Chapter 1680
Devil Motoshima, on the bench outside the office of the Combined Fleet Command, Toshihei Inoguchi was sitting in front of his chest, waiting to be received by Commander Koga Mineichi.

The half hour or so was a torture for Toshihei Inoguchi, he thought of all possible punishments for himself: demotion, dismissal, military court...

After all, this is the "Musashi", the glory of the empire, captured, and it is not impossible to commit suicide by caesarean section.

Thinking of this, Toshihei Inoguchi regretted not committing suicide on the "Musashi".

That way, he could still be one of the dead to preserve the honor of the soldier, but now, he can only wait for the trial like a prisoner.

Finally, the messenger came out and bowed slightly to him, saying, "Major General, the Commander-in-Chief can see you now!"

Toshihei Inoguchi didn't speak. He got up and straightened his military uniform, took a deep breath to adjust his posture, walked to the door and hesitated for a while, and then mustered up the courage to open the door and enter.

When Toshihei Inoguchi stood up and saluted Koga Mine, Koga Mine was looking at it with a document in one hand.

Toshihei Inoguchi believed that was his battle experience.

After Toshihei Inoguchi and his team returned to China, everyone including Toshihei Inoguchi was interrogated, and every order that Toshihei Inoguchi gave was fully restored from multiple angles.

As soon as Kogafeng didn't speak, Inoguchi Toshihei didn't dare to speak either.

The office is filled with a depressing atmosphere, only the pendulum on the wall is shaking "click".

Suddenly, the wall clock rang "dang dang dang". The sudden sound startled Toshihei Inoguchi, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and a rush of blood rushed straight to his forehead, which almost made him faint.

But Toshihei Inoguchi finally used his willpower to control himself to stand firm and maintain a military posture, even though his forehead was covered with sweat.

Finally, Gu Hefeng spoke up: "Zhukou-kun, is it still defeated in the end?"

"Yes!" Toshihei Inoguchi replied, "Your Excellency, please punish me, and my subordinates are willing to bear all the responsibilities!"

Gu Hefeng waved his hand lightly, and asked, "You are not wrong, why should you be punished?"

"But Your Excellency General..."

"It's not about your command!" Kogafeng threw the document in his hand on the table, and cast his eyes on Inoguchi Toshihei in front of him: "Even your command has something remarkable, such as designing to make the enemy mistakenly believe that You will attack Dalian Bay, which is very good!"

"But..." Toshihei Inoguchi was a little embarrassed: "In the end, I was deceived by the Eighth Route Army. They didn't transfer the missiles to Dalian Bay at all!"

"That's an army intelligence issue!" Gu Hefeng said, "They were deceived, not you!"

There is some truth in what Gu Hefeng said.

Because this is a battle in the Northeast, the Eighth Route Army's fake move of transferring missiles is on land. The navy has no time or space to scout these and verify the authenticity of the information. The navy can only passively accept the information sent by the army.

And if the army's intelligence says that the Eighth Route Army has transferred anti-ship missiles to Dalian Bay, then the navy can only believe it.

How else could it be?

The navy sent a seaplane to go deep into the mainland to reconnaissance to see if those are real anti-ship missiles?
Seaplanes simply cannot go deep into the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army.

However, Toshihei Inoguchi still couldn't believe that this matter could go so smoothly. After all, the imperial army only looked at the results. Once the battle was defeated, the commander would be responsible for whatever reason.

Therefore, Toshihei Inoguchi still took the initiative to admit his shortcomings and take the responsibility on himself. He knew that this would be understood instead, otherwise it might become a "dodge" and "excuse".

"Your Excellency, General!" Inoguchi Toshihei replied: "The army cannot be blamed for this matter. It is because the subordinates underestimated the enemy and neglected the coordination and connection with the army..."

Koga Feng shook his head slightly and interrupted Toshihei Inoguchi: "The most important reason for this failure is the anti-ship missiles of the Eighth Route Army, and they moved both anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles to warships! Any one , can’t get out of the body!”

After hearing this, Inoguchi Toshihei believed that all of this was true, and what Guga Fengyi said was not irony.

This may have something to do with Koga Mineichi's character.

Koga Mineichi can be said to be an ordinary commander with no experience and no record in the Imperial United Fleet, but he was still able to become the commander of the United Fleet after Yamamoto 56 was killed, mainly thanks to his enlightened……

The Combined Fleet is divided into two factions:

One group is the navy veterans who grew up in the Meiji Restoration era. Like Toshihei Inoguchi, they generally believe in the "big gun ship".

The other faction is the young and passionate faction. Most of them believe that naval warfare is already dominated by carrier-based aircraft, that is, to develop aircraft carriers.

The two factions are still arguing and quarreling with each other until now.

As for Gu Hefengyi, he was one of the few veteran commanders who understood the theory of the young faction, that is, the main force of the aircraft carrier.

The intention of designating him as the commander of the United Fleet is obvious, that is, he can unite the veteran and the young into a formidable force to defeat the Eagle Sauce Navy.

Gu Hefeng went to the window together, turned his back to look out of the window, and said, "Zhukou-kun, don't blame yourself, speaking of it, you are not only innocent, but also meritorious!"

"Successful?" This made Toshihiro Inoguchi even more puzzled.

Gu Hefeng gave a "hmm" and asked without answering, "You know why I understand the Young Men faction, but I don't give up the theory of giant cannons?"

This question stumped Toshihiro Inoguchi, even a little embarrassed.

Because many people believe that Gu Hefengyi's attitude is "nothing on the wall", that is, to please both sides.

Others said that Gu Hefengyi didn't know anything, because he didn't know anything, so he thought that both theories were correct, so he couldn't choose which side to stand on.

"Please make it clear, General!" Toshihei Inoguchi didn't dare to tell the truth, he pretended not to know.

Gu Hefeng explained indifferently: "That's because, I don't think any of them are enough to defeat Eagle Sauce!"

Hearing this Toshihei Inoguchi instantly understood Koga Mineichi:
Is the aircraft carrier in the right direction?

But Yingjiang can launch an aircraft carrier a month, can it beat it and defeat it?
What's more, Eagle Sauce has faster and better carrier-based fighter jets than the Empire, as well as anti-aircraft guns equipped with proximity fuzes!

If it is impossible to beat it, how can you say the direction is right?

If this direction has been determined to be unable to defeat the enemy, shouldn't it be possible to go in the direction of the "big gun ship"?

Then Koga Mineichi said thoughtfully again: "Inoguchi-kun, you will never imagine what it's like to command an army that is doomed to fail, and fight a battle that is doomed to fail. But now, everything has changed It's no longer a doomed battle, and it's all because of you!"

"Me?" Toshihei Inoguchi was a little puzzled.

"Yes!" Gu Hefengyi said: "It was you and your fleet that forced the Eighth Route Army to put anti-ship missiles on the warships, and this is simply a stroke of genius! This gave the United Fleet a hope! A rare hope!"

(End of this chapter)

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