Chapter 1627 Crew
Wang Xuexin didn't discuss it too much with Mayakovsky because he didn't think it was necessary.

So, he just replied: "As you said, Comrade Mayakovsky, these are not things you need to consider, you only need to consider how to teach my people to drive these warships and control the instruments on the warships! "

Mayakovsky was a little surprised by Wang Xuexin's answer. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he shrugged and said, "You are right, Comrade Commander! This is none of my business!"

After Wang Xuexin left, Mayakovsky looked at Wang Xuexin's back and said to his subordinates: "These arrogant guys, they don't know what naval warfare is all about! Like those idiots in China, they think It only takes courage to defeat the enemy, and the cruel facts will teach them a hard lesson!"

It can also be seen from this sentence that Mayakovsky is a practical man and has considerable experience in naval warfare.

There is nothing wrong with what Major Mayakovsky said. Naval warfare is different from land warfare.

Land warfare depends to a large extent on the courage of soldiers. An army that dares to fight is better than an army that is afraid to fight, and courage can make up for part of the lack of training and equipment.

But naval battles are completely different.

Naval battles are more like air battles. If there is a generation gap in equipment, no matter how hard the soldiers try, it will be difficult to change the situation of the battle.

For example, use an "Angry-class" destroyer like Mao Xiong to face the devil's battleship... The 130MM main gun of the "Angry-class" is like scratching the battleship, and the main gun of the battleship is 460MM at every turn. The destroyer is done.

At this time, Wang Xuexin didn't know that the Eighth Route Army was about to face the devil battleship "Musashi".

This guy is even more terrifying. The main gun of the "Wrath Class" is only 130MM, while the "Musashi" has 24 guns of this caliber, 155 guns with a caliber of 6MM, and 460 guns with a caliber of 9MM.

What if a round of volleys can blow up the "angry class" so that even the scum can't be seen!

This is what Major Mayakovsky wanted to express: Is your Eighth Route Army crazy?Using such a destroyer to deal with the combined fleet of devils who can challenge Yingjiang head-on, and the crew is still lack of training, isn't that courting death?
Wang Xuexin knows these truths. In naval battles in the era of giant cannons, it is impossible for soldiers to swim to blow up enemy warships, right?

So equipment, that is, warships, is very important!

But what can the Eighth Route Army do now that the conditions are like this?
Don't fight if you can't beat it?
After stepping off the warship, Wang Xuexin asked casually, "Is the crew organized?"

"It's almost there!" Zhao Gang said, "I just wanted to take you to meet them!"

Wang Xuexin gave a heavy "hmm".

Zhao Gang opened a new barracks in the shipyard, full of newly recruited crew members.

The reason why it was developed in the shipyard was that the Eighth Route Army could only maintain and transform warships while training because of time constraints.

Therefore, this requires overall planning. For example, if you are maintaining the artillery of a warship today, then you will train the driving of the warship, and vice versa.

As for the actual operation, only one warship in relatively good condition can be adjusted from the four warships to take turns to drive.

In order to achieve this kind of overall planning, Zhao had no choice but to set up the barracks in the shipyard just now.

As soon as Wang Xuexin entered the new barracks, he heard a series of passwords, and saw the new recruits lined up one by one for training.

Zhao Gang explained: "Not long after the warship arrived, we were still discussing the training subjects with Instructor Mao Xiong. Before the formal training, we can only train the military discipline first!"

Wang Xuexin said "hmm" again.

After a pause, he said to Zhao Gang: "You can take a while to discuss the training subjects!"

"Regimental Commander, this..." Zhao Gang was a little puzzled, how could he "slow down" when the devil's navy would appear in front of him at a time of great urgency.

Just when Zhao Gang was in a daze, a few cadres rushed up to meet Wang Xuexin, looked at Wang Xuexin excitedly and asked, "You are... Wang Xuexin, head of Wang Xuexin?"

"I am, you are..."

Before Wang Xuexin could react, the leader rushed up and held Wang Xuexin's hand tightly, and said excitedly: "It really is Captain Wang! We knew you were coming, and we didn't close our eyes all night, just wanted to see you One side! Now we finally see each other!"

Seeing Wang Xuexin's confused face, Zhao Gang explained: "Commander, this is Xu Huandong, the commander of the Dalian Coastal Defense Regiment. He is one of the few comrades with command experience. He used to be the deputy captain of the "Zhenhai Ship" of the Third Fleet. .

Wang Xuexin let out an "oh" and hurriedly replied, "Commander Xu, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Wang Xuexin's "admiration for a long time" is not a polite word. Before coming, Wang Xuexin also did some homework, knowing that the "third fleet" mentioned by Zhao Gang refers to the Northeast Navy.

At that time, the Northeast had its own access to the sea and had a good economy. At the same time, the Northeast Army paid great attention to developing its own armed forces, so of course it had its own navy.

The naval forces in the Northeast are divided into the Haifang Army and the Jiangfang Army: the Haifang Army is responsible for maritime operations, and the Jiangfang Army is fighting on the HLJ, Songhua River and other rivers.

At that time, the Northeast Navy was not weak. It is said that it had grown to a displacement of 3.5 tons. It was later incorporated into the National Army and renamed the "Third Fleet."

However, the Nanjing side did not unite the forces of these warlords to form a single force, but tried every means to divide and select them to make them fight back and forth.

This is actually not surprising, because Nanjing does not want other warlords to become big, let alone unite: if other warlords unite, wouldn’t that threaten Nanjing’s leadership?

Therefore, the best way is to let the other warlords fight internally while the Central Army immerses itself in development, so that one family can dominate in the end.

This directly led to the fact that when the devils attacked China, the navy inside China was like a mess, unable to fight against the devils. In the end, the warships could only actively sink into the sea to block the waterway.

Xu Huandong is the first batch of students of the Northeast Navy... The Northeast Navy was established by Shen Honglie in the HLD Naval Academy to train naval personnel. It has been 21 years since then.

Therefore, Xu Huandong can also be said to be a veritable veteran.

After the warship sank into the sea, Xu Huandong was unwilling to work for the devils... If a senior naval officer was captured by the devils, he might be forced to become a puppet army and form Jiangfang and Coastal Defense.

With this in mind, Xu Huandong became an ordinary worker in the shipyard incognito.

He has been waiting for an opportunity, a chance to make a comeback.

After so many years, Xu Huandong thought that this opportunity would never come again.

Unexpectedly, one day, when he opened his eyes and woke up, someone told him: "The Eighth Route Army has arrived here, and it is said that they have also sunk several Japanese warships!"

(End of this chapter)

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