especially a helicopter... Liyuan used the single-rotor VS300 type [-] for training, which was not as stable as the double-rotor type [-], and it swayed left and right as soon as it took off Yes, the monk was shaken and vomited again in a few strokes.

Wang Xuexin thought it was funny. Everyone has weaknesses, and monks are no exception.

But monk, this should not be regarded as a weakness, but this guy who has practiced martial arts since childhood requires a steady footwork. After decades, his sudden footwork instability caused a particularly strong reaction, and other people have not had such a big reaction.

Before the monk could get used to it, a telegram from Li Yunlong came: "Commander Wang, my independent regiment is only counting on a few veterans to support the situation. They are all good at one-on-one! Commander Wang must make good use of them!"

Li Yunlong's words didn't match the preface and the afterword, and ordinary people didn't understand what it meant.But how could Wang Xuexin, who has been with Li Yunlong for so long, not know that he just doesn't want to be a reconnaissance company like a monk!

Wang Xuexin also sees through and doesn't tell the truth, so he replied some secretive words: "Commander Li, recruits will always become veterans, and if you fight a few more battles, won't all the recruits in your hands be veterans again? When the time comes Stand up even more! Although the soldiers of the reconnaissance company are one-on-one to you, they are still new recruits to me! You need to practice more!"

Li Yunlong was so angry when he saw the telegram, he cursed: "Damn it, since you, Little Northeast, despise the reconnaissance company as recruits, why are recruits not soldiers? !"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong wanted to call Wang Xuexin back, but was persuaded by Zhao Gang.

"I'm talking about Lao Li!" Zhao Gang sat cross-legged on the kang while peeling peanuts and said Shi Shiran, "Just tell us what's in your heart, how much more useful can the reconnaissance company play in our hands?"

After being told by Zhao Gang, Li Yunlong who was walking towards the telecommunications room stopped.

There is nothing wrong with Zhao Gang's words. Since the independent regiment was equipped with half-track armored vehicles and realized mechanization, the reconnaissance company has basically been useless.

The main reason is that the marching speed of the troops is fast, and the reconnaissance method of the independent regiment has changed.

In the past, the reconnaissance company was very important when the independent regiment walked on two legs... The main force marched about [-] kilometers a day, and the reconnaissance company, a small unit, could walk [-] kilometers, and it could also go over mountains and mountains. Can rush ahead of the troops to perform reconnaissance missions.

However, after the mechanization of the troops, the marching distance of the main force can be hundreds of kilometers, and it can also go fifty kilometers while fighting. The reconnaissance company that relies on walking is useless. …the result is transformed into an ordinary mechanized army.

As for the reconnaissance missions, they were all carried out by the reconnaissance planes of the Aviation Force and friendly forces or guerrillas.

Then Zhao Gang tapped on the table with his fingers and emphasized his tone: "Lao Li, if the reconnaissance company can only be used as an ordinary army in our hands, why can't it be transferred to other troops to play a greater role? Xiaodongbei also saw this. Transfer them out! You are good, and you want to transfer them back. This is not good for the development of the reconnaissance company itself, and the second is that Xiaodongbei will never agree with your waste of good soldiers. Our Eighth Route Army Although many comrades joined in [-] and the army expanded a lot, there are not many veterans like the reconnaissance company who can fight. You have to think about the overall situation and avoid making the selfish mistake of treating the army as your personal property!"

When Zhao Gang said this, Li Yunlong's anger went up: "Who the hell treats the troops as personal property? I have to send out the good soldiers if I want to think about the overall situation? So independent What kind of battle does the regiment fight? Just change it to a new barracks to train new recruits!"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong sat back on the kang head angrily without looking at Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang rolled his eyes, and when he saw that the situation was not right, he changed his words: "Lao Li, Lao Li, you have experienced so many times, why are you still not enlightened? Just tell me, Xiaobei and you Li Yunlong You have dealt with him so many times, which time did you suffer a disadvantage, Li Yunlong? How did you come to have a half-track vehicle and a repeating rifle?"

When Li Yunlong thought about it, he felt that it was true. Like last time, he always felt that it was a loss to exchange dozens of cannons for the twelve "old three guns". As a result, Xiaodongbei supplemented the cannon detection radar!
Maybe this time...

(Note: Maoxiong's M30 howitzer is called the "old three tubes" by our soldiers because the upper, middle and lower tubes are stacked together.)
Thinking of Li Yunlong, he laughed "hehehe", and waved his hand generously: "I will be transferred, I can afford this soldier! At worst, I have to practice again, who am I afraid of if I have the ability to train soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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