Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 182 Military Station

Chapter 182 Military Station
Goodbye! "Father of hybrid rice" Yuan Longping passed away, the backbone of the country, immortal!


Wang Xuexin squatted down, pointed to a point on the map spread out on the ground, and said, "Regimental Commander, this military station is not far from our place, it should be a few miles to the north!"

Li Yunlong squatted halfway to look at the position by the light of the fire, and said with disdain: "I thought it was some fat! Isn't it just a military depot? How many things can there be? At most, I will pay you some food!"

This is correct. The military depot next to the train line is mainly used to provide food for the devil soldiers who are rushing to the front line by train.

Trains in this era, especially military trains, did not have dining cars. Teams of soldiers were transported on the trains, so of course they couldn’t be hungry when it was time for meals.

The solution is to set up several military depots on the road where meals are needed. When the train stops at the military depots for meals, buckets of food will be sent to the front of the trains for the devils to rush to eat.

So this military station may have food, but Li Yunlong may not have many guns, ammunition or equipment.

Wang Xuexin doesn't think so.

He pointed to the map and said, "Captain, the Hundred Battles seems to be in charge of this area next to us, right?"

"Yes!" Li Yunlong nodded: "However, the Baizhan regiment is a little bit back, and the road was blocked by devils. Why do you ask this?"

"Commander, take a closer look." Wang Xuexin pointed to the map and said, "This railway line runs from the north all the way to the devil's front line, and all the military supplies are transported forward one by one... ..."

"Think about this beautiful thing!" Li Yunlong said: "We didn't see the train either, so the devil will return to the city as soon as the train turns around?"

"Team leader!" Wang Xuexin said, "Where do you think this train has to turn?"

At this moment, Li Yunlong understood. He jumped up as if being pricked by a needle: "Military station? The train has to turn around there?"

"Isn't it?" Wang Xuexin said: "We cut off the road at this end. If the puppet army ran back, they would definitely notify the military depot. The Baizhan regiment was blocked by the devils and did not have time to come up. Most of the trains are at the military depot! Let's try our luck, if we catch one train, we will get rich!"

This time Li Yunlong was excited. He waved his hand and shouted at the soldiers: "All gather, throw away all the broken things in your hands, let's eat the big ones!"

So a regiment of more than 1000 people rushed north along the railway line under Li Yunlong's order.

On the way, Li Yunlong also urgently called the battalion commanders for a short meeting to formulate a battle plan.

"Target Ningyuan Military Station!" Li Yunlong said: "Let's cast a net to try our luck, and only when we catch it will we know whether it is a small fish or a big fish. The first battalion forced a march to the north of the military station, destroying the railway at the first time, so as not to let the Let any reinforcements come in and don't let any devils out!"

"Yes!" Zhang Dabiao replied.

"Second Battalion, Third Battalion!" Li Yunlong continued to order: "Divide the left and right sides to outflank the military station, and resolutely wipe out the devils if you encounter them. If there is a train, you have to take it easy. It might be ammunition! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Several battalion commanders responded.

Li Yunlong waved his hand and ordered: "Let's go!"

The battalion commanders led their troops forward as planned.

The third battalion outflanked along the right side of the railway.

During this period, Guan Dashan, the commander of the third battalion, came to look for Wang Xuexin once, and he asked Wang Xuexin in a low voice: "I heard that you gave the regimental commander the idea of ​​going to the military station?"

Wang Xuexin nodded, and replied: "Isn't the head of the group wanting to eat something big? I'm just..."

"Have you ever thought about it?" Guan Dashan said, "If you want to grab the train, maybe it's not equipment or ammunition? If it's a devil with a train, wouldn't we just kick it on the iron plate?"

Wang Xuexin laughed: "Battalion Commander, how can it be? If there is a train of devils at the military station, then they will probably surround us now! How can those puppet soldiers escape?"

Guan Dashan said "Oh" and was speechless.

He originally thought that Xiaobei didn't think of this, but he didn't expect that Xiaobei not only thought of it, but also thought much further than himself.

This Little Northeast really has a set.

The soldiers were standing seven miles away. They encountered several puppet troops on the road and dispersed them without much effort.

More than half an hour later, the troops rushed to the vicinity of the military station. Li Yunlong stepped forward and raised his binoculars to look at it. He was amused. The brightly lit military station was crowded with several trains making an emergency U-turn.

Li Yunlong said to himself: "Looking at this, it's not a problem to stop one or two rows, and he's making a fortune now!"

Aihara Asano with his research team on one of the freight cars.

The reason why they went to the front line in the freight car instead of with other soldiers was because Asano Aihara's team was conducting a secret research...

After the battle of Nomonhan, the devils found that their tanks were too far behind the enemy's tanks, especially from the information they got from their allies, knowing that the enemy had updated their tanks, but the devils' tanks were still standing still.

This is the helplessness of the devils. There are only so many resources. A lot of manpower, material and financial resources have been used to build the navy. Of course, the army has no funds or financial resources to update tanks.

After thinking about it, the Army believed that designing a cheap individual anti-tank equipment would be more in line with their current situation, so they could only restart the research and development of the "sprayed bomb" that had been put on hold for many years.

The so-called "jet bombs" are actually rockets.

Devils have actually been researching and developing rocket weapons since 31. However, due to the perennial disagreement between the army and the navy, although the two militaries are both developing rockets, they have been unwilling to share technology and work together to develop them. Therefore, there are two different research and development systems, and even take They all have different names: the army calls them "jet bombs" and the navy calls them "jet guns".This is also one of the reasons why the devil has been unable to make great progress in this regard.

"Nagasawa-kun!" Asano Aihara walked out of the car anxiously, and called out to the team leader Nagasawa Ichiro who was ready for battle outside the car: "There will be no problem, right?"

Ichiro Nagasawa frowned, what an annoying guy, he has asked this question for the fifth time.

If he hadn't been ordered by his superiors to protect these researchers at all costs, he would have gone up and slapped these cowards a long time ago.

"No problem!" Nagasawa Ichiro replied impatiently: "It's just some guerrillas. Besides, as long as the two trains in front of us are adjusted, we can return to Taiyuan safely!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Asano Aihara heaved a sigh of relief, then returned to the carriage and said to his subordinates: "Everything is under control, don't worry! I'll be back soon!"

The subordinates breathed a sigh of relief, and some people sighed:
"It's really thrilling, listening to the gunshots... it's like being in front of you!"

"It should not be far from us, but the gunfire is not intense, and it sounds like there are not many enemies!"

"Even if it comes, our people can handle it!"


At this moment, there were a few explosions outside, followed by intense gunshots.

(End of this chapter)

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