Chapter 179 Feeling
After all these were prepared, Li Yunlong pulled the "Ghost Cannon" up.

Li Yunlong pointed to the gun towers in front of him and said to Lao Jiu, "First hit the one directly in front, and then hit the ones on both sides. There are three gun towers in total. Is there any problem?"

Li Yunlong planned this early in the morning.

There are five gun towers in front of Nantu Village, which stretch for two kilometers along the road.

Only by knocking down the three gun towers in the middle can the independent regiment open a firepower gap to break through this line of defense.

Lao Jiu hesitated for a moment, then responded, "No problem!"

In fact, although there is Xiaodongbei's distance measuring method, ten shells hit three gun towers, and Laojiu still has no spectrum at all.

But Lao Jiu also knew that Li Yunlong was asking a lot, and what he wanted was the answer "No problem".

Li Yunlong patted Lao Jiu on the shoulder and asked him to prepare.

Old wine is ready.

But it’s not just now. When Li Yunlong held the meeting, Laojiu was thinking: If we go to measure the distance and height after dark, it’s not a problem, especially since the soldiers can’t do mental calculations, they have to do it on paper. It was written that it would be bad to make a miscalculation when the time comes.

So as soon as the meeting was over, Lao Jiu asked Li Yunlong for instructions and hurried up with a few soldiers carrying poles on their backs.

After arriving at the place, I didn't encounter any difficulties, just to prevent the devils from finding out that it is a bit troublesome to measure secretly, but it is difficult for the devils to find them one kilometer away. Soon Lao Jiu measured the distance and height of several targets and wrote them down. marked.

But Laojiu quickly found out that something was wrong.

"We can't measure like this!" Laojiu said, "This battle was fought last night. We can fight at a distance of 500 meters or even closer, so why fight at a distance of 1000 meters?"

There is nothing wrong with this statement, because of the influence of uncertain factors such as wind force and wind direction, the hit rate of 500 meters is definitely higher than that of 1000 meters.

At the same time, the devils could not threaten 500 meters away because of low visibility.

So of course the artillery had to be pushed to 500 meters to fire.

The issue is……

500 meters is too close, the sky is still bright at the moment, the devils are outside to supervise the work of the people, if you measure the distance to 500 meters, you will definitely be discovered by the devils.

A soldier made a suggestion: "Uncle Jiu, let's measure the point at a distance of 1000 meters first, and walk 500 meters from this point to the direction of the gun tower at night. Isn't there only 500 meters left?"

Laojiu raised his hand and gave the soldier's head a pat: "If it's so simple, you have to think about it? What if I'm stupid? This method is only suitable for flat land, here is uneven, and there are still small hills in some places. You Pushing forward 500 meters can just leave 500 meters?"

Laojiu was speechless when he said that he was a warrior.

Lao Jiu was right, if he wanted to do this, the height and distance would be wrong, and it would be strange to be able to hit it then.

In the end, Lao Jiu thought of a way. He used the same method to measure an obvious target such as a stone between the pole and the gun tower, and then subtracted the two distances to get the distance from the stone to the gun tower.

Also measure the height again, and subtract the two heights to get the relative height.

Lao Jiu was worried about making mistakes, so he measured a few more positions and wrote down the data one by one.

After returning to the army, Lao Jiu immediately went to find Wang Xuexin, put the data in front of Wang Xuexin, and asked if it was feasible to do so.

Wang Xuexin was stunned when he heard it. The old wine can be learned and used flexibly. The potential unleashed under the pressure of war is really fucking different!
At this moment, Lao Jiu pushed the cannon to the mark, adjusted the elements with the calculated data, and aligned them with the gun tower in front.

There was silence all around, not even the insects moved in the freezing cold, only the weeping "whining sound" of the mountain wind blowing through the hollow village, and occasionally the empty cans on the barbed wire swaying with the wind. "Bang" sound.

Wang Xuexin, who was lying in front of the battlefield, closed his eyes, trying to feel the tranquility and peace of this moment. Although it was only superficial, it still made him nostalgic.

Suddenly, several red flares rose into the sky.

The battlefield became lively at that moment, gunshots were everywhere, and the 22 main regiments ambushing the front line with about [-] people attacked the unsuspecting Japanese defense line at the same time.

The devil never dreamed that he had always been on the defensive, or that the Eighth Route Army, which launched a sneak attack with a small number of guerrillas, would launch a counterattack of such a large scale.

But the devils didn't dare to go out of the blockhouse, so they could only use their searchlights to search for the enemy in suspicious directions, and then shot randomly outside the blockhouse.

The soldiers of the first battalion rushed up through the gap in the barbed wire immediately.

The devils found them, and the searchlights immediately locked on the gaps in the barbed wire, and the machine gun bullets flew towards them with howling noises, knocking down several soldiers who rushed ahead in a pool of blood on the spot.

As soon as Wang Xuexin raised his gun, the searchlight was turned off with a "bang", and the surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness.

At this time, Wang Xuexin heard Li Yunlong yelling: "Old Jiu, fire me!"

With a "boom", the shells flew out from the muzzle of the "Ghost Cannon".

But there was no explosion and no flames. The perforations of the gun towers were still spitting flames frantically to suppress the charge of the soldiers of the first battalion. At the same time, the puppet soldiers in the second-line houses also rushed forward with guns to organize defense under the threat of the devils.

"What tricks are you doing!" Li Yunlong yelled: "What a ghost cannon, it doesn't sound like a fart!"

This is a defect of the round-head bullet. As I said before, it is likely to hit the water and float on the ground without exploding when it is fired at a small inclination.

The result of not exploding in the dark is that you don't know where the shell landed, so you can't correct it according to the point of explosion.

At that moment, Lao Jiu froze for a moment, his mind went blank, he didn't know whether to adjust the Zhu Yuan hit or continue to hit like this again.

If it needs to be adjusted, how should it be adjusted?
Until he heard Wang Xuexin shouted in the dark: "The wind is biased!"

Laojiu understood instantly.

It's not that he hasn't considered the wind deflection. As a gunner who has been working for several years, Lao Jiu will certainly not miss this. He has even brought the wind deflection into his own sense, knowing how far and how big The wind and the direction of the wind are about how much the wind is biased.

The problem is that this feeling is brought about by hitting a pointed shell.

The self-produced "Ghost Cannon" uses a round-nosed bullet, which is definitely more affected by the wind than a small-cone pointed bullet, so it will cause problems if it is fired with the previous feeling.

How big is the specific impact?
How much should it be?
There are no standards and no references.

Laojiu could only make adjustments based on his feeling, and then fired another cannonball with a "boom".

Lao Jiu didn't have much hope, so when he saw a ball of fire erupting in the middle of the gun tower, he couldn't help being surprised, so much so that he couldn't believe that the gun was fired by himself.

Until Li Yunlong yelled at him: "Old Jiu, you fucking played beautifully, let's have another shot!"

(End of this chapter)

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