Chapter 169

On Yingze Street, Taiyuan, there used to be a well-known Longze Hotel at the intersection of the street. At this time, it has been transformed into a military club by the devils, and it is specially used to entertain military officers above the rank of rank.

A woman in a kimono, carrying a dish, carefully dragged her wooden clogs to the Japanese-style door covered with white grids.

She first knelt down and put the dishes aside, bowed and said, "Your dishes are here, you have been waiting for a long time!".

After getting permission, the woman gently opened the door to one side, slowly and steadily, as if pushing a basin of water that might overflow at any time.

As the wooden door was pushed open, singing came out, it was the devil's famous song "Sakura", and a dancer with a bright white face and red lips was dancing to the music indoors.

The woman dared not raise her head, and bowed again before standing up with the plate in her hand. Then she took off her wooden clogs and stepped gracefully into the room with the standard action repeated thousands of times. White Sox walked to the table with small steps on the spotless wooden floor. After putting down the dish, he picked up a plate of "Tempura" (a famous devil dish) fried golden yellow and dotted with green vegetables, put it on the table, and bowed again: "I've kept you waiting for a long time, please use it slowly !"

The moment the woman stood up, she was surprised to find that the person sitting opposite the lieutenant general turned out to be a Chinese, which made her stagnate.

The lieutenant general looked at the woman with displeasure, and the woman immediately realized her gaffe, and bowed and apologized before retreating.

Neiji Okamura raised his wine glass and said in pure Chinese to the Huaxia people facing him: "Then, I will leave the matter of the quasi-security district to you, sir!"

The Huaxia people toasted and replied: "Lieutenant General Okamura is polite, it is my duty to stabilize the country and make the people rich!"

Neiji Okamura smiled and replied: "Sir, Mr. Okamura really admires him for his dedication to the country and the people! Come, let's offer a toast to you!"

As he spoke, he raised his glass and drank it.

After seeing off the Huaxia people, Shinozuka Yoshio couldn't help but cast a contemptuous look in the direction the Huaxia people left, and said: "Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army is dying under your strategy, and we are fully capable of conquering these Huaxia people by ourselves." , I don't understand, why do you rely on these Chinese scum? They have betrayed their own country now, and they will definitely betray us in the future!"

Neiji Okamura took a look at Yoshio Shinozuka, and then picked up the celadon Tokari (a small wine pot used by devils) to refill Yoshio Shinozuka.

Shinozuka Yoshio greeted him with a glass of wine in both hands, nodding and bowing slightly while sipping the wine.

"Xiaozuka-kun!" Neiji Okamura sighed after finishing the drink, and said, "Do you know what conquest is?"

Shinozuka Yoshio thought for a while, and then replied: "Having control over the life and death of the enemy, making them fearful and not daring to disobey our orders, this is conquest!"

Neiji Okamura smiled and shook his head: "Some people once thought so, they even did it, and in this land, these Chinese people, more than once. But... they all ended up without exception Failed!"

"Really?" Yoshio Shinozuka was surprised.

He couldn't believe that Huaxia people had such resilience.

Neiji Okamura nodded slightly, holding a glass of wine and said thoughtfully: "If you know their history, you know that they have been invaded by foreigners several times, the most representative of which is the invasion of Mongolia and Manchus. In addition , and Khitan, Nvzhi and other people. However, none of them could destroy China, but instead became a part of China, do you know why?"

"Yes!" Yoshio Shinozuka lowered his head and said, "Please enlighten me, Your Excellency!"

Yoshio Shinozuka admired Ningji Okamura more and more in his heart. His understanding of Huaxia was not comparable to that of others.

Is this what Neiji Okamura said about knowing yourself and your enemy?

Okamura Ningji held the wine glass and respected Shinozuka politely, and after drinking it down, he continued: "It's culture, Mr. Shinozuka! This country has thousands of years of cultural accumulation, and every nation that invades China , although you have conquered them by force, ruled them, and even controlled their life and death as you said, making them afraid and making them dare not disobey orders... But they were all conquered by Chinese culture , learn their characters, dress, language, painting and calligraphy, and even living habits uncontrollably. Over time, they find that they have become a part of China and become a Chinese! Finally, they merged into this country and disappeared!"

Shinozuka Yoshio seemed to understand the meaning of Okamura Ningji's words: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, is he worried that we will also integrate into this country like these nations that invaded China? This is impossible!"

Although Yoshio Shinozuka admired Okamura, he couldn't agree with this point. He even felt that this statement was absurd and unfounded...

However, Shinozuka Yoshio immediately realized that he had just used a Chinese idiom.

"Nothing is impossible!" Okamura Ningji said: "Those nations who invaded China at the beginning thought it was impossible like you, and now? This is an invisible war, Mr. Shinozuka, we must avoid it." This result again, avoiding a military victory, but a cultural loss to the enemy!"

Ningji Okamura was worried. He had been learning Chinese characters since he was four years old. No one knew the charm of Chinese culture better than him, so he knew how difficult this war was.

Shinozuka Yoshio suddenly realized when he heard this: "That's why Lieutenant General..."

"Yes!" Ningji Okamura nodded slightly and replied: "So, we have to start from two aspects. On the one hand, let them believe that their culture is backward and useless, which is the reason why China is bullied now. , so as to destroy their cultural self-confidence. On the other hand, let them learn our characters, language, history, and even living habits. One day, when they completely abandon their own culture and choose our culture, it will be considered a conquest! Does Shinozuka-kun understand?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio bowed his head respectfully.

He admired Neiji Okamura so much, only then did he understand the gap between him and Neiji Okamura!
On the other side, the chief received a piece of information from the chief of staff.

"Chief!" said the chief of staff, "Ningji Okamura used the puppet regime of Wang to carry out the 'Qingxiang' campaign in the guerrilla areas! They printed and distributed "Qingxiang Daily" and leaflets, controlled schools to force students to learn Japanese, and promoted reactionary ideas and enslavement. educate!"

The chief slammed his fist on the table and cursed: "This Okamura Ningji, one hand after another, makes people caught off guard!"

"Chief!" the Chief of Staff asked, "How should we respond?"

After thinking about it, the chief said: "We can't go on like this, otherwise we will fall into complete passiveness!"

(End of this chapter)

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