Chapter 1611
Colonel Yamagishi is indeed an excellent commander. He can still make the most correct decision at the last moment and take the lead.

He knew that the only hope now was to recapture the last trench, so he did not hesitate to tell a lie: "The only way to survive is to break out and rush to the port, where there are warships providing cover for the troops!".

This lie will not be believed by the regular troops, that is, the direct subordinates of Yamagishi Colonel.

Because they all know that the Eighth Route Army has a piece of equipment that can destroy warships from a long distance, and the result of the HLD battle not long ago has already shocked the entire military circle.

But most of these people led by Yamagishi are imperial civilians and disabled soldiers who know little about the secrets of the military world. They don't know, don't know, or are not sure about this, so they may believe it.

In fact, it only takes a little analysis to understand: If it is useful for warships to provide firepower, why don't warships appear in Jinzhou to assist in defense?
But people who are on the verge of collapse will always hope to grab the last straw. When they hear that it is "the only way to survive", they will desperately charge the enemy's position.

Colonel Yamagishi knew that only in this way could it be possible to turn defeat into victory.

In fact, from the very beginning, Colonel Yamagishi knew that it was impossible for them to escape back to the port.

Jinzhou is more than [-] kilometers away from Lushun Port. How long does it take to walk or run at the speed of running?
The Eighth Route Army is a mechanized force. They ride on half-track vehicles, and they will always follow behind the imperial army to hunt and kill.

If he wanted to escape back to the port, he would have been beaten and wiped out on the way!

So, it was impossible, and so was the escape to the shipyard.

The moment they decided to garrison Golden State, there was no way out.

Colonel Yamagishi hoped to take back the last line of defense and even the artillery positions that were occupied in the shortest possible time. In this way, there was still hope that they could block the Eighth Route Army's attack with firepower until reinforcements arrived... This was their only way out.

Colonel Yamagishi's idea is good, but the problem is that he forgot how many machine guns he has deployed on the last line of defense and how much ammunition he has stored. How can the fire defense line organized by machine guns everywhere and 92 infantry artillery be able to break through by relying on troops? ?
In other words, Colonel Yamagishi did not forget, but he had no choice...

So, the devil shouted and charged towards the last line of defense with his bayonet straightened out. The blackness was like a tide, and the bayonet reflected the sun and gave off dazzling cold lights, as if he couldn't wait to penetrate the enemy's chest.

However, they did not have this opportunity.

Intensive machine guns rang out soon, and the bullets kept going back and forth on the charging surface of the devils. The charging devils fell down screaming one by one, and the rear continued to charge forward and fell down again...

For a mob, their combat effectiveness was already quite good, even far exceeding the expectations of the scouts.

They are not like ordinary people who have never fought, at least their combat courage is much better than that of stubborn troops.

This may be related to the long-term brainwashing education of the devils. They have received the necessary military education in school. In the early days, some people even committed suicide because they failed to enter the army.

In a war now, it should be said that it is common sense that its combat effectiveness can surpass that of the recalcitrant army.

Otherwise, on the eve of the devils' surrender, the stubborn army equipped with a large number of eagle sauce equipment will not be helpless against the lingering devils, and finally they will have to send troops to completely defeat the devils.

However, even if the devil is very strong, he still cannot resist the suppression of bullets and shells in the end.

Under the cover of the guards, Colonel Yamagishi charged towards the Eighth Route Army, and the guards of the Devils made every effort to rush in front of Shangishi to block bullets for him.

But bullets can stop shells, but they can't stop...

A shell came from far to near with a whistling sound, and then hit the side of Colonel Yamagishi impartially. The huge shock wave instantly sent Colonel Yamagishi flying dozens of meters away. When the guards found him, he was already a piece of flesh and blood. Fuzzy only the air out but not the air in.

After the death of Chief Yamagishi, the devils completely lost their confidence. They first fled back to their trenches like bereaved dogs, but soon found that the trenches on the other side were lost, and the main force of the Eighth Route Army was rushing towards this side, so they had no choice but to move forward. Raised the white flag of surrender.

At this time, the corpses of devils were already everywhere on the battlefield, and the entire land was stained red with blood, and pools of disgusting blood pooled in the lower places.

In this battle, the Eighth Route Army wiped out more than [-] devils and captured more than [-] people.

The casualties of the Eighth Route Army were only more than [-] people, and [-] half-track vehicles were lost... Compared with the battles in other places, the battle in Jinzhou was considered to be more casualties.

But compared to the results obtained, these are nothing.

This is not to say how many prisoners were annihilated.

It is not of much benefit to the Eighth Route Army to wipe out as many people as possible, especially for the latter. Capturing more than [-] people is still a burden for the Eighth Route Army.

The results of the battle mentioned here are the most direct of the five trenches dug by the devils in front of him... Li Yunlong immediately realized that the Eighth Route Army could rely on these five lines of defense and even use the machine guns and 92 infantry artillery captured from the devils to defend against the devils' reinforcements .

"The devil's reinforcements have a division and a regiment!" Li Yunlong said: "There are more than 2 people, but we only have more than 2000 people. Even if the new second regiment arrives, there are only more than 5000 people. If we fight all the way to the shipyard and divide our troops to capture Lushun Port, won’t the reinforcements like devils take it back in the next step?”

"Then what do you mean..." Zhao Gang looked at Li Yunlong suspiciously: "Are we going to stay here?"

"Let's stay here!" Li Yunlong nodded heavily. He gestured around with one hand on his waist and said, "Look at this, what a wonderful place! There are ready-made fortifications, ready-made machine guns, and ready-made ammunition The reserves are just for us! In addition, we still have the gun detection radar and the 'old three tubes', how many devils do we need to penetrate?"

There is nothing wrong with what you said, five thousand rabble of devils can block the independent group here and make it difficult for him to move, how many devils can the independent group block now?

Zhao Gang asked worriedly: "What about the shipyard and Lushun Port? That's our task. There are a lot of equipment and supplies there. Are you afraid that the devil will burn them?"

Li Yunlong had a sullen face at first, but after a while he laughed "hehe" and said, "Old Zhao, if you are a puppet army, you know that we have killed the main force of the devils. How can you let the devils do this? They You must bring something to surrender! Otherwise, if it is in Lao Tzu's hands, I will not give them a good life..."

(End of this chapter)

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