Chapter 1829 Delay
The Japanese originally planned to launch an attack after two weeks of preparation. After all, other things can wait but oil cannot.

Seeing that less and less oil is being shipped in from outside and that the island's oil reserves are running low, everyone will be anxious.

However, the Japanese's combat plan was delayed again and again, and the offensive plan was postponed three times in a row.

One delay was due to the Navy's combined fleet. When the Japanese were about to launch an attack, Eagle Sauce suddenly launched a medium-sized attack. This forced the Japanese to put the Chinese side aside and wait for the war in the Philippines to stabilize.

The other two delays were due to Okabe Naosaburo not agreeing with Umezu Yoshijiro's battle plan of transferring "Hayate" fighter planes to the skies over Shinjing to fight for air supremacy for the Kwantung Army.

Naosaburo Okabe said bluntly in the report:

"Although the 'Haifeng' is a new fighter aircraft of our army, its performance has not been able to completely crush the Eighth Route Army's 'La 5', and it may even be inferior to the 'La 5'!"

"Under such circumstances, is it wise to send the Hayate fighter jets to fight on a battlefield 700 kilometers away?"

"It's 700 kilometers, and it takes more than an hour for the fighter planes to just reach the combat location!"

"Moreover, it is passing through an area controlled by the Eighth Route Army. Pilots need to be extremely nervous to prevent enemy fighter planes from intercepting them. In addition, they may be hit by anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles!"

"After more than an hour in this situation, what will be the situation when they arrive at their destination?"

"What's more, if they are fighting 700 kilometers across enemy-controlled territory, how will they be able to return home?"

Although Naosaburo Okabe said these words with selfish motives... he was unwilling to allocate the North China Front Army's fighter planes to the Kwantung Army as wedding clothes.

But objectively speaking, what he said still makes sense.

For example, the last sentence refers to a piece of common sense in combat: when returning from a battle, you have to cross 700 kilometers across an enemy-controlled area. So should you leave some fuel and some ammunition during the war?
Otherwise, what if one of them is low on fuel or ammunition and is intercepted by Eighth Route Army fighter planes on the way back?
If you want to keep it, how much is appropriate?
Leaving too much fuel may not provide enough air control time for the Kwantung Army.

If there is less fuel left, the "Hast" fighters will fight less and less...

This series of problems may have a negative impact on this campaign, and it is also very serious.

The first time Umezu Meijiro communicated with Okabe Naosaburo, Okabe Naosaburo was not very happy to agree. When the battle was approaching, he mentioned that there was insufficient fuel preparation to fly 700 kilometers for the battle.

This reason is also quite sufficient. Although the fuel supply of the North China Front is much better than other places, it is still not optimistic.

In addition, this battle was all about the "Wind" fighters competing for air supremacy. It was obviously not a wise choice to force a war due to insufficient fuel, so it was postponed for another week.

This time, Tokyo came forward to communicate with Naosaburo Okabe. The reason given by Tokyo was:

"Although there are many difficulties, the focus of this battle must be Safe Village!"

"And the Kwantung Army is currently the only force that can directly attack and occupy Ping'an Village!"

"Therefore Okabe-kun! For the victory of the empire, for the honor of the entire army, and for our tanks to be able to fight in the future..."

"We can only fully reinforce the Kwantung Army, even if it only provides the Kwantung Army with a moment of air supremacy!"

It was only then that Naosaburo Okabe made up his mind.

Okabe Naosaburo was not convinced, because from his point of view, the coastal offensive operational plan was absolutely correct... Okabe Naosaburo lacked strategic vision. In fact, it was not just Okabe Naosaburo, but most of the Japanese.

Because I lack strategic vision, I can't figure it out.

The reason why he finally agreed to this battle plan was because Naosaburo Okabe knew very well that Tokyo had spoken so seriously: "For the victory of the empire", "For the honor of the entire army"...

On the surface, this is talking about this battle, but in fact it is warning and beating.The implicit meaning is that if you disobey orders, you are working against the empire and the entire army and not thinking about their interests.

Therefore, Naosaburo Okabe had to agree.

The few weeks of delay by the Japanese just happened to allow the Eighth Route Army to complete the production and test flight of the first batch of five "J-5s"... No one knows whether there is any problem with something coming off the production line. Only by flying it can you rest assured.

Especially the fighters of this period were all manual without assistance, so each fighter would inevitably have slight differences in strength.

In the words of the pilot, "Every plane has its own 'temper'!".

Pilots need to understand the "temperament" of these fighters in order to better integrate man and machine in combat.

The good news is that the speed exceeded 1000 kilometers per hour.

This was driven by Kang Zheng. When he came back, he reported in fear: "Captain, I didn't mean it. I just wanted to test how long it would take for my scar to break. I accidentally didn't look at the speed on the watch. It just..."

Wang Xuexin was speechless after hearing this reason. Should this be criticized or praised?

Criticize it, pilots should have a sense of adventure, and in principle, Kangzheng has made meritorious service, so the criticism seems wrong.

Praise me, this is disobeying orders, right?
In the end, Wang Xuexin just put on a serious face and warned: "There will be no next time. As a captain, you should lead by example!"


Just as Kang Zheng was about to turn around, Wang Xuexin asked: "Is the scar broken?"

"Report to the leader!" Kang Zheng straightened his back and answered confidently: "No!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin nodded with satisfaction.

Later Wang Xuexin discovered that he had been deceived by Kang Zheng.

At that time, the scar cracked and oozed blood, but it was not serious. Kangzheng bandaged it himself without letting others know.

Kang Zheng was worried that answering that the wound was broken would prevent him from flying, so he lied.

Wang Xuexin didn't understand how he could lie so cleanly and so confidently that he had no doubt at all at the time, so Wang Xuexin went to see Kang Zheng specifically.

Kang Zheng smiled and replied: "Commander, I lied to fight and fight the Japanese. How can I be so arrogant?"

"You are right!"

The bad news is that one fighter plane broke down during this period, and the number of seven fighters became six.

This should be normal. At this time, jet fighters had just come out and were not yet mature. Although the design drawings given by Wang Xuexin were mature, the production technology and a large number of parts were those of the "Meteor" fighter.

The "Meteor" fighter jet is still having problems, and the "J-2" will certainly have problems of this kind as well.

But this is okay, there will be one more fighter out of the seven according to the principle of two-plane formation.

Wang Xuexin originally planned to use it as a reserve team or substitute, but now he no longer needs to worry about this aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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