Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1618 Contradictions

Chapter 1618 Contradictions
The most shocking thing about the complete defeat of BF109 was Naozaburo Okabe.

Originally, he was hoping to defeat the Eighth Route Army through the special modification of the BF109 plus 75MM anti-tank gun. He even held it as a secret weapon to finally defeat the Eighth Route Army. Not worth mentioning at all.

Naozaburo Okabe closed his eyes and said in pain: "Are the anti-aircraft missiles of the Eighth Route Army already so powerful? 25 BF109s can destroy only 5 tanks..."

(Note: Devils have the habit of falsely reporting military exploits. They doubled the results, but 5 tanks are still not worth mentioning compared with 25 BF109s)
Sanji Okito wanted to say something to comfort Naozaburo Okabe, but found that he couldn't find the right words at all.

Because as long as a fool knows, the combination of the Eighth Route Army's air-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft missiles can fully control the empire's air supremacy.

Air-to-air missiles can guarantee the victory of the Eighth Route Army fighters in air combat.

But this still has limitations, because the short-range defect of "La 5" cannot be avoided, and the Imperial BF109 and even "Zero War" and "Feiyan" have room for operation.

However, the emergence of its new anti-aircraft missile directly cut off the empire's thinking in this regard... If the Eighth Route Army has a missile that infantry can use in field battles with a range of more than ten kilometers, it means that the infantry of the Eighth Route Army can easily destroy it Imperial Aviation.

Theoretically, as long as the infantry of the Eighth Route Army is equipped with enough anti-aircraft missiles, the imperial aviation can do nothing: as long as there is a possibility of being bombed by the imperial aviation, anti-aircraft missiles will be placed, and the imperial fighters will only die if they go up!

In the end, Oshiroto Sanji could only comfort himself and said: "Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army's missiles may be seriously insufficient after they are produced..."

"So what?" Okabe Naozaburo asked back: "Can we know where they have equipment and where they don't?"

Indeed, in the case of unknown information, in the eyes of the Imperial Aviation Force, it is "all trees and trees are soldiers", that is, there are anti-aircraft missiles of the Eighth Route Army everywhere.

Moreover, one day the Eighth Route Army will mass-produce it, which means that the empire will one day be "defended" and have nowhere to go!
On the other side, Sasaki Jingjiang didn't think so far, he just thought about how to break through the Golden State defense line.

After the failure of BF109, he immediately thought of taking a detour from the sea, but unfortunately Li Yunlong thought ahead of him.

Li Yunlong has already organized a mobile force with half-track vehicles and made preparations for anti-landing: the distance from Jinzhou to the southernmost port of Lushun is only a few tens of kilometers, and the coastline is not long. Any point where the devils land will be spotted by the Eighth Route Army in advance , Then before they got ashore, the half-track vehicles of the Eighth Route Army were already waiting for them on the shore.

This landing will be a little more troublesome at night, because it is difficult to find traces of devils at night.

But after the Eighth Route Army repaired the "Natori" cruiser repaired by the devils at the shipyard, this problem was also solved.

The Eighth Route Army used the devil's cruiser to patrol the sea. Once it saw the fishing boat that the devil was using to land, it smashed it with guns and cannons.

After that, naval guns were used to bombard the devil's attacking troops indiscriminately, causing countless casualties to the devil.

At this point, the devils completely lost confidence in taking back Dalian and had to withdraw their troops.

Among them, Zhao Gang's credit is indispensable.

Because although the shipyard and Lushun have surrendered, they are not united, and there is even a trend of civil strife.

This is not to say that there is a contradiction between the shipyard and the port, but that there is a contradiction between the people's uprising troops and the puppet troops who surrendered.

From the common people's point of view: These puppet soldiers who usually domineering over the common people are now transformed into their own people, so what can they do?The blood debt of the crimes committed before was written off?Even leading an uprising?How can there be such a cheap thing!
So it is natural to want to liquidate these puppet troops.

From the point of view of the puppet army, if you surrender and you will be liquidated and punished, then it is better not to surrender and completely follow the devils. Although this will not survive in the long run, it is not too difficult to get through in the immediate future!

Therefore, the puppet army has been wavering and hesitating, and the devils and spies are sowing dissension, so there is a situation where the people's uprising army and the surrendering puppet army will fight first.

Zhao Gang took a few political commissars to the two places to distribute, and the crisis was resolved.

Zhao Gang first went to the port and then went to the shipyard. The first thing he did every time he went to a place was to confirm the leadership of the surrendered puppet army, that is, let the puppet army command the militia.

This is a very smart move by Zhao Gang. Confirming the status of surrendering to the puppet army is to give them a reassurance. The people's uprising army only needs to do a good job.

Zhao Gang also had good reasons. He explained to the rebel army: "Comrades, the puppet army is no longer a puppet army if it surrenders. We must treat them as our own! Our army's policy is to let the past go, since we have accepted them If you surrender, you can no longer care about what you have done before, otherwise the devils have not been kicked out, and we ourselves will have to dig out the old accounts first, so when will we be able to calculate? When will we be able to drive the devils out Huh? Not only is this not good for the overall situation of the confrontation, but it will be used by the devils to split our forces. Therefore, if this debt is to be settled, it should be blamed on the devils!"

This is a helpless choice during the war. It is true that what the puppet army did before it surrendered cannot be liquidated. If it is calculated, it will never be accounted for. something happened.

"As for who will lead and who will command!" Then Zhao Gang continued: "Since they are our own comrades, let's think about who has more fighting qualities, who has more experience in command, and who knows the devil better." tactics..."

Needless to say, the puppet army who surrendered must have an advantage.

Most of the common people don't know anything about the military. They haven't even touched a gun... let alone a gun. On the one hand, the devils are worried that the people will "rebel" strategic materials, even kitchen knives are shared by several families.

Once something happens, the people's uprising army often swarms up and fights. The puppet army has at least been trained by devils and has fought against guerrillas. They know how to organize and command.

After stabilizing the situation in the port and shipyard, it is not difficult to repair the warship and start it.

After all, there are many technicians in the country's largest and most advanced shipyard.

In addition, there is currently the only external port in China. There are many transport ships and sailors in the port. If you can't even open a warship, it is not worthy of being an external port in the Northeast.

(End of this chapter)

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