Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1623 Battleship "Musashi"

Chapter 1623 Battleship "Musashi"
Naozaburo Okabe's plan was transferred to the Devil Navy through Tokyo.

Needless to say why you transferred to the Navy through Tokyo. The Devils Navy has always looked down on the Army. If it weren’t for the fact that the strategic focus has shifted to the Chinese mainland at this time, the Navy would simply ignore the Army’s plan, and even rely on it. Dalian at a glance.

Tokyo has attached great importance to this matter.

Because the loss of Dalian was not a trivial matter for the empire. The 70 Kwantung Army was surrounded by the Eighth Route Army and lost contact with the mainland. Moreover, the Kwantung Army was helpless against the Eighth Route Army and could not regain Dalian after several counterattacks.

If this continues, don't say that the strategic center of gravity has shifted to China Mainland, I'm afraid that even China Mainland will not be able to gain a firm foothold.

Therefore, while passing on Naozaburo Okabe's plan, Tokyo issued a rigid order to the Navy: "We must cooperate with the North China Front Army and the Kwantung Army to recapture Dalian!"

Orders must be obeyed, but how to obey is the Navy's own business.

The Devils Navy didn't look at the intelligence data about the Eighth Route Army given by Naozaburo Okabe, let alone read his plans. The Devils Fleet Commander Gugafeng, who was paying full attention to the Eagle Sauce Navy, just glanced at the telegram and forwarded it to The staff officer said: "Let's leave this matter to Inoguchi-kun!"

"Yes!" The staff officer responded and assigned the task to Major General Toshihei Inoguchi.

In Gu Hefengyi's eyes, using the navy to deal with the Eighth Route Army is purely artillery to fight mosquitoes, and there is no need to use any aircraft carrier at all.

As for the Eighth Route Army's use of anti-ship missiles to sink two light cruisers... Koga Fengyi thought it was just that the captain underestimated the enemy.

When discussing this battle, Koga Mine came to a conclusion: "If our warships are sailing at full speed when under attack, will the enemy's anti-ship missiles still have such a high hit rate? It is precisely because our warships It is almost stationary, which allows the enemy to take advantage of the loopholes! The missiles of the Eighth Route Army are almost hitting stationary targets! Things with a speed of only more than 300 kilometers per hour are not worth worrying about!"

What Koga Mineichi said made sense. Warships in motion would also take evasive maneuvers in emergency situations, and the hit rate of anti-ship missiles would definitely drop.

However, Gu Hefeng never thought about another problem. Once a few anti-ship missiles hit the warship, the anti-aircraft firepower of the warship will be greatly affected by the fire, smoke, chaos, etc., and then the only thing to do is wait for death!
The value of the enemy's anti-ship missiles is completely out of proportion to the value of the imperial warships. It is bloody money to sink a warship with hundreds of anti-ship missiles.

However, the person who gave the task to Koga Mine, that is, Rear Admiral Inoguchi Toshihei, is not an ordinary person. He is the captain of the Japanese battleship "Musashi".

The "Musashi" was originally Koga Mineichi's flagship. Not long ago, when it left the port in Palau, it was ambushed by a Takachan submarine. A torpedo hit the bow below the waterline, causing a large amount of water ingress.

Since there is no maintenance equipment that can match the "Musashi" in other places, it can only be urgently blocked to drain the gap and then drive back to the local "Wu Port" for maintenance.

The reason why Koga Mineichi entrusted the task to Inoguchi Toshihei is that he intentionally cultivated Inoguchi Toshihei to give him a chance to "upgrade", and the other is that the maintenance of the "Musashi" is close to completion in the mainland. Koga Mineichi believes that Sending such a powerful battleship coupled with several destroyers is enough to deal with the crisis in Dalian.

At that time, Toshihei Inoguchi was looking at the "Musashi" under maintenance in Wugang, looking unhappy.

The reason is that the "Musashi" was not only being repaired, but it also took this opportunity to refit: it removed the secondary guns on both sides and changed them all to anti-aircraft guns.

Needless to say why such a change is made, with the large-scale investment of aircraft carriers of the enemy and us, whether it is a battleship or a cruiser, or a destroyer, their naval guns are rarely used in naval battles, and most of them are facing the enemy. The bombing of fighter planes, so of course more anti-aircraft firepower is needed.

But Toshihei Inoguchi didn't think so. He complained to the staff more than once: "Those idiots actually changed the secondary guns to anti-aircraft guns! Do we want us warships to carry anti-aircraft guns to deal with enemy planes?"

Toshihei Inoguchi is a staunch advocate of "Giant Ship Cannon". He believes that naval battles will ultimately require the use of cannons to bombard enemy warships. The reason why this has not happened yet is simply because those cowards in Eagle Sauce dare not fight against the Imperial Fleet. It's just tough.

It is said that Toshihei Inoguchi did not change his mind until he was sunk together with the "Musashi" in the Battle of Wright Gulf a few months later. The warship almost successfully broke into the Yingjiang fleet and entered the range of the naval guns... Once it entered the range of the naval guns, it was indeed the world of battleships.

At this moment, Koga Mineichi's telegram was delivered to Inoguchi Toshihei.

When Toshihei Inoguchi saw it, he laughed: "Interesting, the first battle after the modification of the 'Musashi' was to fight the Eighth Route Army? Is this a test for it?"

The subordinates all laughed. In their view, this task is basically to give experience to the "Musashi".

The Tokyo side was quite cautious. After they knew that the navy had handed over the task to Inoguchi Toshihei, they immediately sent a copy of Okabe Naozaburo's intelligence and plans to Inoguchi Toshihei.

But their fate was the same, and Toshihei Inoguchi still put them aside to eat ashes.

In the words of Toshihei Inoguchi, it is: "How do those guys in the army know how to fight naval battles? So, they still want to give us a battle plan? Is this teaching us how to fight? I think they might as well teach How about we swim!"

If it weren't for the fact that the maintenance of the "Musashi" has not been completely completed, Toshihei Inoguchi hopes to drive a warship to Dalian immediately and teach those invincible armies what war is!
At this time in Huaxia, Naozaburo Okabe was unable to pay attention to how the navy would attack Dalian, because he was already overwhelmed by the situation in Huaxia...

After the Eighth Route Army surrounded Fengtian and successfully captured Dalian, the news quickly caused a sensation in China and a series of chain reactions occurred.

Not to mention the "turmoil" happening one after another among the people, the puppet army is also constantly losing, and the intelligence of the puppet army "defecting" and "rebelling" is one after another.

The most important thing is that the intelligence shows that the recalcitrant army also has plans to launch a counterattack.

To be precise, the stubborn army is already counterattacking... The battle for the stubborn army to cooperate with the expeditionary army to open up the external highway has begun.

But this is another matter. Okabe Naozaburo is more worried that the recalcitrant army will use Chongqing as a starting point to counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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