Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1837 241st Aviation Team

Chapter 1837 241st Aviation Team
At [-]:[-] in the morning, Chengde Airport released forty "Wind" fighter jets on time.

Flying in the air, Tokujiro Kawano looked at the dark ground under the wings with loyalty and magnanimity, and set a goal for himself: from now on, any land under the wings of the "Hayate" will be controlled by the empire. district!
Tokujiro Kawano is the lieutenant commander of the 241st Imperial Army Air Corps.

The flying team is a four-machine organization that the empire learned and adopted from Hans not long ago: 2 aircraft are organized into a detachment, 4 aircraft are organized into a squadron, three squadrons of 12 fighters form a squadron, and three squadrons of 36 fighters form a squadron. .

In addition, one or two 4-aircraft formations will be added as command teams depending on the situation, so there will be about 40 aircraft in one team.

The empire's 83 "Wind" fighters currently in Chengde are organized into the 241st and 242nd squadrons. They are divided into two groups and take turns to reinforce the Xinjing airspace to compete for air supremacy for the Kwantung Army.

Tokujiro Kawano is very confident about this mission. The main reason is that the speed of the "Hayate" fighter has made a qualitative leap compared to the "Zero War": from 530 kilometers per hour to the current 640 kilometers per hour, which is more than 100 kilometers faster. kilometer.

Although Tokujiro Kawano knew that the "Hayate" had water in its 640 kilometers per hour speed, and it could actually only fly at a speed of 623 kilometers per hour, this was much faster than the collapse speed of "Zero War" and the Eighth Route Army's "Pull 5" was no longer There is a difference.

When he remembered that when he piloted the "Zero War" to fight against the Eighth Route Army, he could only watch the enemy planes flying in front of him because of insufficient speed, but he could do nothing. Tokujiro Kawano gritted his teeth with hatred.

It's better now, with "Haifeng", I no longer have to suffer from this cowardice!

"Everyone!" Tokujiro Kawano ordered to the radio: "Raise the altitude to about 9000 meters!"

"Yes!" Several squadron leaders responded one after another.

The reason why the altitude is raised to 9000 meters is to save fuel. The thin air at high altitude has less resistance, which allows the fighter planes to have more fuel for combat after reaching the target.

On the other hand, it is to avoid the anti-aircraft firepower of the Eighth Route Army.

When flying to the target airspace, Tokujiro Kawano emphasized the combat mission:
"In order to give us more combat opportunities, our army has sent fifty fighter planes to the Xinjing airspace for bombing!"

"Their purpose is to lure the Eighth Route Army fighter planes out!"

"In other words, when we arrived, the Eighth Route Army fighter jets were already chasing our fighter jets in the air!"

"Our mission is to shoot down all enemy planes!"


The subordinates answered one after another: "Understood!"

Tokujiro Kawano emphasized again: "Our fighter planes are no slower than the Eighth Route Army's 'La 5', and may even be faster. If you still can't beat them, go to the Army Recruitment Office to sign up!"

There was a burst of laughter from his subordinates.

It can be seen that the Japanese have confidence in this "final battle fighter" from top to bottom.

Although what Tokujiro Kawano said just now is suspected of putting money on his face, the Imperial Air Force is better because of its well-trained training... The pilots of the two "Hayate" teams are all selected from pilots with one or even two years of combat experience. .

What about the Eighth Route Army?

It is said that they are so short of pilots that they only fly for a month or two before they start fighting in the skies!
"Don't worry, Lieutenant Colonel!" the squadron leader on the mountain replied: "In the past, the Eighth Route Army took advantage of speed and used 'escape tactics', but now their tactics don't work!"

Another squadron leader echoed: "They are not mentally prepared. They will definitely be shocked when they discover this!"

"I don't think they will be surprised!" the commander of the mountain squadron replied.


The squadron leader on the mountain joked: "Because we were shot down when they discovered us!" The pilots burst into wild laughter again.

Kawano Tokujiro did not stop his men from joking. He believed that it would help increase the morale of the troops and also keep them relaxed, so that they could enter the battle at their best and achieve greater results.

At this moment, the voice of Colonel Matsuyama from the headquarters came over the radio: "Kawano-kun, the 221st team was attacked by the enemy. The enemy dispatched was confirmed to be a 'La 5' fighter jet. How far are you from the target airspace?"

While keeping the fighter plane flying steadily, Tokujiro Kawano took out the map and looked at it, and estimated: "There are about 10 minutes left!"

The other end of the radio hesitated for a moment, and then another voice came: "I will ask them to move closer to your position, so that in about 10 minutes you will be able to meet our troops and the enemy planes at the same time! Get ready for battle, do you understand? ?”


Kawano Tokujiro immediately ordered: "Prepare to fight and engage the enemy in 10 minutes! Pay attention to maintaining altitude!"

Maintaining altitude means occupying a favorable position so that you can swoop down to attack enemy aircraft.

This made Tokujiro Kawano feel that this battle was a bit unwinnable:
The performance of enemy and friendly fighters is almost the same.

The quality of Imperial pilots is superior.

The enemy planes had been in battle and had consumed a certain amount of fuel and ammunition, but the Imperial fighter planes were fully loaded with ammunition.

Enemy planes are low down, Imperial fighters are high up.

The enemy planes did not know the existence of the Imperial fighter planes, but the Imperial fighter planes were well prepared to set up an ambush...

With so many advantages, is there any reason not to win this battle?
Kawano Tokujiro was determined to fight one-on-one with the Eighth Route Army under normal conditions, because he also wanted to know whether the performance of the "Hayate" fighter jet could really surpass that of the "La5".

But after thinking about it, Tokujiro Kawano thought it would be better to do it next time. This is a battlefield and there is no fairness at all.

It’s only the Eighth Route Army’s air force that has bad luck!

As time passed and the sky gradually became brighter, Tokujiro Kawano controlled the fighter plane to fly upside down so as to obtain the view below.

After a while, I saw a dense group of small black dots like a swarm of bees, with faint black smoke and fire.

No need to think about it, it must be the group of aircraft fighting in a melee between the enemy and ourselves.

Without hesitation, Tokujiro Kawano immediately straightened his fuselage and ordered: "Target 11 o'clock, the entire army is free to fight! Attack!"


Dozens of "Wind" fighter jets sped up and dived towards the war zone with a sharp roar.

Before approaching the enemy, Tokujiro Kawano added an order: "Be careful not to accidentally damage our fighter planes. Everyone, let's see how you perform! Let's party..."

But before he finished speaking, a fighter plane disintegrated in the air with a "boom", and then a shadow quickly passed over Kawano Tokujiro's head.

Kawano Tokujiro felt chills on his forehead, and exclaimed in his heart: Anti-aircraft missiles?
Can the Eighth Route Army's anti-aircraft missiles reach this height? !

However, when Tokujiro Kawano adjusted the nose of the plane to catch up, he found that what came into view was a fighter plane, a fighter plane with a weird shape that he had never seen before...

(End of this chapter)

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