Chapter 1686
Wang Xuexin was keenly aware of Umezu Yoshijiro's intentions.

This is actually not difficult to guess. If they just want to help the Fengtian garrison break out of the siege, the devils don't need to spend a lot of time besieging Siping and building a railway to go around.

The meaning of the railway is that it can transport troops and ammunition in batches, and if necessary, it can also transport a large number of artillery and tanks to the front line.

This is hoping to use Fengtian as a base to form a defense line to fight a protracted war with the Eighth Route Army.

Otherwise, if the purpose of the devils is to cooperate with the Fengtian devils to break through, only the ammunition transported by road can basically meet the requirements.

"The devils are planning to counterattack in an all-round way!" Wang Xuexin watched with interest as Chen Songyong planted a small flag representing the strength of the devils on the sand table.

Chen Songyong raised his head and said: "Regimental Commander, I estimate that the pressure on the Eastern Front will be relatively high. The 7 people from the devil Fengtian City and the 5 people sent by Umezu Yoshijiro, with a total force of 12, are all pressing on the Eastern Front. !"

Wang Xuexin nodded.

Not to mention other things, there will be difficulties in the transportation of supplies on the Eastern Front.

The Northeast has been under the control of the devils for more than ten years, and most of the railway lines are built by them. The devils are very aware of the hub locations of these railway lines.

If the devils in Fengtian City go out, they will immediately concentrate their forces to storm the transportation hub, and it is still a transportation node to the north, which will put the ammunition transportation on the entire eastern front into tension.

"Order the troops!" Wang Xuexin ordered: "Reinforce Kaiyuan, Kangping, and Pengwu!"

"Yes!" Chen Songyong replied, but he quickly said hesitantly: "Regimental Commander, most of the main force is building defenses on the eastern front, and there is really no way to mobilize troops..."

After all, the main force is only 10 people, but the defense line that needs to be stationed is very long, and insufficient troops are inevitable.

"Who said to use the main force?" Wang Xuexin asked back. He pointed to several positions on the map with a big hand and said, "Call the third, fifth, and sixth independent regiments to station in these three places!"

"What?" Chen Songyong couldn't believe what he heard.

These independent regiments are not of the same nature as Li Yunlong's independent regiments. These independent regiments are all drawn from the common people after the Eighth Route Army marched into the Northeast.

Although the Eighth Route Army has exhausted all efforts, hoping to make these troops form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

For example, most of these teams are organized based on the geographical location of the source of soldiers... In this way, they are more familiar with each other, and they can take care of each other during battles, and at the same time, they are also near the location of their source of soldiers.

One is that it is easier to cooperate with the local people, and the other is that the feeling of "defending the home and the country" comes immediately... As soon as they lose the battle, their hometown is their hometown and their fellow villagers.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army also sent some veterans to command and train them, such as regimental commanders and political commissars, as well as company commanders and instructors, all of whom were veterans drawn from the regular army.

But even so, it still takes time for these troops to grow up.Their current situation is that although they are full of enthusiasm, their combat effectiveness is not high. There are many problems and uncertainties in regular battles with devils face to face.

The Kaiyuan, Kangping, and Pengwu lines are important supply areas for the Eighth Route Army's eastern front, especially Kaiyuan, which is only 90 kilometers away from Siping.

As soon as Kaiyuan is lost, the devils will take another step forward, and the main force stationed in the direction of Siping will be attacked by the enemy. At that time, the devils will be able to successfully join forces and completely cut off the supplies on the eastern front.

Chen Songyong couldn't believe that Wang Xuexin gave them to the recruit team to defend such important towns.

"Just do it!" Wang Xuexin ordered in an unquestionable tone: "Convey the order!"

"Yes!" Chen Songyong walked away with a puzzled expression.

After passing the order, Chen Songyong came back cautiously and asked, "Head, are you no longer thinking about it?"

"Think about what?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"It's okay to use recruits in other places!" Chen Songyong said: "But Kaiyuan, this is no joke!"

"I know!" Wang Xuexin said: "The devils want to join forces victoriously, so let's let them join forces!"

"What?" Chen Songyong's face lost all color in an instant: "If this is the case, let the devils join forces, our Eastern Front..."

"Staff Chen!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Chen Songyong: "Let's not keep thinking about the Eastern Route, even if the traffic on the Eastern Route is blocked by devils, what if we can take down Fengtian?"

Chen Songyong was taken aback for a moment, and then said "Oh", he probably understood Wang Xuexin's intention.

After winning the Fengtian Eastern Front, the Western Front is connected as one. In fact, not only the Western and Eastern Fronts, but also Dalian is also connected... Previously, it was difficult to transport supplies from Dalian, mainly because the Fengtian Devils were attacking Jinzhou. blocked the exit.

If Fengtian strikes, the devils in Jinzhou will also be surrounded by the enemy and the Eighth Route Army, and Dalian will naturally be integrated with the East-West Line.

Regardless of these, even if the transportation node is lost, Fengtian's own supplies are almost enough for the Eighth Route Army.

Fengtian has two devil arsenals, which can continuously produce raw materials into guns, ammunition and even other equipment needed by the Eighth Route Army, such as the devil's "Tiger".

"It's time to fight Fengtian!" Wang Xuexin looked at the map thoughtfully and said, "It's not an option to continue fighting like this. We have strong enemies outside and strong troops inside, and Fengtian is always like a nail stuck inside our defense line like a thorn in our side." A thorn in the flesh! Now, since the devils are desperately trying to break through our defenses, let them try!"

"Leader!" Chen Songyong said hesitantly, "Isn't it too dangerous to fight like this?"

"How can you gain benefits without taking risks?" Wang Xuexin pointed to the map and said, "If the devil's strategic goal is to bring Fengtian back under its control, do you know what the devil will do?"

Chen Songyong pondered for a while, and then replied: "They will... try to encircle the main force of our army on the eastern front!"

This point is obvious, the devils want to build a line of defense, it is impossible to push flatly from east to west, such a fight will cause a lot of losses to themselves, and second, not many Eighth Route Army will be wiped out, it is fighting a war of attrition, it is the most stupid way A style of play.

And the devils have [-] troops in Fengtian and may encircle the Eighth Route Army, so why not do it?

Therefore, it is necessary for Fengtian's devils to go out of the city to implement an anti-siege to the rear of the Eighth Route Army.

"Once the devils attack everywhere, there will be no troops in Fengtian!" Wang Xuexin said, "It's time for our army to recover Fengtian!"

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain!" Chen Songyong said four words.

But Chen Songyong quickly frowned again: "Leader, what about Siping?"

If the devils join forces successfully and the Eighth Route Army returns to capture Fengtian, Siping will become a lonely city surrounded by devils.

But Wang Xuexin was not worried.

He said: "It depends on Ding Wei's ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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