Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1798 Exploration

Chapter 1798 Exploration
However, putting the oil issue aside for the time being, it is not a good choice to attack Mudanjiang eastward to cut off the Japanese's retreat.

After a moment of silence, Wang Xuexin raised his head and asked, "Do you still remember the situation when our army surrounded Xinjing?"

Chen Songyong and Zhang Zongping looked at each other, nodded and said, "Of course I remember!"

Zhang Zongping asked doubtfully: "The leader is referring to..."

"The Japanese massacred the people!" Wang Xuexin said, "Then let's think about the Kwantung Army. What would happen if we surrounded them to death!"

After saying this, both Chen Songyong and Zhang Zongping understood.

If the Kwantung Army is surrounded to death, the first people to be trapped and starved to death will definitely not be the Japanese, but the Chinese people. Even at the last moment, the Japanese will carry out a massacre like the one in Xinjing.

Then it won’t be as easy to stop as a city in Xinjing!

That's a population of over 1000 million. Can the Eighth Route Army bear this price?

After hesitating for a while, Chen Songyong nodded and said, "So, we always have to leave a way for the Japanese to escape?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin said: "The best result is not that we wipe out the Kwantung Army, because with the ferocity of the Japanese, they will definitely use the Chinese people as a shield at the last moment. We must always keep in mind that the war is happening in our country There are many of our people on our land. The best result is to force the Japanese out, and then we can fight freely!"

This is not Wang Xuexin's nonsense, but in history, when the Japanese Kwantung Army's defense line was breached by Mao Xiong, they killed people everywhere, even the Japanese immigrants. It's just that most of Mao Xiong's troops marched very fast, and the Japanese didn't have time to kill them all.

Zhang Zongping thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "The regiment leader is right, so we should not fight eastward, as this will force the Japanese to engage in animal fights; nor can we go west, as the route to the west is blocked by the Daxingan Mountains; just Only an attack to the north is feasible. The flat plain in the north is suitable for our mechanized troops to fight, while the Japanese mechanized troops have been basically paralyzed due to lack of fuel!"

"That's the truth!" Wang Xuexin nodded and said: "On the other hand, although we have not attacked Mudanjiang to seal off the Japs' retreat, we can still send fighter planes to bomb the Japs' supply lines so that they lack combat supplies, which will make it easier to fight!"

Wang Xuexin didn't talk about oil. He thought that Daqing could be defeated first, and it would be more secure to control the territory in his own hands.

As for whether to dig or not, it won’t be too late to consider it at that time.

Chen Songyong thought about it for a while and then said worriedly: "But commander, if one day we beat the Japanese until we can't hold on any longer, I mean the Kwantung Army is beaten so hard by us that we have to abandon the Northeast and withdraw to Bangzi, what do you say... Will the Japanese also carry out a massacre before withdrawing?"

Wang Xuexin has never thought about this problem, because in war, in addition to sealing the enemy, he also drives the enemy away.

From the perspective of protecting the people, sealing them up is definitely more dangerous. It is equivalent to putting the people and the wolves in a cage together.

It's much better to drive the enemy away.

If the people have any losses in this, it is inevitable.

After all, this is war, and there are no eggs left after the nest is overturned.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin chose the latter without thinking, which was to drive the Japanese out.

But now that he heard what Chen Songyong said, he felt that there was some truth to it.

If the Japanese were just one brigade and one division, the damage they could cause would be limited, but this was the Kwantung Army, a Kwantung Army with dozens of divisions and 10 people.

One day they determine that they can no longer stay in the Northeast and must withdraw. Will they kill or destroy the Northeast before leaving, leaving a broken HLJ province for the Eighth Route Army?
Wang Xuexin felt that this was entirely possible. The Japanese were so cruel that they couldn't do anything!At this point, Wang Xuexin was stumped: It doesn’t matter if it’s a blockade now, and it doesn’t matter if it’s not a blockade, how can we still fight this battle?
When Chen Songyong and Zhang Zongping saw that Wang Xuexin's face was not right, they knew that what they just said had reached a difficult point.

This is almost an unsolvable problem, because the decision-making power lies in the hands of the Japanese. When they will retreat, whether to organize a massacre, or how large a massacre to organize, the Eighth Route Army cannot predict, let alone control!
It seems that what the Eighth Route Army can do is to do its best to reduce the casualties of the people.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin said slowly: "Unless the Japanese don't give up the Northeast!"

This is obvious. The Japanese will not dare to engage in massacres without restraint unless they give up the Northeast. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to gain a foothold in the Northeast.

Because for the common people, they will be killed by the devils sooner or later, so it is better to fight with the devils.

It would be different if the Japanese planned to abandon the Northeast.

But Chen Songyong said in embarrassment: "Captain, if we continue to fight like this and push forward step by step against the Japanese, sooner or later the Japanese will give up because they cannot hold on!"

"Yes!" Zhang Zongping seconded: "Unless we don't win the battle, how can we let the devils die and not give up on the Northeast?"

Wang Xuexin was silent for a while, then replied: "There is a way!"


Chen and Zhang looked at each other, what else can be done?
Wang Xuexin really has a way.

Wang Xuexin immediately found Sun Erwei.

Sun Erwei thought that Wang Xuexin was urging the oil to be released, so he explained as soon as he entered the door: "Wang, the waterway is still very safe at present, and the oil will be shipped later! In addition, your refinery and derivative industries have not been completed yet, so there is no rush. !”

Wang Xuexin just said "um", and replied: "There is no rush, I just want you to help me!"

"Help?" Sun Erwei looked at Wang Xuexin suspiciously: "What else can we help?"

In Sun Erwei's view, the Eighth Route Army's equipment is quite complete, and now it has an overwhelming advantage over the Japanese. Especially after defeating the Japanese navy last time, it is strategically invincible.

In this situation, what else can he, Sun Erwei, do for help?

"Oil exploration team!" Wang Xuexin said: "I need them to find oil in the Northeast!"

"What?" Sun Erwei's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, and then he laughed: "This is impossible, Wang! Oil is not something you can find just by looking for it. There is probably no oil in the Northeast at all. Do you understand? ?”

"I understand!" Wang Xuexin nodded: "But I still need them to find oil!"

Sun Erwei was stunned, and then he understood what Wang Xuexin meant: "Is this something..."

Wang Xuexin nodded and confirmed Sun Erwei's guess: "I need you to put on a show for the Japanese. You pretend to have found oil in the Northeast, so that they will not give up the Northeast! And you will also take the initiative to attack our army instead of like now Take the defensive like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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