Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 172 Deputy Company Commander

Chapter 172 Deputy Company Commander

Because the battle was imminent, Wang Xuexin followed Li Yunlong back to the army after the meeting.

This time Su Xin failed to see him off.

Zhang Wanhe explained for Su Xin: "A few of them are busy, working overtime 24 hours a day, hoping to get these three cannons out before the start of the battle!"

Wang Xuexin just smiled.

This is almost an impossible task, mainly because the speed of drilling the wheel axle is too slow, just like Wujin said, it takes at least ten days, but now it only takes seven or eight days in total.

Moreover, after the drilling is completed, assembly, test guns, etc. are required, and there is no telling what problems will occur.

So Wang Xuexin didn't take this to heart, and after saying goodbye to Zhang Wanhe, he rode on the extra horse brought by the monk and went straight to Zhaojiayu.

When I returned to Zhaojiayu, I found that it was different from before.

Many houses had been bombarded, the loess walls turned black, and the roofs were mostly new, made of bundled thatch.

Li Yunlong explained: "Before the devils withdrew, they set fire to the village. We can only temporarily build some to live in. The Seventh Company's garrison is still in the old place, so it's not hard to find!"

Wang Xuexin responded, jumped off his horse, handed the reins to the monk, and walked east of the village with his rifle on his back.

Looking to the east, the old house has become a pile of ruins, and a dozen simple wooden houses have been built next to the river, and some even have the entire roof against the mountain. The iron sheet of the car randomly surrounded the side.

Needless to say where the iron sheet of the car came from... There are still a lot of cars that the devil was surrounded by, so I took a few pieces off and used it for the time being.

Xie Baoqing was the first to see Wang Xuexin.

At this time, Xie Baoqing was carrying water and walking into the house, when he saw Wang Xuexin, he said "Yo": "The first row is back?"

As he spoke, he hurriedly put down the bucket in his hand and shook hands with Wang Xuexin.

Wang Xuexin looked at Xie Baoqing and then at the bucket, feeling a little surprised.

Xie Baoqing should return to Jian at this time, that is, return to Kong Jie's new second regiment. Why is he still in the independent regiment?
In addition, this Xie Baoqing is the captain of the independent brigade... Although the Eighth Route Army does not say that bureaucratic officers and soldiers have to work, Xie Baoqing's independent brigade is different. He is still a head, and it is his turn to carry water!

So Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously: "Captain Xie, this is..."

"Hey, I'm not the captain anymore!" Xie Baoqing leaned forward and said, "I'm also a member of the seventh company now, deputy company commander!"

"What?" Wang Xuexin was a little dazed, so let the captain quit and come to the seventh company to be the deputy company commander?

It turned out that Xie Baoqing figured it out after the last experience.

Even the third leader would betray him, and it was later found out that there were quite a few people who followed the third leader to seek refuge with the Japanese, and there were about fifty of them at one count... This does not include some who were not found out.

So the usual thought, what to hold on to these dry brothers who have a place to speak in the Eighth Route Army, this way it looks like nonsense.

A spy is released today, and a spy is released tomorrow. Do you still want to have a say?
Even if they don't withdraw you, the captain will blush for doing this by himself!

Then Xie Baoqing thought again, and now there are only two paths in front of him:
One is to take the troops back to the cottage and continue to be bandits.

However, I am afraid that this road will no longer work. After being incorporated, it will be the Eighth Road.

If you go back to be a bandit again, the nature will become "becoming a deserter" and "harming the common people".

At that time, no matter how much the Eighth Route Army pays, they will clean up the door and destroy Heiyunzhai!

So there is only one way left, which is to follow the Eighth Route Army in a down-to-earth manner.

At this time, Ergou was the only subordinate Xie Baoqing could trust, so he asked Ergou to place wine on the kang table and discuss while drinking.

Er Gou only replied: "I listen to the boss, I will go wherever the boss goes! I have no problem!"

After thinking about it, Ergou added another sentence: "But if we are determined to be the Eighth Route, I think we have to follow the independent group. Don't say anything else, look at the strength of the independent group to fight devils, and you will eat it later. Losing a brigade and blocking an alliance later, it's fun! If we want to do it, we have to fuck like an independent regiment!"

When Er Gou said this, Xie Baoqing suddenly had the pride of his youth, slapped the table and said: "That's it, follow the independent group! We haven't done anything good in our life, and we have to leave a good life for the younger generation when we die. reputation!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly went to find Li Yunlong.

In fact, Li Yunlong also wanted Xie Baoqing and his group.

The main reason is that people like Xie Baoqing have been bandits for so many years, and they all have a little work in their hands. It's better to fight than those recruits who haven't even touched a gun, right?
Especially now that all ministries have suffered losses and the guerrilla zone is still blocked, there are not many recruits.

More importantly, he found that Xie Baoqing was a man who valued loyalty, kept his word, and repayed his kindness, which was quite to Li Yunlong's liking.

What's more, those bandits who took refuge in the devils have been wiped out, even if there are still a few who haven't been exposed, it won't cause any big disturbances.

Isn't this stupid?
The problem is that this is Kong Jie's soldier, and he spent a long time talking about this and that for a long time before he finally got it done, and he brought it with such a big wave of his hand, isn't that offending people?
So Li Yunlong laughed "hehe" and said, "Brother, it's not that I, Li Yunlong, don't want to accept you. It's that the Eighth Route Army is different from going to the rivers and lakes to worship the mountains. It's not that you can follow whoever you want, we have to be disciplined!"

Xie Baoqing was a little disappointed when he heard this, and replied resentfully: "Since this is the case, then I have no choice but to..."

Li Yunlong added another sentence at this time: "However, if you are willing to make the condition of disbanding the independent brigade, the higher-ups will probably agree. It depends on whether you are willing to part with it or not!"

Xie Baoqing was immediately enlightened by Li Yunlong's point. He excitedly cupped his hands at Li Yunlong and said, "Thank you, Captain Li!"

Then he turned around and went to the brigade commander.

When the brigade commander heard it, is there such a good thing?
He was still worrying about how to rectify this independent brigade composed of bandits!Confiscated, thinking that Xie Baoqing himself came to the door and asked to disband.

It's okay to disband, isn't it just following Li Yunlong?You are not your own soldier with anyone!

So the brigade commander made a phone call to Kong Jiena: "Commander Kong, the situation is like this. The Independence Regiment suffered heavy casualties in the last battle and couldn't find new recruits for a while, but he seized a lot of equipment in his hand. So... I plan to add the independent brigade to the independent regiment, what's your opinion?"

When Kong Jie heard this, he was so angry. After a long time of tossing around, did he end up making wedding clothes for the independent group?
But he didn't dare to lose his temper with the brigade commander, so he could only reply sullenly: "Since it's the brigade commander's intention, what else can I say! The brigade commander can figure it out!"

Then he hung up the phone angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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