Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1389 M19 Self-Propelled Anti-aircraft Gun

Chapter 1389 M19 Self-Propelled Anti-aircraft Gun

In the end, two Japanese missiles broke through the air defense network of the Eighth Route Army and successfully entered the airspace of Ningbei Railway Station, but one of the missiles was hit by an Eighth Route Army machine gun and exploded in the open space outside the station, while the other flew into Ningbei Railway Station and was blown up. A wooden house with almost no value... This is probably a hasty choice made by the devil pilots under the pressure of the powerful air defense of the Eighth Route Army.

Although Wang Xuexin is in Liyuan, he has been paying attention to this air defense battle. At the end of the battle, even Wang Xuexin was a little surprised: a total of 40 air defense missiles stopped 27 targets, which is a bit high success rate!
If this is modern, Hongqi 61 generally needs 3 missiles to ensure that it can intercept a target, but now this first-generation anti-aircraft missile developed by the Eighth Route Army is equipped with a proximity fuze, and the success rate can be as high as 67%!

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin felt that this was actually quite normal.

This is not to say that the Eighth Route Army's first-generation anti-aircraft missiles are better than the modern Hongqi 61, but that the interception targets are different.

The modern Hongqi 61 intercepts all high-speed targets, which are supersonic or subsonic at every turn.

What the Eighth Route Army intercepted was only elementary missiles with a speed of about 400 kilometers per hour. In addition, the devils were caught off guard because they had no mental preparations in this regard, especially when the first batch gathered in a pile.

However, Wang Xuexin still realized the shortcomings of the air defense force: the advantage of anti-aircraft missiles is that they can be intercepted at a long distance and have a high success rate. Once they break through the air defense network, they will be powerless.

In fact, it’s not powerless, but it’s a waste to use anti-aircraft missiles to intercept the medium-to-short range, such as within five kilometers, especially when the enemy’s missiles are about to hit the target, and to use anti-aircraft missiles to intercept them... These anti-aircraft missiles will not only fail to reduce losses, but will increase them. Loss, because the shrapnel it shoots is likely to kill its own people.

"Regimental Commander!" While Wang Xuexin was thinking about this issue, Chen Songyong came up with a telegram and said, "Wu Zicang, the commander of the Third Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, said that although our army won the air defense battle, he thought that the antiaircraft artillery The regiment should be equipped with anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns to assist missile air defense!"


This is the benefit of standing between the two great powers.

First of all, the Eighth Route Army introduced several 52K anti-aircraft guns for Mao Xiong to build an anti-aircraft artillery interception system before, so it knows that the performance of this anti-aircraft gun is quite good and is suitable for air defense, and Mao Xiong used this anti-aircraft gun in the battles of Stalingrad and Baku. Shooting down Hans' missiles proved the reliability of this anti-aircraft gun.

"How about..." Chen Songyong suggested, "We can use Mao Xiong's 52K anti-aircraft gun?"

Wang Xuexin then thought of the M19 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun plan proposed to Yingjiang. He didn't think much, and immediately ordered Chen Songyong: "Let Sun Erwei come to my office!"

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin replied: "But Sun Erwei, I let you come this time because we need another piece of equipment!"

A few minutes later, Sun Erwei appeared in front of Wang Xuexin. As soon as he entered the door, he said: "Wang, you are already able to produce helicopters. Now, is it time to give us the blueprint of the relay computer?"

Sun Erwei stayed in Liyuan during this time.

"In addition!" Then Wang Xuexin added: "From the results of this battle, we know that at a distance of 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers, the best equipment is anti-aircraft missiles instead of anti-aircraft guns. Therefore, what we need is short- and medium-range anti-aircraft guns. , it can complement the range of anti-aircraft missiles! On the other hand, because our anti-aircraft missiles are transported by cars, the anti-aircraft guns that match it are required to have considerable mobility, especially the target should not be too obvious, otherwise the anti-aircraft Troops are likely to become the targets of enemy fighters!"

Wang Xuexin said "hmm", this Wu Zicang thought of going with him.

In fact, this should be done between countries. Only by standing in the middle can we benefit from both sides instead of completely turning to one side to offend the other.

Thirdly, Mao Xiong owes Huaxia a lot of money, and the introduction from Mao Xiong only needs to be deducted from the arrears, and no additional payment is required... Even if Mao Xiong can't pay back the money one day, the losses of the Eighth Route Army will be less.

Hearing this, Chen Songyong flipped through the pile of documents piled aside, took out a piece of data from it, looked at it, frowned and said: "Commander, you are right! The 52K anti-aircraft gun weighs more than 4000 kilograms. The gun barrel is more than four meters long, and the gun mount is at least five or six meters long. If the muzzle of this gun is lifted into the air, enemy planes will be able to spot it from a long distance!"

"Oh!" Sun Erwei became interested in an instant: "I just said, there must be some things that Mao Xiong can't give you!"

It's just that Chen Songyong doesn't know much about it. He thinks it can be done by improving the system.

However, if not this anti-aircraft gun, what can it be used for?

There is a reason for Chen Songyong to say that.

Secondly, since our army can build an antiaircraft artillery interception system for Mao Xiong, why not build one by ourselves in a similar way?
This aspect is actually not advisable. The reason why Maoxiong's interception system is effective is that the missiles they deal with Hans cannot change course, but the devil's man-operated missiles can, so this anti-aircraft artillery interception system cannot be used in Huaxia.

This is what Wang Xuexin wants to say. The target of the anti-aircraft missile is not obvious. Usually, the car is covered with canvas, and the anti-aircraft missile is not erected diagonally until wartime.

This is not what Sun Erwei wanted, because Liyuan is too backward, there is nothing but the airport and a nearby backward village, but in order to "monitor" Wang Xuexin nearby, Sun Erwei can only stay here.

If there are one or two big guys like 52K anti-aircraft guns in it, then the target will be exposed in two hits!
What's more, if you really want to introduce this anti-aircraft gun to form the air defense of the artillery regiment, it will violate the original intention of developing the anti-aircraft missile.

"The range of the 52K anti-aircraft gun is about 10 kilometers!" Wang Xuexin said: "The range of our anti-aircraft missile is 13 kilometers. The ranges of the two are highly overlapping, which is not the equipment we need!"

But Wang Xuexin did not agree with Chen Songyong's idea.

Wang Xuexin almost forgot about this.

For example, at this time, Wang Xuexin became the target of Yingjiang and Maoxiong because he was standing in the middle. Once Wang Xuexin completely fell to one side, the result would be completely different.

Of course, this is the fate of small countries. As chess pieces, they can only find living space in the game of chess players.

Huaxia is not a chess piece, she is a chess player who can control the situation.

Wang Xuexin asked Sun Erwei: "I remember I told you about the plan to combine the anti-aircraft gun with the light tank chassis. I hope you have developed this anti-aircraft gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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