Chapter 1395
Ian was stunned when he heard this, and then he turned his gaze to Turing again.

Turing hesitated for a moment, then said helplessly: "If it is ordinary equipment, I believe that the industrial strength that never sets is capable of building it according to the drawings. But if it involves computers... then it is not a matter of drawings. !"

In this regard, Turing did not lie, because the air defense system involves the integration of computers and other signals, and the computer program is completed by complex wiring rules, which is difficult or even impossible to express clearly with drawings.

"I see!" Colonel Ian said, "So, Mr. Turing and his team must stay here, don't they?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin said, "Unless you can send someone who understands computers!"

It’s the same as saying nothing. At present, Turing is the only one in the world who can cooperate with Wang Xuexin on computers.

"This is not a big problem!" Colonel Ian replied: "If the transaction is successful, of course we will keep Mr. Turing here to study!"

At this time, Wang Xuexin added: "Colonel, in fact, I hope that Mr. Turing can continue to work in Huaxia for at least two years!"

"Two years?" Colonel Ian asked suspiciously, "Is it because the air defense system needs to be studied for two years?"

"No, of course not!" Wang Xuexin replied: "This has nothing to do with the air defense system, but... as a new equipment, the air defense system has many flaws, and so does the computer! We need to cooperate with Mr. Turing as much as possible. It is possible to quickly upgrade these equipment to make up for its shortcomings and then put it into the battlefield!"

Therefore, before the sun never sets, Turing will pay attention to the computer, instead of just treating the computer as a "universal decoding machine".

Wang Xuexin replied: "Except for the anti-aircraft missiles in the transaction, other aspects must not be disclosed!"

In this case, didn't Turing just steal his teacher in China?Although the secrets cannot be leaked within two years, but after two years, all technologies can be brought back to the point where the sun never sets...

At that time, it will be even more difficult or even impossible for Wang Xuexin to keep Turing.

This surprised Turing a little, and he said excitedly: "My king, thank you very much! But, why? I mean, you are already ahead, just keep going..."

"What about in two years?" Colonel Ian asked again.

If Wang Xuexin said from the beginning: "I can exchange Turing with anti-aircraft missiles and buy out his two years of research and development!"

There is a saying that "you get what you pay for". If the price of the Never Set is increased in various ways, then don't let Wang Xuexin provide a lower version of the air defense system for the Never Set.

When Colonel Ian passed Wang Xuexin's words back to London, the discussion in London was all about the value of the mosquito bomber production line and whether the anti-aircraft missile was worth exchanging with a production line.

Colonel Ian was surprised when he heard the condition.

So, the words from Colonel Ian are:

Of course Wang Xuexin would not say, "We need people like him just because we want to continue on."

However, if Wang Xuexin changes his method, for example, it looks like he bought a mosquito bomber production line, and Turing is just a gift to speed up the upgrade of air defense systems and computers...

Wang Xuexin's principle of doing business is: Never let the other party find out what you want most, otherwise you will have to pay a high price or even not be able to buy it.

Turing thought that Wang Xuexin would keep him in Huaxia, but he didn't expect to let him stay here for two years to participate in such a high-level research and development in this way...

Wang Xuexin said: "This can be said to be an additional condition of the transaction. I hope that Mr. Turing's research and development results during this period will be fully copyrighted by Huaxia and have the responsibility to keep them secret!"

Although the Mosquito bomber is excellent and very suitable for the industrial situation of the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army has not yet reached the point where it is absolutely necessary... The rocket fighter can barely fill the vacancy of the bomber, and it can also import bombers from Maoxiong or Yingjiang.

Colonel Ian nodded. He is a soldier, so of course he understands the urgency of putting new equipment on the battlefield.

Wang Xuexin seems to talk a lot, but in fact there is only one sentence: "Buy out Turing's two years of research and development."

Turing also looked at Wang Xuexin in shock.

"Comrade Commander, bomber engines need to be purchased separately, we cannot produce engines in China!"

Wang Xuexin spread his hands: "I won't be able to control it after two years!"

In short, the reason why the sun never sets is to raise the price, and the greedy nature of its businessmen is fully exposed.

The reason why Wang Xuexin insisted on importing mosquito bombers from Sunbuset was more because he did not want Sunbuset to realize the true value of Turing.

Wang Xuexin doesn't mind these things too much, because he knows that these things are nothing in front of Turing. If Turing can help Huaxia's computers enter the era of transistors and even integrated circuits, what is this small amount of money?
not to mention……

What Wang Xuexin wanted was Turing.


For Turing, they think that this "gift" is not worth mentioning and does not need to be discussed at all.

This situation is different, and it will keep the attention of the everlasting sun on the seemingly more important mosquito bomber production line and ignore Turing.

"Comrade head, the unit price of the engine needs to be [-] US dollars, is there no problem?"

"Comrade Commander!" Colonel Ian asked: "I want to know, does the secrecy you mentioned include the secrecy of the never-setting sun?"

This is not to say that Wang Xuexin's conditions are too harsh, but that the conditions are too easy, so easy that he can't believe it... Although Turing is a genius, so far only the "universal decoding machine" is worthy of praise, and Huaxia is even ahead in this regard, and Turing has learned a lot during his stay here.

What will be the reaction when the sun never sets?
Those people in London are not fools. They will be surprised and say: "God, Turing is so valuable? The head of Huaxia is willing to exchange top-notch equipment such as anti-aircraft missiles for him alone! And it is only the result of two years of research and development!" This matter is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

In fact, Wang Xuexin has been shifting the focus of Colonel Ian from the very beginning... To be exact, the sun never sets.

"In addition, the cost of ground staff and technical personnel... You know, there is a shortage of such personnel when the sun never sets!"

Sure enough, he was fooled in the aspect that the sun never sets.

If you say that, it will make the sun never set pay attention to the spirit.

Wang Xuexin has already made up his mind:

Missiles can be exactly the same. The technical level in this area is not high. I have given blueprints for missiles that never set before the sun. It is not so easy to fake.

As for the air defense system...

There is no need for a tube computer, and it can be replaced by a relay computer. Anyway, the relay computer has just been developed, and the sun never sets, and people will think it is the most advanced computer.

(End of this chapter)

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