Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1595 Ignition in the Air

Chapter 1595 Ignition in the Air
The extended-range anti-aircraft missile of the Eighth Route Army was produced on the ninth day after it was proposed.

Most of the time is spent on program control... After adding boosters, all the front and rear balance problems are solved by program control of the wings, so the difficulty is concentrated in the program.

This was originally difficult to achieve or impossible to achieve in a short period of time, because the booster will not only reduce its weight, but also generate thrust when it is ignited. The booster itself is discarded, and there is also the problem that the thrust of the booster is lost and the main combustion chamber is re-ignited to generate instantaneous thrust.

All of these can be calculated. At the beginning, Chen Jiefeng, He Zhimin and others thought it was not difficult. After all, He Zhimin is an aircraft expert. Calculating these is not a big problem.

However, after careful study, it is found that there will be many problems.

This happened when the research and development entered the third day. At that time, Wang Xuexin was looking at the information received from Fengtian City.

Fengtian City is worthy of being a strong city. It has a total of eight gates, and the city wall is more than 3 meters high. Although it cannot be said to be indestructible, it will still be a big trouble for the equipment of this era.

Especially after the devils took control of Fengtian City, they repaired the city wall several times in order to better control the people... The devils repaired the city wall not for defense. At that time, the devils basically had no need for defense. It's not that easy to sneak into the city.

However, even the repair section is not so easy to break through, because the devils have built modern fortifications there: trenches, barbed wire, anti-tank trenches, bunkers, gun towers, and in addition, the fortifications are full of mines, even if they are demined. It took a lot of effort.

Just when Wang Xuexin was looking at the map, Su Xin hurried to Wang Xuexin's office with He Zhimin.

He Zhimin looked frustrated and said with a little panic: "Commander, the anti-aircraft missile... something went wrong, and it may not be fixed so soon!"

"Why?" Wang Xuexin asked.

He Zhimin sighed, and said: "We didn't consider one thing: the thrust of the booster is different from that of the missile. The moment the booster detaches from the missile, the thrust of the missile changes greatly. If you adjust the angle in time to adapt to this change, you may deviate from the track or even lose control!"

"Can't you calculate the amount of change?" Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously, as long as he could calculate the amount of change and then adjust the wings to the correct position at the moment of ignition, wouldn't it be enough?

Then Wang Xuexin realized that he had simplified the problem.

He Zhimin said with a pale face: "Captain, it is possible! But the missile changes when it is flying in the air. We have no way of knowing what state the missile was in at that time, so..."

Wang Xuexin immediately understood where the problem was.

When the missile is on the launch pad, its angle and attitude are fixed, so you can easily know the direction of gravity, the direction of drag, etc. In this case, the calculation is relatively simple.

But it is different when the missile is ignited in the air. At that time, the missile flew towards the target direction under the guidance and control of the ground radar. It may be vertical, it may be horizontal, or it may be at any angle. That is to say, there are countless kinds. possible.

With so many possibilities, there will be countless calculation results, and the corresponding wing angles are also different, so He Zhimin didn't know how to proceed with the research and development.

Wang Xuexin didn't think there was any fuss, he just asked in confusion: "Xiao Chen can't solve that?"

Xiao Chen refers to Chen Jiefeng who is in charge of the computer.

Su Xin and He Zhimin looked at each other, and then asked: "Leader, Xiao Chen can't do anything about this!"

"That's right!" He Zhimin said, "Xiao Chen can indeed calculate faster with a computer, but there are so many possibilities..."

Wang Xuexin looked at He Zhimin in disbelief: "Why do we have to figure out so many possibilities?"

He Zhimin was stunned for a while: "If we don't calculate all these possibilities, how can we..."

"Can't we control it with a computer?" Wang Xuexin interrupted He Zhimin's words: "The computer reads the attitude of the missile inside the missile, and then calculates the result on the spot to control the wing to make corresponding changes! Xiao Chen didn't say this kind of solution method?"

Su Xin and He Zhimin couldn't help being stunned.

This is not a problem that Xiao Chen didn't think of, but a problem that everyone in the institute didn't think of.

But if you think about it, you can really do this. Since the computer can read the data in a timely manner and solve it on the spot, why not use a computer to process it?
He Zhimin swallowed, nodded with difficulty and said, "We know how to solve it!"

Wang Xuexin just said "um" and turned his gaze back to the map.

Before Su Xin left, she looked back at Wang Xuexin with a complicated mood, and thought to herself: This guy, the problem that the entire research institute was stuck was solved so easily by him, and it was taken for granted as if it had happened before. look!What kind of person is he?
What Su Xin didn't know was that this was indeed what happened to Wang Xuexin.

Modern missiles have built-in computers to calculate the position of the target in real time and control the missile to fly in the direction of the target.

The reason why Su Xin and other researchers did not think of this is because they have not yet adapted to the combination of computers and equipment... Prior to this, the anti-aircraft missiles were always controlled by the ground air defense system, and the internal automatic control was only controlled by the gyroscope. Stable flight at this level.

Just now, in order to solve the problem of mid-air ignition, Wang Xuexin stuffed a small computer into the missile.

One day, when the radar is miniaturized and the computer is developed to a certain extent and can be stuffed into the missile, it will not only solve the problem of air ignition, but also be able to actively find the target without the control of the ground air defense system.

It may still be a long way from this day, but now it can be said that the first step has been taken.

It is said that when He Zhimin told other people about Wang Xuexin's ideas after he returned to the institute, the researchers were surprised, excited and ashamed.

Surprisingly, a problem that was considered almost insoluble can still be solved in this way, and it is also very easy to implement.

The excitement is that anti-aircraft missiles seem to have taken another big step forward.

Be ashamed, then needless to say, so many people sitting in the research institute to discuss, it is not as good as Wang Xuexin's casual sentence.

Especially Chen Jiefeng, he sighed and said: "Where have I learned this computer, I only know how to count with it but don't know how to put it on a missile!"

Su Liguo laughed and said, "Don't be discouraged, Xiao Chen! We are similar. Let's not try to compete with the head of the group!"

(End of this chapter)

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