Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 142 Elastic Defense

Chapter 142 Elastic Defense

Before dark, Kong Jie called Li Yunlong.

"Old Li, do you still remember what I told you about Heiyun Village?" Kong Jie asked.

"Old Kong, what time is it, and you are still talking about such a mess!" Li Yunlong wanted to hang up the phone when he heard this: "I'm busy, I have something to say another day!"

"Wait a minute!" Kong Jie became anxious: "It's a big deal, don't rush to hang up!"

"Tell me what's going on, don't play around with me!" Li Yunlong became a little impatient.

Kong Jie immediately picked up the key points and replied: "Heiyunzhai has been incorporated, and they rushed out by riding the terrain. I heard that they are in your group right now!"

Li Yunlong replied indifferently: "I thought it was a big deal! It's just..."

Then Li Yunlong yelled when he thought about it: "Damn you wouldn't say that they want to shoot Xiaodongbei and the monk black!"

"Isn't that what you're worried about?" Kong Jie said, "I thought I'd just keep an eye on it, but who would have thought that there would be such a thing..."

At this moment, Li Yunlong turned around: "Idiot Kong Er, are you wearing the same pants as the devil or what? Add trouble to me at this time!"

"Li Yunlong! Who are you yelling at?" So Kong Jie didn't agree: "I can decide this matter? I only bring two companies out..."

"I don't care if you can make the decision!" Li Yunlong stared and scolded: "It's your soldier and you have to take responsibility for me. If anything happens, I will never end with you!"

With a bang, he hung up the phone.

Seeing Li Yunlong getting so angry, Zhao Gang couldn't help asking: "What's going on? Are you in a hurry with Captain Kong?"

"We have newly recruited soldiers!" Li Yunlong replied: "There may be bandits who want to shoot black guns mixed in! The target is Xiaodongbei and the monk!"

Zhao Gang also knew about Xiao Dongbei's killing of Shanmaozi, and he understood it as soon as he heard it. He was taken aback, and said, "This is impossible, they must be transferred away immediately!"

Li Yunlong looked at the sky and said, "Old Zhao, it's going to be dark today. Send them away? Who will they turn to when they sneak back to shoot?"

Zhao Gang felt right when he heard it. The Eighth Route Army is a battalion-level unit that can't be pulled back even if it is released, so this person is not transferred just because he said he was transferred. Can keep an eye on it!

But just leave it like this... Isn't that a ticking time bomb?When the front is in a hurry, they shoot from the back, and there will be a big problem!
Li Yunlong hesitated for a moment, then anxiously shouted out of the cave: "Monk! Monk... go and call Xiao Dongbei for me, hurry up!"

After a while, Wang Xuexin came with a gun, covered in dust and blood on his head.

"Hey, are you dying?" Li Yunlong asked.

"Skin trauma!" Wang Xuexin replied: "It was hit by a stone from the shell, if it was shrapnel, it would be over!"

Wang Xuexin said it lightly, but in fact he was terrified.

The devil's second-tier division is really not comparable to the mixed brigade. The artillery shells come in pieces, and the infantry and artillery are closely coordinated. Often, the devil's infantry will rush to the front as soon as the artillery stops.

If it wasn't for occupying a tunnel to play tricks with the devils, I'm afraid the highlands would have been taken by the devils long ago.

Just as the monk was about to go out, Li Yunlong called him back.

"Listen together, it has something to do with you!" Li Yunlong raised his head and said, "Have you heard about the recruitment of those little thieves in Heiyunzhai?"

Wang Xuexin and the monk nodded.

These guys yelled all day long to settle accounts with the two of them, and they even yelled like this after they were compiled, but they just heard that they would be honest if they asked Kong Jie to rectify it!
"They are in our army right now!" Li Yunlong said with a dark face: "It should be on the high ground right behind us. There are more than 200 people. I said at the beginning that they were soldiers from the New Second Regiment. I didn't take it seriously!"

The monk gave a "Yo drink" and said, "Did the mother come to the door? I will meet them!"

As he said that, he turned around and was about to leave, but was called back by Li Yunlong.

"You fucking thought it was kicking the hall?" Li Yunlong scolded angrily: "I will meet again! How about more than 200 people? I didn't say anything, why did you go to meet them?"

This is the embarrassment, they are also the Eighth Route Army, and they haven't committed any crimes yet... It's just that it may be too late when they do!

Zhao Gang suggested: "Otherwise, I'll go and do some work for them. In the face of national justice, we should be united and put aside personal grievances and small right and wrong..."

"Old! Zhao!" Li Yunlong replied: "You don't understand these things in the Jianghu! If they understand this, they will still go to be bandits and rob ordinary people?"

Li Yunlong walked back and forth a few times with his hands behind his back as he spoke, and then scolded angrily: "If you ask me, I shouldn't have recruited these bandits back then. Worried about these sons of bitches being stabbed in the back!"

Wang Xuexin replied indifferently: "What else should I do? Isn't it just a few bandits?"

Li Yunlong jumped up when he heard this: "If he is really a bandit, this matter will be easy to deal with. Don't be quick-mouthed, Little Northeast. You say that you are not afraid of devils, but you are afraid of rebellion in the nest!"

Zhao Gang asked: "Is there such a thing? Who said it?"

Li Yunlong stared: "I said, what's the matter? No way?"

Wang Xuexin said with a smile: "Head, that's what I think. Let's work on the reverse slope! When it encounters hard stubble, it should use elastic defense. Isn't what we are encountering now hard stubble?"

"Elastic defense?" Li Yunlong was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, it is to voluntarily give up part of the position!" Wang Xuexin explained to the topographic map on the shell box: "Isn't there a tunnel in our fortification? We took the initiative to give the No. People, and then counterattack from the No. [-] highland... This kind of attack is a pincer attack from both sides of the ground and underground! Not only can it kill and injure the enemy's vital strength, but it can also seize ammunition and supplies! Then just push and fight with the enemy repeatedly, isn't it elastic defense? "

Li Yunlong nodded and said: "This is reasonable, it is indeed necessary to play like this! But this is related to bandits..."

Then Li Yunlong suddenly realized with an "oh", and then laughed "hehehe": "Yes, yes, flexible defense, this method is the most effective especially when fighting at night!"

"That must!" Wang Xuexin said.

Li Yunlong looked at Zhao Gang and asked, "Old Zhao, do you have any objection to this fight?"

Zhao Gang sighed and said, "This is a matter of war, I can't make the decision!"

Li Yunlong laughed loudly: "That's right! I said that Lao Zhao will be enlightened someday, isn't it today?"

Only the monk was confused and asked, "What about the bandits? Let's leave it alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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