Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1666 Use of Reserve Funds

Chapter 1666 Use of Reserve Funds

What Su Xin said is the same as what Wang Xuexin said: to develop aircraft carriers.

But there is still a difference.

Su Xin analyzed from the current situation that the coastal defense regiment may face in the future. If the coastal defense regiment wants to survive independently, it must develop aircraft carriers and gain air supremacy.

Her point of view is considered from the perspective of survival, and it is a forced and helpless choice in the current reality.

What Wang Xuexin said is the trend of future development:
Didn't you say "aircraft carrier is useless"?

Don't you still cling to the theory of "big guns and giant ships"?

Looking forward to the future, as long as the aircraft carrier can carry the anti-ship missiles on the fighter planes, all the "big gun ships" will only be beaten. Even if they are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, they will not be able to hit the fighter planes.

Of course, this is based on the "big gun ship" theory.

Modern warships with long-range anti-aircraft missiles can still deter enemy aircraft, but this is based on the presence of early warning aircraft and at least partial air supremacy. Otherwise, due to the curvature of the earth, the range of anti-aircraft missiles will be limited to Within forty kilometers.

For this reason, Wang Xuexin even made a push with the researchers.

Wang Xuexin has an aircraft carrier battle group in his hands, and the researchers have one, two or even more battleship battle groups in their hands.

Battleship battle groups are equipped with anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

The aircraft carrier battle group is slightly ahead, that is, its fighter planes can mount anti-ship missiles.

Needless to say what the result is, every time it is Wang Xuexin's aircraft carrier battle group that beats the "enemy fleet" all over the place. No shadow was seen.

Finally, the researcher was convinced.

"Unbelievable!" Professor Su exclaimed, "The cost of a battleship is at least three times that of an aircraft carrier, but it is completely defeated by an aircraft carrier on the battlefield!"

"Because the money for battleships is spent in the wrong direction!" Wang Xuexin said: "Its cost is mainly used to pile up 'big gun ships', but in future wars it will not be 'cannons' but missiles, and at the same time, in the face of a large number of missiles , the armor with a thickness of several hundred millimeters is no longer effective!"

After a pause, Wang Xuexin made a metaphor: "This is like practicing the explosive power of sprinting in a long-distance running competition that pays attention to speed and endurance. Although they are all running, the direction of training is wrong. No matter how much time and money you spend It's all in vain!"

Professor Su nodded while sighing: "That's right, although the aircraft carrier doesn't have thick armor and doesn't have so many naval guns and anti-aircraft guns, it can use the reconnaissance capabilities and combat radius of fighter planes to wipe out the enemy within the fighter plane's combat radius." radius, so it needs almost no defense and firepower of its own!"

He Zhimin also said: "This is a typical example of 'replacing defense with offense'. Use the attack of fighter jets to wipe out all the enemies. Of course, there is no need for defense, or only a small amount of defense is required!"

In fact, it is no wonder that the thinking of the researchers is stuck in the theory of "big guns and ships".

You must know that the theoretical knowledge they heard, saw, and learned when they knew about warships and naval battles since they were young is all the set of "big guns and giant ships".

It is not easy for them to accept anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles to change the mode of naval warfare. Now they have to overthrow all the theories formed for decades and tell them that they are all wrong and useless. , no future...

It's really hard to accept it at the moment.

But Wang Xuexin used reality and a complete theoretical system to break this thinking abruptly and won their approval.

So far, whether it is from the perspective of the survival of the current coastal defense regiment or the consideration of future development, it is required to change the battleship to an aircraft carrier instead of continuing to use it as a battleship.

Although so many giant cannons on a battleship look really imposing, but this thing is about to be eliminated and its effect is not even as good as that of a destroyer on the battlefield, so what's the use of it?

War is about practicality rather than prestige, or because of a certain complex like devils.

(Note: The role of battleships in World War II is indeed inferior to that of destroyers. The reason is that battleships are slow and large in size and are the target of enemy aircraft carriers. It often requires destroyers to slow down on the battlefield to provide protection instead of playing their due role. Combat power)

Therefore, there is no problem in the general direction. Most researchers believe that Wang Xuexin's plan is correct and should be developed in the direction of aircraft carriers.

There are also a small number of very stubborn researchers who still can't figure it out... It's not their fault, after all, they are not engaged in military affairs, and if there are too many people, there will always be a few who will get stuck in the corner and cannot get out.

The researcher Wang Xuexin didn't waste any more time on this part, and Wang Xuexin told them directly: "It's very simple, if you think you should build a battleship, then come up with a plan that won't be sunk by the aircraft carrier! No matter how big the caliber of the battleship gun is , how thick the armor is, but if it is sunk before seeing the enemy, it will definitely not be able to go to the battlefield, right?"

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room, and most people agreed with Wang Xuexin's words.

At this time, Su Xin also strengthened her mind and no longer doubted her own point of view.

Of course, on this matter, Wang Xuexin still needs to make a report to the headquarters and finally the chief will make a decision... But this matter is actually just a formality. Comparable, as long as Wang Xuexin sends the meeting minutes intact, I believe that the chief and the chief of staff will make the right choice immediately.

But there are more questions to come...

Professor Su flipped through the information on the "Musashi" in his hand, frowned and said: "But the captain, it is not easy to modify the aircraft carrier! We have no industrial foundation, no experience, and no carrier-based fighter jets. Even if we have In addition to the carrier-based fighter jets, we also need to train pilots who can board the ship... This is not a trivial matter!"

Professor Su deserves to be someone who cares about the military, and every point he said is in place.

Wang Xuexin also considered this issue. He said: "Do you still remember the account we opened in the Swiss bank? There should be a lot of savings now! I think it's time to use this reserve. What equipment and talents are needed? Or Either from Maoxiong or from Yingjiang! As long as the direction is right, we should overcome all difficulties and go on firmly!"

"The leader is right, at least the money was spent wisely!"

"Agreed! If the direction is right, there will be no detours!"


Researchers agree.

(End of this chapter)

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