Chapter 177

Nantu Village is named because it is located in the south of the Fen River and is a piece of loess.

In fact, Nantu Village is no longer a village.

The devils implemented the strategy of "no man's land" in this area. Except for a dozen buildings in this village that were used by devils and puppet soldiers as military dormitories, all the rest were burned and blown up. The whole village was as black as a black forest. Uninhabited.

The independent group lurked in front of Nantu Village in batches after dark.

The secrecy of this operation was very high. Li Yunlong did not hold a meeting until three hours before the battle, and the soldiers did not know until then that they were going to counterattack the devil's line of defense.

The reason for holding the meeting three hours before the battle is due to two considerations:

One is that it is still dark at this time, and the frontline soldiers can hold meetings normally, and there is also time to prepare after the meeting.

The second is to strictly prohibit the soldiers from going out after the meeting, so that the spies mixed in the team have no time and no conditions to spread the news...

The way the spies deliver the news is usually by agreeing to press the written information under a rock or hide it in a tree hole somewhere outside the village, and then other traitors disguised as businessmen or passers-by will take the information out.

This usually takes a few days, so intelligence tends to lag.

Li Yunlong put his hands on his waist at the meeting place, and said triumphantly: "Comrades, it's time to eat meat! This time, we will do nothing but go to the devils to pick things up. Equipment, food , bullets, cannonballs... just pick up whatever you need! Support you if you have the ability, and don't be greedy for anyone else. If you can't pick up anything and you will be hungry, don't come to me to call..."

"Hey..." Zhao Gang didn't intend to interfere with Li Yunlong's speech at first, but he couldn't help but stand up and stop him after hearing his words becoming more and more outrageous: "How do you say it's like robbery? We are the Eighth Route Army, not bandits." robber!"

Li Yunlong replied without even thinking about it: "What's wrong with bandits and robbers? Our Eighth Route Army is bandits and robbers who specialize in robbing devils and puppet troops. Comrades, are you right?"

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted in unison, especially the bandits Xie Baoqing had just recruited. These words made them feel at ease and proud.

To be honest, Li Yunlong still has two hands to boost morale.

Don't look at his usual rough and smacking appearance, in fact, he knows better than anyone else.

Many fighters of the Independence Regiment have always been dissatisfied with Xie Baoqing's gang of bandits.

For example, the monk went to find trouble with the bandits every now and then, and when he saw Xie Baoqing, he shouted: "Hey, master, didn't I hear that you plan to take revenge on me? I'm standing here today, what do you think?" ?”

As a result, Xie Baoqing's two ends were not human, and he had to be careful with the monk from time to time, and walked around the road when he saw it from a distance.

In fact, this is also Xie Baoqing's cleverness. If there is a fight, who can be the monk's opponent?

Forget it, some of the soldiers had blood feuds with the bandits in Heiyunzhai. There was a soldier in the third battalion, and his sister was destroyed by the bandits in Heiyunzhai. Not all of them were robbed by Heiyunzhai, but they held grudges in their hearts, so they looked at Xie Baoqing's group in a different way.

During this period of time, Zhao Gang led the instructor to rectify this matter.

It was a meeting and the instructor was asked to do ideological work, and it was hard to suppress the matter.

But obviously it's all right, there is still a big problem secretly: Li Yunlong encourages the troops and even the soldiers to fight privately in order to cultivate the wolf nature of the troops.

So... It was common for Xie Baoqing and his group of bandits to have their noses and faces bruised and swollen. There were also a few who had broken arms and legs and became wounded directly.

Xie Baoqing went to Li Yunlong to complain several times: "Leader, if this continues, we will not be able to stay in the independent regiment any longer. We have been beaten to death by our comrades before encountering devils..."

Li Yunlong still said the same thing: "Unconvinced? Beat his mother! Our independent group is like this!"

But Li Yunlong said so, but he knew in his heart that the soldiers of the independent regiment were secretly targeting people like Xie Baoqing. If Xie Baoqing and others dared to play tricks again, they would probably be beaten by the soldiers of the whole regiment until they couldn't even recognize their mother.

What should I do?
The ideological work of the political commissar was also done, and the meeting was also held, but people said that this was training, and it was the rules set by Li Yunlong himself. You can't stop practicing like this in order to protect Xie Baoqing, can you?

At that time, if you can't fight the devils, you can't be ruthless.

After much deliberation, Li Yunlong thought that there was only one way, to fight his mother's battle!
So before the meeting, Li Yunlong made a special trip to find Xie Baoqing, and said to him: "Deputy company commander Xie, don't say I didn't tell you, there is an opportunity to change the views of comrades towards you! The soldiers of our independent regiment are different from other troops. Similarly, whether they can accept you is not based on discipline, orders, or sympathy, but whether they can live and die with them and fight devils!"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong patted Xie Baoqing on the shoulder, and said: "Fight well, fight well, and the independent regiment will treat you as their own brothers. If anyone wants to trouble you in private, I, Li Yunlong, will never stop fighting with him. No, just get the hell out of here, the Independence Group is not the place for you to stay!"

Xie Baoqing understood after hearing this, this independent regiment is a "wolf's den", and the soldiers of the independent regiment are wild wolves, if they want to stay in this "wolf's den", they have to rely on their own ability, otherwise they will be punished. Elimination, no one can help!
So Xie Baoqing asked Ergou to send a message to the original Heiyunzhai soldiers one by one: "Fight me hard, let the people from the independent regiment see that our Heiyunzhai soldiers are not cowards!"

Li Yunlong compared the independent group to "bandits and robbers" who specialize in robbing devils at the meeting, but in fact, he also meant to help Xie Baoqing.

Zhao Gang finally calmed down the shouts of the soldiers and snatched the words:

"That's not what the leader said. It's more accurate... This time, our strategic goal is not to fight the devils, but to destroy the traffic of the devils."

"The main one is rail, followed by road."

"For this reason, the superiors put forward the slogan of 'three nos', 'no railroad tracks, no sleepers, and no bridges'."

"If you want me to say, it should be five, plus 'not a tunnel, not a road'..."

Li Yunlong interrupted: "Let's just add a few more: 'Leave no gun', 'Leave no bullet'...Isn't that the same thing? Comrades, are you right?"

The soldiers booed and applauded loudly, so that Zhao Gang didn't know how to explain it.

And there seems to be some truth in what he said. It would be great if he could hand over the gun and bullets, and it would be a powerful blow to the devils.

But I felt something was wrong... It took a long time before I suddenly realized that this guy was being led astray by Li Yunlong again!

(End of this chapter)

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