A bunch of dense bright spots flashed and approached on the radar screen. Just as Ren Gang turned to check the distribution map of the missile launch vehicle, the radar soldier reported nervously: "Director, the target soldiers are divided into two groups!"

Ren Gang turned around and saw that the bright spot was split into two and flew towards east and west.

"Calculate the trajectory of the missile!" Ren Gang ordered.


This does not require a computer. As soon as the radar soldiers report the target position and new direction, the staff will immediately draw the new trajectory of the missile on the map based on the data.

"Report!" The staff officer reported in less than a minute: "The new targets of the devil missiles are Longxi Airport and the steel plant!"

"This trick again!" Ren Gang clenched his fists.

This is what the devils call the east and the west. Before bombing the Ningbei Railway Station, their missiles often go to the Longxi Airport and the Iron and Steel Factory Airport.

The hateful thing is that the Eighth Route Army knows that the devils are bluffing but they dare not neglect, because as long as there are fighter planes parked at the airport, the devil's missiles are likely to really target these planes... Compared with the devil's missiles, the Eighth Route Army's fighter planes Gold is much more expensive, and pilots of the Eighth Route Army are even more scarce. It is obviously not worthwhile to exchange the two.

Therefore, the Longxi Airport and the Iron and Steel Factory Airport took action immediately, and the planes took off one by one... Fortunately, the two airports had predicted this kind of thing early in the morning, so there were only twelve fighter planes in a squadron, and the fuel consumption was fast when they took off. Not much.

Wu Zicang is a veteran who has fought in battle and has combat experience. He knows that at any time, he must keep something in his hand as a reserve for emergency... No one can predict what will happen when the battle is fought. The reserve team is likely to be in a hurry because of a small accident and finally affect the entire battle situation.

In the same way, shouldn't the missiles also be reserved?Or is it because Ren Gang has no combat experience and doesn't know how to stay?
Not wanting Ren Gang but insisting on his own command, he fixed his eyes on the bright spot on the radar screen and said without turning his head: "Commander Wu, so you have to set up the machine guns. If there is a leak or any accident, It's up to your machine guns!"

After all, it is an anti-aircraft artillery regiment. Considering that the anti-aircraft artillery unit basically has no chance to fight the enemy head-on, it is a waste to equip more machine guns.

"Yes!" Ren Gang nodded and said: "It's dark night and the visual range, so I judge that the devil's missiles will keep flying densely before diving, and they will not disperse until they enter the diving distance! At this time, it will be difficult to intercept. I Fang Feibo can't cause surface damage, what does Captain Wu think?"

This was expected by Ren Gang, and he immediately ordered: "Order the anti-aircraft artillery battalion to turn to their respective target positions and prepare for firing!"

In an open space two miles away from Ningbei Railway Station, more than a dozen cars were parked scattered in it. It was pitch black, with no sound or light.

"They must be dense!" Ren Gang replied: "Missiles are cheap suicide equipment for devils. Except for the team leader who has a radio station, they only have receiving devices, that is, other missiles can only receive orders and cannot answer."


It turned out that one antiaircraft artillery battalion of the antiaircraft artillery regiment had five missile vehicles with a total of 10 missiles. Ren Gang dispatched all four antiaircraft artillery battalions, so all 40 missiles were used.

Ren Gang's order made Wu Zicang, the head of the regiment, very anxious. He walked back and forth twice in the room, stomped his feet, and temporarily handed over the command task to the deputy head of the regiment. He made three steps and two steps towards the technical department. Hurry... As I said before, the command of his regiment leader is not important to the anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

"Captain Wu!" Ren Gang explained without waiting for Wu Zicang to ask: "We want to inflict the most powerful damage on the enemy when the enemy's missiles are the most dense, so we should knock them out in one wave, so as to give the enemy The enemy is psychologically shocked the most, the leader will not have any objection?"

Wu Zicang understood after hearing this: "I will keep these missiles within my sight range, so that I can know their status at any time!"

The whole team suddenly moved, and the canvas on the trunk of the car was lifted with a "wow", revealing the anti-aircraft missiles inside. Under the swift movements of the soldiers, they slowly raised their warheads and pointed at the dark moonlit night... At this time China's anti-aircraft missile launcher is hand-cranked, and the Eighth Route Army is not so extravagant that even the launcher can be automatic.

The antiaircraft artillery regiment didn't have many machine guns, only four...one for each battalion.

But this is Ningbei Railway Station. An infantry battalion stationed here has two machine guns. In addition, six machine guns were found in the warehouse. Eleven were barely made up. One of them was placed on the shoulders of the soldiers and aimed at the sky. Used as an anti-aircraft machine gun.

"This..." Wu Zicang was choked by Ren Gang's words. This was at night, and the missiles were shooting at hundreds of kilometers per hour during the dive phase. What use would a machine gun be?

Wu Zicang didn't speak. He nodded after thinking about it for a while, then strode out of the technical department, and shouted at the Eighth Route Army soldiers outside in a hoarse and high-pitched voice: "Everyone has them, set up the machine guns!"

A serious air defense force cannot only have anti-aircraft missiles. It should be a three-dimensional air defense with multiple means of far, middle and near. It can make every effort to seize every opportunity to destroy the enemy's air targets.

"Intensive?" Wu Zicang asked suspiciously: "The enemy already knows that we are an anti-aircraft artillery unit, so how could it be dense?"

Therefore, after this battle, Wu Zicang, the head of the regiment, was no longer the "Minister of Logistics". Wang Xuexin equipped them with real anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, and the anti-aircraft guns also used proximity fuzes.

This is Wang Xuexin's fault, and it can also be said that he is inexperienced.

Then Ren Gang turned his head and asked Wu Zicang: "Commander Wu, if you were the devil commander, and you were flying in the air with a group of subordinates who couldn't report the situation, and it was still dark... what would you do?"


Ren Gang then ordered: "The first antiaircraft artillery battalion and the second antiaircraft artillery battalion are concentrated at launch base No. 4, and the third antiaircraft artillery battalion and fourth antiaircraft artillery battalion are concentrated at launch base No. 7!"

The battalion commander who had been standing by the phone suddenly stood up and ordered: "Ready for launch!"

"Director!" At this time, the radar soldier reported again: "The target turned around again, flying towards us from two directions!"

"Launch ready!"

"Launch ready!"

This is a piece of information that the Eighth Route Army analyzed when collecting the wreckage of the Devil's missile.

Ren Gang looked at the display screen, and saw that two clusters of bright spots were flying towards Ningbei Railway Station from east and west directions.

As soon as he arrived at the technical department, Wu Zicang asked Ren Gang: "Director Ren, all four anti-aircraft artillery battalions are sent out at once? Don't leave any for the reserve team. What if a few come in or there are some accidents?"

Everything was ready, and the soldiers scattered and hid in the bunkers that had been dug long ago, waiting for orders.

With the command of the battalion commander: "Launch!"



I only heard "嗖嗖" flames and screams, and twenty anti-aircraft missiles flew into the night sky with a dazzling trail...

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