Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1400 Absolute Bombing Advantage

Chapter 1400 Absolute Bombing Advantage
Perhaps Sun Never Set was in a hurry to get the air defense system, and it dismantled the Mosquito bomber production line in Kangaroo Country and shipped it to China... At this time, with the defeat of Hans in North Africa, the route from Sun Never Set to China has been opened. If there is any trouble, it is still that the coast of Huaxia and the external highways are occupied by devils, and the sun never sets. It needs to cross the Bering Strait from Alaska in Yingjiang to Maoxiong and then go around to Huaxia.

Taking this route is closer and more convenient to start from Kangaroo Country, so it seems understandable to dismantle the production line of Kangaroo Country.

But Wang Xuexin is still unhappy... This means that the production line that the sun never sets for Huaxia is second-hand.

Colonel Ian explained this in this way: "Comrade leader, our production line in Kangaroo Country has just been established. Although it is second-hand, I guarantee that it will not be much different from the first-hand one!"

Wang Xuexin only half believed this.

It is true that the Mosquito bomber has just been established, because the Mosquito bomber is mainly produced in the country where the sun never sets and the Maple Leaf country. Australia established a production line late, and only produced more than 200 aircraft, which is enough to show that this production line has not been established for a long time.

But the second half of the sentence "is not much different from the first hand"... Is there any difference between the used one and the disassembly operation?In any case, it will affect the life of the machine, and the failure rate will increase!

"Twenty engines!" Wang Xuexin said.

"What?" Colonel Ian looked at Wang Xuexin in confusion.

"Twenty engines as a gift!" Wang Xuexin said: "Otherwise I will not agree to receive this production line, and there will be no deal!"

In fact, Wang Xuexin didn't care about these. After all, even the Mosquito bomber production line was to dig out the gifts that came with Turing. Besides, Wang Xuexin believed that the bomber production technology was more important than the production line itself. First-hand and second-hand were not that important.


It has only one way to defend itself: speed.

Colonel Ian responded very simply, because they really needed the delivery from the Eighth Route Army urgently, and they never hoped that there would be problems with this batch of goods.

Yu Ping was half right.

A few days later: "Comrade leader! The technicians ask for a salary increase. You know, they can have their own demands!"

"Brand new guaranteed!"

Wang Xuexin can't understand the practice of making progress like the sun never sets. If it continues like this, it's not sure what kind of moth will come out next time.

Wang Xuexin pretended to be surprised: "Why? Aren't you... allies?"

Wang Xuexin thought to himself, if the sun never sets and knows that the Eighth Route Army not only has electronic tube computers, but also is preparing for the development of transistors, and that it is implemented with Turing, I am afraid that I will hit my head on the ground with anger!

"Brand new!" Wang Xuexin added.

The Mosquito bomber is indeed valuable except for the engine... everything else is wooden, and there is no defense system, that is to say, there is no machine gun that can be used for self-defense.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Colonel Ian's eyes, but it was just a trace, and then he puffed up his chest and replied, "You know, the air defense system uses computers, and we don't plan to leak information on computers, so..."

"What?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Wang Xuexin thought to himself: Look, the problem of cooperative research and development has arisen... The sun does not fall on the relay computer, but it just provides parts and wants to restrict the trade between the Eighth Route Army and Yingjiang. If this is really a cooperative research and development, it will be what's the situation?
However, he did mention that he did not want the computer to leak secrets before developing the relay computer, so Wang Xuexin has no objection to this.

"You can't sell this anti-aircraft missile to Eagle Sauce!" Colonel Ian said.

Three days later, five Mosquito bombers for test flight and training landed at Liyuan Airport.

More importantly... this is exactly in Wang Xuexin's hands.

"Twenty engines!" Colonel Ian immediately agreed.

"However..." Colonel Ian added: "Comrade Commander, we want to add a clause to the contract!"

The wooden fuselage, no defensive weapons, and two high-power engines allow the Mosquito bomber to reach a speed of 630 kilometers per hour.

"I hope you understand, Colonel Ian!" Wang Xuexin said: "What we have conducted is a transaction, to be precise, an exchange. We can respond equally to any problems with the things you give us. For example, we You can also give us second-hand air defense systems!"

"Of course!" Colonel Ian nodded.

Seeing that Wang Xuexin was hesitating, Colonel Ian added: "We have this right, Comrade Commander! Because the computer was jointly developed by us, and we had an agreement before. Without our consent, you can't sell it at will!"

At first glance the Mosquito appears to be somewhat asymmetrical...big engines and small fuselage.

Seeing Colonel Ian's confident expression, Wang Xuexin just smiled and said nothing.

"Also, there will be no similar problems in the future!"

"I promise!"

For example, after a few days, Colonel Ian will say again: "Sorry, Comrade Commander! Due to the tension in the war, the price of bomber engines has increased!"

What does the speed of 630 kilometers per hour mean?
Yingjiang’s B26 once had a speed comparison with the Mosquito bomber. As a result, the Mosquito bomber won without a doubt... There is nothing strange about winning. Everyone knows that the Mosquito bomber can win. The problem is that the Mosquito bomber won in this flight competition. The bomber only runs on one engine.

Colonel Ian's idea was very simple. He thought that the relay computer had just been developed, and he didn't know how long it would take to develop a new generation of computers!

When is this infinity the end?
Wang Xuexin decided to stop this unhealthy trend, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin said: "However, Colonel! The agreement to keep the computer confidential is limited to the relay computer, but if we develop a new computer, we have no obligation in this regard!"

Yu Ping muttered next to Wang Xuexin: "No wonder the engine is so expensive that the sun never sets. This guy probably has nothing else worth it except the engine!"

In actual combat, even Hans' BF109 fighter jets are difficult to deal with mosquito bombers.

One of the reasons is that the mosquito bomber has a wooden fuselage, which makes it have a small radar reflection area and is almost "invisible". The bomber has dropped its bombs and returned.

As for the "Zero War" with a speed of only more than 500 kilometers per hour, the devils can't even catch up with the tail of the mosquito bomber.

In other words, with this mosquito bomber, the Eighth Route Army has an absolute bombing advantage over the devils: they can bomb wherever they want, and the devils have no time to intercept them.

(End of this chapter)

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