Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1621 Wrath Class Warship

Chapter 1621 Wrath Class Warship
Wang Xuexin's answer surprised Lemon Lokoff.

Lemon Lokoff originally thought that Wang Xuexin would bargain, for example:

"What kind of warship of yours is actually worth 1000 million US dollars?"

"Those were all fought or even bombed by Hans fighter planes? Or were they hit by mines and patched? A pile of broken copper and iron?"

"What caliber are the naval guns? How about the anti-aircraft firepower and what is the displacement?"


Lemon Lokov even prepared the data, and also found a good reason that the Eighth Route Army had to accept: "Comrade Commander, in this situation, we are the only ones who can sell warships to you! It is impossible for other countries to provide you with warships even if they have them, so...if you want to buy warships, you seem to have no choice!"

Then Lemon Lokoff can be tough: "Buy it now, don't sell it for less than 1000 million US dollars!"

Who knew that Wang Xuexin agreed without even thinking about it, which made Lemon Lokoff feel that he was losing money, and he should have called the price higher...

Thinking of this, Lemon Lokov rolled his eyes and said, "Comrade commander, if you have no objections, then let's talk about the price of the logistics and maintenance of these four warships. As you know, we need to pay for the warships. With a lot of parts and maybe a team of technical advisors, that's not a small amount!"

"Oh?" Wang Xuexin raised his eyebrows, nodded and said: "No problem, in fact, we can also talk about the maintenance of missiles and technical consultants, unless you will use them immediately when you get them! In addition, the price of the missiles I mentioned, But it does not include blueprints and technology!"

Lemon Lokov peed in fright on the spot: "No, no, Comrade Commander! I'm talking about the full price..."

"Including the logistics team?"

"Including the logistics team!"

"A full set of warship blueprints?"

"This..." Lemon Lokoff replied in embarrassment: "We only talked about selling warships, not the blueprints of warships..."

Wang Xuexin didn't say anything, but just looked at Lemon Lokoff meaningfully.

Lemon Lokoff understood in seconds: If the warship does not provide a full set of blueprints, then there must be no blueprints for air-to-air missiles!

"Yes, of course!" Thinking about it, Lemon Lokov nodded heavily: "We will even send technical consultants to your army, and they can assist your army in designing and producing warships!"

Wang Xuexin nodded in satisfaction, this is what he really wanted.

Otherwise, what's the use of just four bear warships?

The Eighth Route Army is now sitting in the Dalian Shipyard, where all kinds of shipbuilding and shipbuilding equipment have been seized intact by the Eighth Route Army, and there are even a large number of parts needed for the devil warships... It's just that these army parts don't seem to match the hairy bear warships. But it is still possible to learn technology.

Next, Lemon Lokoff didn't dare to play tricks, and the two gave data and quotations in every detail.

Maoxiong can provide the Eighth Route Army with the "Wrath-class" destroyer, which has a small displacement of only about 2000 tons, a standard displacement of 1855 tons, and a full-load displacement of 2400 tons.

If this thing is placed in modern times, it won't even be considered a frigate... Hyundai Huaxia's Type 054 frigate has a weight of 4000 tons.

But there is nothing wrong with being called a destroyer during World War II. For example, Yingjiang's Fletcher-class destroyer has a standard row of 2100, and the Devil Bailu-class destroyer has a standard row of 1700.

Wang Xuexin is no stranger to Wrath-class destroyers, because in history, Huaxia imported four ships from Mao Xiongna in the 50s, and named them "Anshan", "Fushun", "Changchun", and "Taiyuan". Fans call it the "Four King Kongs" of China.

Wang Xuexin can understand Mao Xiong's eagerness to sell these warships.

This is mainly because Mao Xiong is eager to get the air-to-air missile so that Hans can be completely defeated with the final blow. On the other hand, Mao Xiong knows that there are very few opportunities to use warships in future battles, so why not How about realizing it when the Eighth Route Army needs it?
Wang Xuexin was also very generous here, giving Mao Xiong fifty air-to-air missiles plus blueprints.

But as I said before, because the air-to-air missile uses transistors, it is actually useless for Mao Xiong to get the blueprint, that is, he can't produce the blueprint for Mao Xiong.

But how could Mao Xiong know that there is such a big hole at this time?
So Lemon Lokov reported the content of the contract to the top, and the top deputy commander was so happy from ear to ear: "Sign it, sign it right away! And tell the head of Huaxia, we will send the warship to Dalian as soon as possible!"

The supreme deputy commander put down the phone and immediately contacted the navy, asking them to prepare for sailing as quickly as possible.

The supreme deputy commander also excitedly said to the staff: "Do you know what it is? Air-to-air missile! An air-to-air missile that can allow our fighter planes to shoot down targets several kilometers away! It is hard to imagine that the Eighth Route Army would sell it at such a cheap price." Gave it to us, and it includes seems they really need warships!"

This is really unimaginable for Mao Xiong.

Because Mao Xiong didn't do much in the navy at this time.

This is determined by the geographic location of the bear:
The Arctic Ocean is almost only played by Maoxiong's family. Without enemies, there is no need. There is also a Bering Strait to the east that blocks the neck of the channel, and it will freeze in winter.

The Black Sea is similar to the Inner Sea... If this guy wants to go out, he needs to go through a 345-kilometer-long Black Sea Strait, and then his destination is only the Mediterranean Sea.

If it depends on the navy to take this route, the enemy can randomly arrange a few batches of bombers to seal Maoxiong's navy at all, unless it is an underwater submarine.

The Caspian Sea is completely an inland sea... Although this thing is called a "sea", it is actually a saltwater lake surrounded by land, and the warships can only play with themselves.

(Note: The Caspian Sea was only dug through after the war. Mao Xiong dug a canal between the Volga River and the Don River after the war, so it was possible for the Caspian Sea to wind around and enter the Black Sea and then enter the Mediterranean Sea.)
Under such circumstances, what use is Mao Xiong's navy other than defense?

Therefore, it was not uncommon for Mao Xiong's navy to go to land to fight Hans during World War II.

Now that Hans is defeated, the navy can almost be said to lose its value.

How can these "surplus" navies compare with air-to-air missiles that can win air supremacy?

So the supreme deputy commander was secretly glad in his heart: the Eighth Route Army must have not seen the value of air-to-air missiles, otherwise they would never have agreed to this deal so easily!

Therefore, the transaction should be completed as quickly as possible now, otherwise it would be too bad to wait for the head of Huaxia to react and regret it!
(End of this chapter)

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