Chapter 149 Tires
Type 98 Light Explosion, officially designated as KI-36.

The top speed of this aircraft is only 348 kilometers per hour, and the cruising speed is 236 kilometers per hour. Compared with the high-speed fighters of this era, this performance is significantly behind.

However, because of its range of 1300 kilometers, it is very suitable for use as a reconnaissance aircraft... The reconnaissance aircraft does not require flying fast, but requires the ability to stay in the air for a long time and continue to provide intelligence for ground troops.

Also because of these advantages, it was also used as a ground attack aircraft by the Japanese army... The ground attack aircraft should not be too fast, because it is too fast for the pilot to aim at the target and have no time to pull it up.

Its main weapon is two 7.7MM caliber machine guns, and ten small 12.5kg bombs can be mounted under the wings.

This once made Ningji Okamura feel that this aircraft was born to attack the Eighth Route Army's anti-slope fortifications:

Machine guns are not easy to accidentally injure, and small bombs weighing 12.5 kilograms will not affect the charging Japanese army due to their large killing radius like aerial bombs that cost hundreds of kilograms.

So this kind of aircraft is very suitable for providing air fire support to the Japanese army while they are charging.

For this reason, he transferred two 98-type light explosive brigades from Beiping in one breath, a total of 58 aircraft.

Even Okamura Ningji is still considering that once the attack of these planes in the direction of Zhaojiayu is effective, then he should mobilize more Type 98 light explosives to cooperate with the "non-public security area" troops to fight.

"Now is the era of three-dimensional warfare!" Looking at a 98-type light explosives flying into the sky outside the window, Okamura Ningji said with some pride: "The Eighth Route Army uses two aspects of surface and underground fortifications to defend, and I use the defense from the ground." Attack from both the surface and the sky! So... General!"

Neji Okamura couldn't wait to see the result, or rather, he wanted to know how the tacticians of the Eighth Route Army would respond... Neji Okamura was a little worried that the opponent would not be defeated so easily.

Compared with Neiji Okamura, Major Matsukawa Juri, captain of the 18th Independent Flying Group, seemed more confident.

This is not because Matsukawa Juri has any comparisons and ideas in strategy and tactics, but because he often carries out reconnaissance missions in North China and Central China, knowing that it is easiest to carry out missions within the scope of the Eighth Route Army.

"They don't have anti-aircraft machine guns!" Shuri Matsukawa said to the 27 attack planes he led easily through the walkie-talkie: "There will be no anti-aircraft guns! So, what you have to consider is how to target the enemy and kill them!"

The Japanese pilots laughed arrogantly one by one:
"It was a delightful task!"

"No, this can't even be called a mission, but a performance!"

"If we keep doing missions like this, we'll make it home alive!"


This is true.

The Eighth Route Army had no anti-aircraft machine guns, no anti-aircraft guns, let alone sent fighter planes to intercept them.

The Jinsui Army and the Central Army have a few planes, but of course they will not help.

Therefore, after the Japanese attack planes flew over Zhaojiayu, they immediately swooped down again and again to straf and bomb the Eighth Route Army.

These Japanese pilots were selected by Ningji Okamura. They have been flying planes for reconnaissance activities for a long time. They are all experienced pilots with excellent flying and attack skills.

Under their attack, the machine gun bullets hit the soldiers in strings, and the shells were thrown into the trenches of the soldiers one by one, crushing the second battalion.

At the same time, the Devil's ground troops crossed the hilltop position and launched an offensive against the reverse slope position.

The double blow from the air and the ground made the anti-slope position guarded by the Second Battalion very dangerous. If there were no tunnels to maneuver around, the devils would have beaten them down with just one charge.

Li Yunlong was in a hurry in the regiment headquarters, stopped after walking for a while and shouted: "Damn it! Command the battalion, the third battalion, shoot down all these planes with machine guns!"

"Yes!" The correspondent responded and conveyed the order.

Machine guns can indeed hit planes.

The most common way of playing is to mount the machine gun on the shoulder of a soldier, and then the shooter and the soldier cooperate with each other to shoot at the aircraft in the sky.

But this approach can almost be said to be hit and miss.

First of all, the ground where the machine gun is located should be flat. If it is one high and one low or has a slope, the shooter will follow the target while holding the machine gun, and the target will be lost.

Secondly, the cooperation between the two of them was too big a target, especially the soldier who was standing in front of the machine gun tripod, who couldn't move all the way, standing like a target, even if there was a plane diving in this direction.

Again, it is extremely difficult for the machine gun bullets to hit the target with the fast speed of the aircraft.

The soldiers all knew this, but they still set up a few machine guns and fired "da da da" into the air.

In the end, one plane was hit, and it fell to the other side of the high ground with black smoke and a piercing scream.

However, this was not a good thing, and the Devil's plane immediately turned its target to these machine gunners.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was avoiding the strafing and bombing of the plane in the tunnel.

But Wang Xuexin knew that this would not work.

Machine guns are not reliable for shooting planes, regardless of the casualties of machine gunners, the consumption of bullets will be a problem if they continue to shoot.

If the machine gun can't kill the plane, it means that the second battalion can't survive.

The second battalion couldn't hold on, and the devils would take another step forward and it would be the turn of the third battalion on the second highland.

Further down, is the collapse of the entire independent regiment.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin yelled at his subordinates in the tunnel: "Follow me in a row!" As he spoke, he ran out of the tunnel with a gun in his hand and ran downhill.

Although the soldiers in the row didn't know what Wang Xuexin was going to do, and even some of them didn't hear the explosion for a while, they quickly passed on the order one by one:
"Follow the platoon leader!"



So, a platoon of more than twenty people sometimes concealed and sometimes jumped forward, and ran to the high ground in a short time.

Without saying a word, Wang Xuexin raised his gun and shot the tires of the car with "bang bang" a few shots, blowing up the tires one by one, and then ordered:
"In teams of two, cut the tires off, fast!"

"The second and third shifts will do the same and remove the tires of the other cars!"

The soldiers responded, and spread out to cut the tires. After a while, the car tires were piled up into three piles.

Wang Xuexin shot at the lower part of a car's fuel tank from a distance... The reason why he shot from a distance was because he was worried that the fuel tank would explode.It would be a big loss if he didn't die on the battlefield but in an accident.

When I was done, I took out lunch boxes, dental cups, etc. from the satchel to catch the spilled gasoline, and poured it on the tires when it was full.

The other soldiers followed suit without waiting for orders.

Finally, I struck a match and threw it on the tire... With a sound of "Teng", the tire was ignited.

Car tires are made of rubber. Once ignited, thick black smoke rises, and when blown by the wind, it floats towards the high ground, and soon permeates the air everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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