Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 158 Fake Money

Chapter 158 Fake Money
Wang Xuexin's injuries are almost healed, but his abdomen hurts a little when he stands up straight, his legs hurt a little when he walks, and his hands hurt a little when he turns still doesn't seem to be healed.

This is the only period of time when Wang Xuexin has no mission since he came to this world, so he doesn't know what to do.

Let's talk about modern times, you can watch TV, leave your mobile phone behind, and if you can't, it's not bad to read novels.

But in this era, there are no electrical appliances, only kerosene lamps or even pine lamps are used for lighting, and there are flashlights, which are only affordable because the arsenal cannot have open flames.

If there is any entertainment, the most common one is chess.

Conditions in the border area are poor. Chess is all handmade. The chessboard is made of old newspapers with a few lines drawn on it. He happily went down:


"Hey, let me tell you, do you understand this tell?"

"Didn't you say that horses run away, bullying people or something?"


The players who played chess were all wounded sent by various troops, without exception, they were all sustained by serious injuries. One of them, called Old Wei, had his left leg amputated. It was a miracle that he survived under the conditions of the field hospital at that time.

He can also think about it, leaning on crutches to watch people play chess all day long, but he dare not play himself, saying that his level is too bad for fear of being laughed at.Just look at the picture next to it and have fun.

As soon as they saw Wang Xuexin, they called out cordially:
"Hey! Little Northeast, how many rounds are you here to kill?"

"I didn't enjoy it yesterday, let's continue today!"

"You're a good fighter, why is chess so stinky?"


Wang Xuexin blushed a little. It's not that he can't squirt, but he can do it a little in modern times.

The problem is that people in this era don't have any entertainment, and they just fix it all day long, and some of them play it perfectly. How can Wang Xuexin be their opponent!

But Wang Xuexin is not afraid of losing, it is repeated defeats, repeated defeats, repeated defeats, and he played back-and-forth when he had nothing to do, which made everyone keep booing.

It's okay anyway, Wang Xuexin responded: "Who is afraid of whom? Come here!"

As he said, he rolled up his sleeves and went into battle.

Wang Xuexin was overwhelmed when he was hit within two hits at the beginning.

Old Wei came up and handed Wang Xuexin a cigarette, and said, "Think about it before making a move, don't just think about eating others!"

Wang Xuexin took a look at the cigarette and said "Yo": "Filter! Old Wei, are you rich?"

No wonder Wang Xuexin said that.

During this period, the border area was in a state of extreme shortage of coins.

The reason is that an agreement was signed during the Cooperative Anti-Japanese War, no bank was established in the border area, no currency was issued, and legal currency was uniformly used.

The salaries of the three divisions of the Eighth Route Army were paid in French currency.

There is nothing wrong with this, but the problem is that the military pay is only paid in five yuan and ten yuan in French currency, and the common people have no small change, that is, there is a lack of small denomination coins.

You must know that five yuan is the monthly salary of the highest chief of the Eighth Route Army. During this period, one hundred French currency can probably buy a pig, and three yuan can buy a whole table of decent food and drink. You can't find five yuan for ordinary things.

As a last resort, ordinary people can only use postage stamps as tokens, or use the value coupons issued by Guanghua Stores, also known as "Guanghua Coupons".

Many soldiers in the army use cigarettes. The cheapest ones are hand-rolled cigarettes, that is, shredded tobacco made by fellow villagers. You can take any kind of paper for a roll, and ten sticks cost a penny. The cigarettes seized from the devils are relatively rare, and two sticks cost a penny. Filter tips are even rarer, and one is worth two points.

Soldiers are usually reluctant to smoke this thing after they are captured. A pack of twenty sticks can be exchanged for ten catties of wheat. Even if they want to smoke, they do so secretly.

At this time, Lao Wei used a filter as soon as he made a move, which was quite different.

The soldiers booed one after another:

"Old Wei, give me one too?"

"Okay! This is usually inconspicuous, but it will scare people when you make a move!"

"I'll have one too!"


Old Wei was also generous, and divided them out one by one, and after a while, the bottom of the bag was gone.

Wang Xuexin looked at Old Wei's legs and was a little worried: "Don't you keep some for yourself?"

"It's okay!" Old Wei raised his head: "I still have it!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin felt that something was wrong. Old Wei had had his limb amputated for some time, and it was impossible to get the filter tip from the devil.Where did the smoke come from?

Thinking of Wang Xuexin, he stopped playing chess. He helped Old Wei aside and said, "Old Wei, your body is like this. If you have more money, save more for yourself!"

"Don't worry!" Old Wei smiled, leaned forward and said, "Little Northeast, I won't hide this from you. I found a way in my family, and I'm really rich!"

Wang Xuexin said "Oh", if the family makes a fortune from business, it will be good for Lao Wei.

But it was strange in his heart, most of the land in the border area was self-sufficient, and any business could make him rich overnight.

Seeing Wang Xuexin's expression of disbelief, Lao Wei leaned over and said mysteriously: "Xiao Dongbei, you usually take care of my brother, and I will not hide it from you. In Chenjiacun, you receive a catty of wheat for ten cents!"

"What?" Wang Xuexin was so frightened that his hands shook, and the smoke almost fell to the ground.

At this time, the market price is four cents a catty of wheat, but someone charges a catty for one dime... This is more than double the price.

"Don't you believe it?" Old Wei said, "I don't believe it either! But my daughter-in-law came to see me yesterday and said that she sold all the wheat in the house! Think about it, I used the money I earned to buy wheat elsewhere. , and then sell it to Chenjiacun, how much money can you make? Is there any need to worry about it in the days to come?"

Wang Xuexin's expression changed, and he said, "Old Wei, listen to me, let your wife stop immediately!"

"What?" Old Wei was a little confused: "Why?"

Wang Xuexin didn't have time to explain, so he just dropped the word "immediately", then turned around and walked quickly to the headquarters.

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, I couldn't care about the throbbing pain of the wound, and soon changed from walking to running.

On the way, I ran into Su Xin who was rushing to the hospital. When she saw Xiao Dongbei like this, she hurried to catch up: "Xiao Wang, your injury is not fully recovered yet! Slow down..."

Wang Xuexin didn't have time to explain, so he turned his head and said, "Save more food!", and ran all the way to the headquarters.

The guards had recognized Wang Xuexin a long time ago, so they went in to report immediately without checking.

The chief was busy dealing with the blockade at this time, and a new situation appeared on the front line. As expected, the Jinsui Army was looking for various excuses to block the Eighth Route Army as the chief expected.

He and the chief of staff are worrying about this matter.

As soon as Xiao Dongbei came, the chief immediately replied: "Let him come in so we can come up with ideas!"

The chief never expected that Xiaodongbei not only failed to solve the problem, but also came with a bigger problem.

As soon as Wang Xuexin entered the headquarters, he said: "Chief, it's not good! The devils have brought in fake money! They are buying food in large quantities!"

(End of this chapter)

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