Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1660 Saturation Attack

Chapter 1660 Saturation Attack
"All retreat!" Toshihei Inoguchi ordered loudly, looking anxious as if he wanted to go into the water and push the warship away.

Toshihei Inoguchi is actually very clear that it is almost impossible for the fleet to safely withdraw from the range of anti-ship missiles in this situation. At this time, the fleet has penetrated into the range of 27 nautical miles of anti-ship missiles... Even if the "Musashi" is [-] nautical miles Evacuation at full speed also takes more than three hours to evacuate to a safe area.

However, there is still a glimmer of life in the retreat. If you don't retreat, the only possibility is to be sunk here.

Just as the Devil's warship turned around on the sea, the Eighth Route Army's attack began. A cloud of smoke rose from the direction of the port, and then a dense pile of anti-ship missiles flew into the air, at least more than 100.

In fact, exactly one hundred, 98 to be precise, two of which failed to ignite successfully during take-off.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army's total inventory of anti-ship missiles in Dalian was only about [-], and it was a big deal to shoot out a quarter of the inventory at one time.

This is what Wang Xuexin meant.

Because anti-ship missiles should be attacked in the way of "saturation attack".

If it is a small batch each time, such as forty or fifty, this number of anti-ship missiles is just within the air defense capability of the Devils fleet, so the Devils can easily intercept these anti-ship missiles one after another.

But if the number of shots exceeding its anti-strike capability is fired at one time, no matter how fast and accurate the gunner's movements of the Devil's warship moves, it will not help... This cannot be changed by manpower, and some anti-ship missiles will inevitably overflow and cause damage. Hit its warships.

At this time, anti-ship missiles are slow and easy to intercept, so they should use this "saturation attack" method to attack.

If it weren't for the limited number of operators controlling the missiles, Wang Xuexin hoped to be able to shoot two hundred, three hundred or more at a time.

The devil lookouts were the first to discover the situation, and they shouted nervously: "Enemy attack, anti-ship missiles!"

Toshihei Inoguchi raised his binoculars and looked in the direction indicated by the lookout, and his heart immediately turned cold. With so many anti-ship missiles, even if the "Musashi" was not injured and had no loss of anti-aircraft firepower, it might not be able to stop it. Dorje is less.

At this time, another lookout on the other side shouted: "Anti-ship missiles, the direction of the enemy fleet!"

Toshihei Inoguchi looked in the direction of the fleet, and sure enough, he saw a batch of anti-ship missiles coming from the Eighth Route Army fleet behind.

This two-sided attack is quite deadly to the warship.

If the anti-ship missiles only come from one direction, then the anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns on the warship only need to be aimed at one side, at most, a small angle adjustment should be made, so that the shooter can concentrate on aiming and the firepower will be more concentrated.

But if the anti-ship missiles come from two directions and are one behind the other, then there are a series of scheduling problems in the anti-aircraft firepower:
How to distribute the anti-aircraft firepower on both sides?

How much allocation is enough to intercept at the same time?

What if the timing of the two attacks differs?
After intercepting one side, do you want to reinforce the other side?
All of this is a severe test for the command of the commander at the grassroots level, and as long as one side cannot be stopped, it will be fatal to the anti-aircraft firepower and even the attack on the warship!
At this time, Toshihei Inoguchi couldn't care less about this, and he ordered loudly on the radio: "All cover the 'Musashi'! Repeat, cover the 'Musashi'!"

From Inoguchi Toshihei's point of view, he had every reason to issue this order.

Because the "Musashi" is the flagship and the glory of the empire, and to some extent it is also a symbol of the empire. It cannot be defeated by the enemy, let alone sunk, otherwise it will cause a serious blow to the morale of the combined fleet !
But from the perspective of other warships, this is not the case.

For example, Nakano, the captain of the cruiser "Myoko", pretended not to hear it. He only ordered to his subordinates: "Stop all missiles and retreat at full speed!"

Colonel Nakano thought of it this way:
"Are you kidding? At this time, you are still covering 'Musashi'! Do you want all the warships to be buried with it?"

"If we are injured because we cover 'Musashi', and we can't even protect ourselves in the end, will we not be able to cover 'Musashi' in the end?"

"So, only a fool would do that!"


Objectively speaking, Mr. Nakano's idea is correct.

Because the battleship "Musashi" is difficult to protect itself because of the serious damage to the anti-aircraft firepower, and the second is that although the battleship is strong and powerful, it is very inconvenient to maneuver... The battleship is huge and its speed is only 27 knots, while the cruiser "Myoko" has a speed of 35 knots , the destroyer has a speed of 37 knots.

If the cruiser and destroyer are all around the battleship to cover it, is it also necessary to reduce the speed to 27 knots?
This is obviously very dangerous and unrealistic, which is equivalent to dragging down the speed of the entire fleet.

Therefore, the "Miaoko" immediately distanced itself from the "Musashi" by virtue of its speed, while defending the air while making flexible snake-like maneuvers on the sea.

Colonel Nakano has already thought about it. If he wants to explain today's behavior in the future, he will answer confidently: "I think that under the circumstances at that time, we should march in a dispersed manner so as not to be attacked by the enemy's concentrated firepower. This is to deal with the enemy. A strategy for anti-ship missiles!"

The point is that the range of the Devil's 96-type 25MM anti-aircraft gun is only more than seven kilometers, and the cruiser can't provide air defense cover for the battleship by just opening a little distance, which means that there is a loophole in the defense circle...

The anti-ship missiles came straight at the Devil's warship with a long trail, and most of the missiles were aimed at the Devil's battleship.

This is also Wang Xuexin's order.

This is not only because the Devil "Musashi" has been injured and its anti-aircraft firepower has been greatly reduced, but it should also be a symbol of the Devil Empire.

Wang Xuexin doesn't have to believe this, it symbolizes a ghost, this thing is just a vase, and it didn't play any role in the end, even the "Yamato" was sunk by the Eagle Sauce fighter jets as a suicide ship meaninglessly.

But the point is that devils believe in this, and these battleships have become a kind of belief of devils.

Therefore, to combat the confidence of the devils, it is necessary to attack the battleships.

On the other hand, Wang Xuexin's set fire to attack the devil battleship also has the meaning of dividing the devil...

If the devil finds out that the main target of the Eighth Route Army is the battleship, and the speed of the battleship is slow, will the other warships slow down and accompany the battleship to be beaten together?
This is a test for them!

The reality is that the Devil's fleet is not monolithic, and the first batch of missile attacks left the Devil's fleet on its own: except for one destroyer that was still next to the "Musashi", the other two had already moved away.

Then, without any surprise, with a bang, at least twenty missiles hit the deck of the "Musashi" and exploded, and the "Musashi" was instantly enveloped in thick smoke and flames!
(End of this chapter)

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