Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1655 Air Defense Battle

Chapter 1655 Air Defense Battle

In fact, Maoxiong's 37MM anti-aircraft gun is not far behind. It was mass-produced in 1939 after 40 years of research and development. It is the M1939 anti-aircraft gun known as the anti-Hans artifact.

But the reason why this thing is called an anti-Hans artifact is not because of its air defense performance, but because Mao Xiong equipped it with armor-piercing bullets and used it to hit Hans' tank...

This M1939 anti-aircraft gun using armor-piercing projectiles can penetrate 500MM thick steel plates at a distance of 46 meters.

You must know that this thing is an anti-aircraft gun, which can fire 80 shells per minute, and most of the tanks of Hans during this period did not have more than 50MM frontal armor, especially the armor at the junction of the turret and the turret was only about 35MM.

So Mao Xiong's M1939 anti-aircraft guns showed their prowess on the battlefield. During a defensive battle, 80 of Hans' total 60 tanks were destroyed by M1939 anti-aircraft guns.

But as an anti-aircraft gun, this thing is obviously inferior to the Devil's Type 96 25MM anti-aircraft gun.

The main reason is that the accuracy of anti-aircraft guns placed on warships is too poor... A warship is an offshore platform, which is constantly shaking in the sea water. When various naval guns are fired during wartime, the recoil will cause violent vibrations, so the warship Even if the gun is aimed at the target and the calculated elements are correct, it may miss several kilometers.

Naval artillery shells are quite accurate if they can hit the target within one kilometer. Then there is the problem of blowing up the target with dense shells. Simply put, it is to compensate for accuracy with quantity.

This theory can also be extended to the anti-aircraft firepower of warships. The lack of accuracy needs to be compensated by quantity rather than power.

Modern near-defense guns are developed on this basis.

For example, Huaxia's 1130 close-in anti-aircraft gun...the reason why it is called "1130" is because it has "11" gun barrels, each of which is "30MM" caliber.

This guy can knock out 1 tungsten armor-piercing rounds in a minute.

In fact, "1130" is still slightly behind, and China's latest "2030" is even more brutal, with 20 barrels capable of firing more than 2 armor-piercing shells per minute.

These armor-piercing shells cost 1000 yuan per shot, which means that once this kind of near-defense gun is fired, it can destroy 1 million bullets in one minute!
(Note: In this regard, the gap between Yingjiang and Huaxia is too large. Because Yingjiang has no defense needs, another reason is that Yingjiang's equipment is monopolized by military enterprises, and the price is sky-high. So until now, its close-in defense guns are only six Tube, regardless of the rate of fire, caliber, and range are far inferior to 1130, let alone 2030.)
Just imagine, in modern times it is necessary to continuously increase the density of bullets to make up for the lack of accuracy, let alone during World War II.

Mao Xiong's 37MM anti-aircraft gun has a rate of fire of only 80 rounds, and it is installed in a single door.

Devil's 25MM anti-aircraft guns have a rate of fire of 200 to 260 rounds. Light cruisers are double-mounted, and heavy cruisers and battleships are mostly triple-mounted.

When the firepower is compared, it is immediately known which is better.

It's no wonder that the devils basically ignored Mao Xiong's "Wrath-class" destroyers and focused their attacks on light cruisers.

As soon as Akiba Shin saw that the time was ripe, he ordered the second and third attack teams to dive towards the cruiser "Natori" at the fastest speed.

Due to the modification, the Devil's new water reconnaissance also has the ability to dive bomb, and at the same time, it can break through the flight limit to more than 400 kilometers during dive bombing. Shinichi Akiba believes that this will cause some troubles for the "Natori".

At the same time, Shinichi Akiba stepped up his horsepower and led his wingmen to rush towards the enemy seaplane hovering in the sky.

At that moment, Xie Han was indeed a little panicked. After all, he was a civil aviation pilot and had never seen such a scene, especially when he saw the devil's two water reconnaissance planes rushing towards him viciously, he was immediately at a loss... If we talk about takeoff, reconnaissance, etc. He can overcome things and still do it. Fighting in the air with professional devil pilots is beyond his imagination.

"Regimental Commander!" Xie Han hurriedly reported: "The enemy is attacking me, requesting reinforcements! Requesting reinforcements!"

"Don't panic!" Xu Huandong replied calmly on the other side of the radio: "You just need to think about how to stay away from the enemy fighter planes. Also, be careful not to stay away from the fleet above the fleet, and leave the rest to us!"

"Yes!" Perhaps influenced by Xu Huandong, Xie Han made up his mind, and while paying attention to the position of the enemy plane, he drove the plane in circles above the warship.

Just when Akiba Shinichi felt that the winning ticket was in his hands, he suddenly saw flames and thick smoke emanating from the warship.

"Missile?" Shinichi Akiba was a little puzzled. What's the point of the enemy launching missiles at this time?
Akiba Shinichi mistook those missiles for anti-ship missiles. He had no idea that the missiles were targeting them in the air this time.

It didn't take long for Akiba Shinichi to understand, because only a few "booms" were heard, and three of the four water reconnaissances that were diving towards the "Natori" were blown to pieces.

Rather than being "fried" to pieces, it was cut into pieces.

Anti-aircraft missiles are different from anti-ship missiles. Anti-ship missiles use explosives to explode and burn to injure the enemy, while anti-aircraft missiles blast out short rods to cut the target.

One of the reasons why the devil's water reconnaissance can have a range of more than 3000 kilometers is that it has exhausted all possibilities to minimize the weight of the skin, armor and even the structure, because the bomb instantly disintegrated into several pieces in the air .

There is also a surviving plane that has obviously been injured. It wobbled and couldn't control its posture. It can be seen that the devil pilot wanted to crash into the "Natori" with his man and the plane, but in the end he couldn't do it and plunged into the "Natori". A column of water exploded in the sea.

"Anti-aircraft missiles!" Shinichi Akiba yelled, "That's anti-aircraft missiles. The Eighth Route Army installed anti-aircraft missiles on warships!"

At this time, the anti-aircraft missiles of the Eighth Route Army were no longer a secret to the devils, although the devils' navy had only heard about them and had never seen them in actual combat.

"What should we do? Your Excellency, Major!" the wingman asked nervously, "Have we also been targeted by the Eighth Route Army's anti-aircraft missiles?"

Obviously, the wingmen believed that they should never approach the warships of the Eighth Route Army at all, and the task in front of them was impossible to complete.

Akiba Shinichi hesitated for a moment, and then ordered: "Get close to the enemy plane, Masaki-kun! From the appearance, they can't tell the enemy from us, and the anti-aircraft missiles may not be able to recognize it!"

"Yes!" The wingman responded, and together with Shinichi Akiba approached the seaplane of the Eighth Route Army at the fastest speed.

However, to get close they first have to get within range of the anti-aircraft missiles.

Thanks to Wang Xuexin, the range of the anti-aircraft missile has been increased to 20 kilometers before. If it is still the previous range of [-] kilometers, this is almost the same as the range of the anti-aircraft gun, and the space for the seaplane driven by Xie Han will be very narrow. Unable to avoid being approached by enemy aircraft.

It's different now, when Guizi Shuizhen was about to approach Xie Han's seaplane, a few puffs of smoke rose from the warship again, and four anti-aircraft missiles flew towards Guizishuizheng with a long trail...

(End of this chapter)

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