Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1637 Strategic Location

Chapter 1637 Strategic Location
No wonder Chen Songyong felt strange.

Siping is as flat as its name suggests, and it is difficult to deceive the devils if you launch an attack on it, that is, there is no strategic surprise.

In this way, the Eighth Route Army is likely to encounter the same problem: the devils have built a line of defense and prepared poison gas bombs to wait there!

But Wang Xuexin didn't think so.

"Where is Xinyituan now?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Chen Songyong found a location on the map and said, "It's probably here, near Qinghe, more than 100 kilometers away from Siping!"

After capturing the HLD, the New First Regiment moved to the Eastern Front and became the northern main force of the mobile force on the Eastern Front: the New First Regiment was responsible for the maneuvering in the north, and the New Second Regiment was responsible for the reinforcements in the south and around Jinzhou.

"Attack with mechanized troops!" Wang Xuexin ordered: "Advance to Siping with the fastest speed, and the follow-up troops will follow and occupy it!"

"Yes!" Chen Songyong responded and went to convey the order.

Wang Xuexin is also using offense instead of defense.

Originally, the Eighth Route Army only needed to hold the line of defense, and it was not difficult for the Eighth Route Army.

But the situation changed as soon as the devils used poison gas bombs.

Shou is definitely not enough.

The entire defense line of the Eighth Route Army is 10 people and hundreds of kilometers long. Under the threat of devil gas bombs, it is full of loopholes... It is impossible for other positions to have such luck as the Long March Group, and I dare not hope to have it again.

Only one point is broken by the devils, and the main force of the Eighth Route Army will fall into the predicament of being surrounded.

But if we do the opposite and take a strategic offensive, and still use mechanized troops to lead the charge and go deep into the hinterland of the devils, will the devils have no time to prepare gas bombs?

Even if the devils have prepared gas bombs, but at this time the Eighth Route Army has already entangled with the devils to form a situation where you are among you and I am among you, will the devils not know where to hit the gas bombs?
For example, when the Eighth Route Army invaded Siping City, there were both the Eighth Route Army and the devils in the city. At this time, the poison gas bombs of the devils could still play a role?

More importantly, gas bombs are more suitable for use in field battles than in urban areas.

This is not to say that the devils are worried about hurting the people... The devils don't think about the safety of the people, anyway, those are also Chinese people.

Rather, there are many houses in the city that can effectively isolate most of the poisonous gas: once the poisonous gas hits, the Eighth Route Army only needs to hide in the nearest house and block the windows and doors with prepared sandbags, cotton cloth or other things, and then do what is necessary for them to do so. The protection can reduce the damage of poisonous gas to the minimum.

When the poisonous gas dissipated, the Eighth Route Army could go out of the city to meet the enemy again.

At this time, even if the devils let the vanguard wear gas masks and enter the city with poisonous gas, it is useless.

It is useful in field battles, because fortifications are lines of defense and trenches, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are all hiding in the trenches to hide poison gas. The vanguard troops like devils can occupy the gas masks and open the gap first.

But in the street fighting in the city, what can these ghosts wearing gas masks do after they enter the city?
It is true that no one on the street can let them occupy it casually, but the surrounding houses are full of the Eighth Route Army. If you want to occupy this you need to search house by house and fight for each other?

What role can gas bombs play at this time?
It's nothing more than sending the vanguard to die!

Therefore, Wang Xuexin believes that to defend, one should use the city as a base to defend.

Only in this way can the Eighth Route Army be defended and at the same time increase its vitality and combat effectiveness... The people in the city will provide the Eighth Route Army with necessary food and help, and they will even become the source of soldiers for the Eighth Route Army.

The reason why Siping was chosen is mainly because after the Eighth Route Army and the stubborn army entered the Northeast in history, hundreds of thousands of troops were invested in Siping, a little-known place, to fight repeatedly, and four major battles were fought successively. Siping" this statement.

If the two militaries will spare no effort to compete repeatedly for this place, its strategic significance must be of great importance.

Then Wang Xuexin checked, and it was true.

First of all, Siping is a granary. It is surrounded by cornfields and sorghum fields. It is known as the "Northeast Grain Warehouse" and is the Northeast Grain Distribution Center.

Secondly, Siping is a transportation hub: it has Fengtian in the south, Xinjing in the north, and the railway can connect to Yingkou, Dalian, Jinzhou, Harbin, etc. Almost all railways in all directions pass through this central city.

Thirdly, the streets in Siping are extremely straight: it is divided into two parts: the east and the west by the railway. There are more than a dozen north-south streets in the east and west and seven or eight east-west streets. Look across the street.

After Wang Xuexin checked the information, he felt that Siping should be occupied first.

Having food means that the Eighth Route Army does not need reinforcements from other places after it is stationed, and even if the devils surround it, they will not be trapped to death.

It is a transportation hub. Once the Eighth Route Army occupies it, it can cut off most of the devil's railway lines and part of the road transportation, which can play a role in delaying the devil's troop deployment.

The streets are straight and straight, which is very suitable for mechanized troops to fight: tanks of the Eighth Route Army can hit the other side of the street with one shot, and half-track cars can also fly.

This terrain seems to be naturally prepared for mechanized troops to fight.

Soon, Zhang Zongping received a response from the headquarters: "I agree with the plan to attack Siping, and attach Siping information!"

Wang Xuexin took the information and saw that the devils had only two squadrons and a gendarmerie brigade of more than 300 people in Siping, and there was also a puppet battalion.

Zhang Zongping explained: "Originally Siping had a regiment of devils, but in order to organize troops to deal with Mao Xiong's border crisis and fight our army, Siping's defenders have been almost transferred!"

But Zhang Zongping pointed to the map and said: "But there is a brigade of devils stationed about [-] kilometers west of Siping, and they have blocked the road and railway to Siping!"

Wang Xuexin let out a "huh".

It seems that the devils are not completely unprepared. They are also worried that the mechanized troops of the Eighth Route Army will suddenly attack and intersperse Siping, a strategic location.

Although a brigade of more than 1000 people is nothing, but this brigade is [-] kilometers away from Siping.

Once fighting with this brigade, the devils will immediately know that Siping is in danger, so they will send reinforcements to Siping as soon as possible.

When the mechanized units of the Eighth Route Army arrived in Siping, they would no longer be facing two squadrons of devils and a brigade of gendarmerie.

The regular army of the two squadrons is more than 300 people, plus the gendarmerie brigade of more than 300 people, the total strength is only more than 600 people!

Puppet troops are basically negligible.

Under the series of victories and propaganda work of the Eighth Route Army, at least half of these puppet troops should be counted on the Eighth Route Army.

So, it's time for monk performance again!

(End of this chapter)

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