Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1598 Information

The battle was fought fairly well, and the Eighth Route Army advanced [-] kilometers to Chaoyang City in two days.

Chaoyang City is very important to the Eighth Route Army. It is more than 100 kilometers away from Chifeng, more than 200 kilometers away from Fengtian, and more than 100 kilometers away from HLD. They are all within the "La 5" combat radius. Inside.

After the Eighth Route Army captures Chaoyang City, you only need to move the "Pull 5" to this position. Going north can protect the transportation and supply lines of the Eighth Route Army. Going south can block the channel for the Devil's North China Front Army to reinforce Fengtian. Going east can provide air support for the troops attacking Fengtian. , can be said to be an excellent frontline base.

Wang Xuexin originally thought that the devil would at least block it in Chaoyang City, but the devil still retreated after a little resistance as before.

The reason for the devil's retreat was the lack of troops... This is what the devil said to the puppet army. Telling the puppet army is actually telling the Eighth Route Army.

This reason is barely plausible, because just like the principle of "offensive is greater than defensive" mentioned earlier, the Eighth Route Army is the offensive side at this time. If the devils want to deploy heavy troops to defend Chaoyang, it probably means that Fengtian's defensive forces are insufficient.

Therefore, in order to ensure that Fengtian has enough troops, the devils can only make a choice before Fengtian and Chaoyang.

Obviously, the devil chose Fengtian and abandoned Chaoyang.

But Wang Xuexin knew that this was just a superficial appearance. The real intention of the devils was to encircle the Eighth Route Army in Chaoyang City: there were four devil divisions in Fengtian, and the North China Front Army quietly assembled two divisions in Chengde, with a total strength of six divisions. There are about 11 people in the regiment.

This force has surpassed the troops of the Eighth Route Army in Chifeng, so of course the devils have the confidence to let the Eighth Route Army in to encircle and wipe out.

What's more, Naozaburo Okabe also has a BF109 equipped with an anti-tank gun. What he was waiting for was the moment when the Eighth Route Army was defeated.

The chief of staff is still a little worried about this comparison of troops.

He pointed to the map and said: "11 troops, not including the puppet army. If it was before, these troops would be at least equal to our 50 million troops!"

The meaning of these words is that if it was in the past, if the [-] main force of the Eighth Route Army fought forward, they would definitely be surrounded to death by the devils, and that would almost be the result of sending the devils to their door.

"It's different today!" The chief exclaimed, "Even if our army's current combat effectiveness cannot match the devil's one-to-one combat effectiveness, it can be achieved two-to-one!"

The chief of staff was a little strange: "Chief, let's count two to one. Isn't the devil's fighting power more than twice that of our army? Then can we still take down Fengtian?"

The chief chuckled: "That's why our air supremacy is important. There are also artillery, tanks, and missiles, all of which are indispensable. As long as one of them is countered by the enemy, it is very likely that the success will fall short!"

What the chief said was the key to this battle. The reason why the Eighth Route Army dared to attack Fengtian with a force of [-] troops with uneven quality was because of its overwhelming advantages in these aspects.

If one of them goes wrong, it is likely to fall one after another like dominoes, leading to the collapse of the entire army.

Okabe Naozaburo also understood this, so he dared to bet with the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Xuexin also understands this, so he strives to be steady and steady every step he pushes.

That's why some people say that the bigger the battle, the less brilliant it is, because the big battle is about strength, and a small tactical victory with a small trick is not enough to change the outcome of the battle, so neither side needs to count or rarely It's a trick.

For example, in the battle where the Eighth Route Army attacked Fengtian, the intentions of both the enemy and ourselves were very obvious: the devils knew that the Eighth Route Army was going to attack Fengtian, and the Eighth Route Army also knew that the devils were luring the enemy to go deeper.

But the two sides still walked forward step by step step by step, as if stepping into each other's trap or not.

Wang Xuexin is most concerned about whether the supply can keep up.

Although Mao Xiong will help transport supplies, the railway is only being built to Duolun County at this time, and from Duolun County onwards the Eighth Route Army will have to transport it by itself.

And as the Eighth Route Army continued to advance, this supply line became longer and longer, and transportation became more and more difficult. In addition, the population in the west of Daxinganling was sparsely populated... The population outside the pass was mainly concentrated in the east of Daxinganling, while the west was sparsely populated. It was difficult to find labor, so transportation was almost entirely up to the Eighth Route Army itself.

Fortunately, the Eighth Route Army has air supremacy, so there is no problem with the transportation line for the time being.

The reason for saying "temporarily" is that the devils have concentrated several squadrons of fighter planes at Chengde Airport, and those fighter planes can take off at any time to bomb the Eighth Route Army's transportation lines and even cross Lu Nuerhu Mountain to bomb the Eighth Route Army's hinterland.

The Eighth Route Army's "La 5" equipped with new air-to-air missiles can indeed defeat fighters like the Devils, but the location of Chengde Airport is very good. The Eighth Route Army's hinterland supply line almost circles around it, so it can attack many places at any time. The Eighth Route Army had to deploy a lot of fighter planes around it if it wanted to defend against it.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin is considering whether it is necessary to bomb Chengde Airport with TV-guided missiles first.

But Wang Xuexin was worried at the same time, would the "misunderstanding" between the devils and the puppet army be resolved after such an bombing, and would instead make the devils and the puppet army more united?

This made Wang Xuexin feel embarrassed. In the end, he still thought that unless it was absolutely necessary, at least he had to wait until the attack on Fengtian started before bombing Chengde Airport.

At this moment, Zhang Zongping came in with a telegram and said, "Commander, it's confirmed, the devils are indeed planning to use fighter planes to deal with our tanks!"

Wang Xuexin took the telegram and took a look. It turned out that the intelligence personnel saw the devil's new BF109.

The new BF109 did not enter Fengtian because there were too many people in Fengtian. It was deployed at a temporary airport dozens of kilometers away from Fengtian, and it was deployed secretly at night.

Needless to say why it is deployed at night, of course it is to prevent people from seeing its weird appearance and thus exposing strategic targets... The PK75 anti-tank gun is installed on the belly of the BF109, which is just right when viewed from the ground You can see a 75MM anti-tank gun under the fighter plane.

Its size is not small, so it can be easily observed as long as there is a little light.

However, even if the devils are so secretive, they will eventually be seen by the puppet army... The devils cannot do anything in the Northeast without the puppet army, such as building a temporary airport. It is impossible for the devils to do it themselves, right? There are logistical supplies, etc., which are all done by the puppet army organization.

Since it was done by the puppet army, it is impossible to completely exclude the puppet army from the "secret".

At this time, there were a large number of puppet troops "in Cao Ying and their hearts in Han", so the Eighth Route Army could get this information.

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