Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 144 The Benefactor

Chapter 144 The Benefactor
In fact, this is not difficult to guess at all. The so-called "Pseudo-Peace National Founding Army" formed by Wang Jingwei mainly has these bandits as its source of troops, in addition to the surrender of the national army.

In addition, the puppet army is the devil's minion and has no shortage of money, so it has been buying and recruiting bandits since the beginning of this year.

If the bandits have not been "bought" by the devils by now, most of them are bandits with some backbone who are unwilling to be traitors.

The problem is that there is a mixed bag of good and bad among the bandits, and the devils and puppet soldiers who have been rejected will never give up on this, so there will be a few who will be bought by the devils to divide and separate.

Wang Xuexin said so casually, but he didn't expect him to hit the mark!

Li Yunlong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Damn it, if this is the case, it's not as simple as shooting black guns!"

Wang Xuexin understood what Li Yunlong meant.

If Xie Baoqing was being used by someone, and shooting black guns was just an excuse, then his purpose was probably to defeat the independent group by cooperating internally and externally.

But don't look at Xie Baoqing's independent brigade with only more than 200 people, if there is a mess at a critical moment, there will be a big mess.

Li Yunlong's guess was right. Of course, this was not a simple black gun incident, and it wasn't even led by the third leader, but the devils secretly planning and directing.

It's true that He Liangchang, the third leader, was bought by the devils, but although he was ruthless and killed countless people, he was unable to plan such a thing... If he had such a brain, he wouldn't just be the third leader in Heiyunzhai.

Everything was planned and led by a man named Chen Dequan.

This Chen Dequan, like other Chinese people, has the most common Chinese name, speaks authentic Chinese, and with his thin body, malnourished face and tattered clothes, no one can tell anything.

But he is a native devil.

Not only a devil, but also an elite among devils... a member of the Continental Advancement Team!

The idea of ​​the devil is that it is more difficult to sneak into the Eighth Route Army, but it is easier to sneak into Heiyunzhai as a bandit.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that the Eighth Route Army planned to incorporate Heiyunzhai and Heiyunzhai was willing to accept it, he immediately sent a member of the mainland advance team to sneak into Heiyunzhai.

At that time, as long as Heiyunzhai is incorporated, the members of the mainland advance team will naturally join the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, Chen Dequan has a lot of room to play after the acquisition of the third master.

He can use the hand of the third master to sow the relationship between Tuheiyunzhai and the Eighth Route Army as much as he wants, and he can influence Xie Baoqing, who values ​​the loyalty of the world but has no opinions. At critical moments, he can also become the source of expanding riots and creating panic.

For example, most of the independent brigades who were incorporated into bandits thought it was just shooting black guns, which was no big deal.

But Chen Dequan will not be limited to this, he will shoot indiscriminately, and shout: "The Eighth Route Army found out, they want to encircle and suppress us, fight them! Avenge the second master!"

At that time, more than 200 people in Heiyunzhai will fight with the Eighth Route Army because they don't know the truth, so the devils who are attacking from the front will be able to kill them in disorder.

Even the third leader who had already been bought didn't know about this plan.

Just kidding, if he wants to know about this, he will definitely not agree to it. He doesn't care if the army is chaotic or not, but wouldn't he also kill the devils when they came?He was still wearing the Eighth Route Army uniform at that time!

But Chen Dequan didn't care about that much.

For him, the third master is just a chess piece that can be discarded when it is used up.

Even Chen Dequan himself is likely to die in the hands of the Japanese army, because he pretends to be a Chinese so much that the devils can't tell the difference and have no time to tell.

But Chen Dequan didn't care, he was ready to be loyal to the empire.

What Chen Dequan didn't know was that at the headquarters not far from him, several people were discussing how to deal with this possible crisis.

"Comrade Xie Baoqing!" Zhao Gang said, "I hope you can take this issue seriously. This is no longer an internal issue, but an issue of our struggle against traitors, spies, and enemies. You must not defend your subordinates just because of loyalty." , They are no longer our comrades, but enemies, traitors, traitors and lackeys!"

Xie Baoqing hesitated for a moment, then said: "After being told like this, I remembered that the deeds of the third family are very suspicious!"

"What's your name?" Zhao Gang asked again.

"He Liangchang!" Xie Baoqing sighed palely: "The devil contacted me through him. At that time, I believed his statement. He said that he had an acquaintance in Taiyuan City who could connect with the devil. Now that I think about it... He should have been bought by the devils at that time."

Zhao Gang nodded and asked, "Are there any other suspicious people?"

Xie Baoqing nodded: "Recently, he got very close to a man named Chen Dequan. This Chen Dequan has not been here for a long time. He shoots a good gun and is very popular with the third master. It's just..."

"Just what?" Zhao Gang asked urgently.

"It's just that it doesn't look like reuse." Xie Baoqing said: "The third master sometimes laughs in front of him. I didn't understand it before, but now... now it seems..."

So everyone almost understood that this [-]% is a devil who sneaked into the army, using the third leader as a marionette!

Li Yunlong proudly raised his head towards Xie Baoqing, and said: "I said the master, do you know what's going on?"

Xie Baoqing nodded with lingering fear, and replied, "I know!"

"Really?" Li Yunlong stared at Xie Baoqing for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Li Yunlong chuckled, and then said: "Let's put it this way, you are an old man, you should have heard that the devils sneak into our army, what are they doing here?"

Xie Baoqing didn't understand at first, and after thinking for a while, he stared at Li Yunlong with wide eyes: "The leader said, they are here to mix up the water to help the devils attack?"

This is nothing new. When the devils attack the target city or a certain line of defense, they will often pretend to be the National Army or the Eighth Route Army and sneak in. Once the battle starts, they will shoot and kill people indiscriminately, so that everyone can't tell which is which. Which one of them is the enemy results in chaos.

Xie Baoqing had heard about this and knew it was called "infiltration warfare", but he never thought it would happen to him.

Li Yunlong nodded, and then said: "Think about it further, if this happened, what would happen to you and your brother?"

Xie Baoqing swallowed with difficulty.

Needless to say, if this happened, the Eighth Route Army and the devils would regard them as enemies, so he and his independent brigade would still be alive!
Thinking of this, Xie Baoqing gave Xiao Dongbei a grateful look.

Who the hell is an enemy?
It was clearly the benefactor who saved him and even the entire independent brigade!
This is a revenge for our kindness and blindness!

Thinking of this, Xie Baoqing no longer hesitated: "Commander, please give an order! What should I do, I will listen to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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