Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1856 River Fleet

Wang Xuexin could never figure out the Japanese's battle plan.

This is because in Wang Xuexin's mind, the Eighth Route Army's "J-2" fighter jets can take care of both Xinjing and Huludao, and he does not need to worry too much about Huludao's air supremacy.

If the Japanese Combined Fleet wants to fight near the Port of Lushun in Huludao, it must have air superiority, otherwise its warships will suffer ruthless attacks from anti-ship missiles.

Unable to guess the Japanese's intentions, all Wang Xuexin could do was order the coastal defense regiment to prepare for combat and transfer a squadron of "J-1" to Zhoushuizi Airport.

If there's any place you must guard against, it's the shipyards.

At this time, the shipyard had resumed production and began manufacturing the Japanese's 25-ton inland river gunboats.

The 25-ton river gunboat may not be useful in other situations, but on the Songhua River, especially Wang Xuexin's plan to use the Songhua River to surround the Japanese... this thing is an artifact.

Wang Xuexin considered that the water depth of the Songhua River is 1 to 11 meters, and the shallow water level is only about 1 meter. Warships will definitely not be able to pass or enter.

The maximum draft of a 25-ton inland river gunboat is only 1.6 meters. If the load is smaller, such as carrying personnel, fuel, and supplies that only meet basic combat needs, the draft will be only a little over 1 meter.

The most important thing is the 25-ton inland river gunboat. Its propeller is not a propeller blade, but a spiral shaft... This design is so that it will not be trapped when it occasionally encounters shallow water.

If it is a propeller blade, if it touches the bottom of the river while rotating at high speed, the blade will be broken and lose power.

But if it is a spiral shaft type, it will not be interrupted when it touches the river bottom, but it can also continue to push the ship forward on the river bottom mud.

This is one of the reasons why the 25-ton river gunboat can sail onto the shoal without any scruples or even rush onto the shoal without the need for a port.

It has to be said that the Japanese have put a lot of effort into allowing this gunboat to deal with the Eighth Route Army guerrillas. Although this design makes it lose a certain speed... the propulsion efficiency of the spiral shaft is not very high, which makes the 25-ton gunboat The maximum speed is only 11 knots, but its advantage is that it can dock at any time and place a reinforced infantry unit of soldiers ashore for combat.

(The Japanese standard detachment has 13 people, and the 25-ton gunboat can carry 20 people. A Japanese reinforced infantry unit plus the firepower of the gunboat is enough to deal with any guerrilla in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War)
However, the Japanese never imagined that the thing they had racked their brains to design would now be used by the Eighth Route Army against them!
Wang Xuexin’s idea is this:

The Eighth Route Army's Coastal Defense Regiment had previously seized a batch of 25-ton inland river gunboats from the Japanese. Some of them were beaten out of use in the battle, leaving only five usable.

These five ships are used for training soldiers, and the shipyard will produce another 20 ships to form an inland fleet. When necessary, they can enter the Songhua River to cooperate with the army in operations.

Wang Xuexin felt extremely comfortable when he thought of the scene of these gunboats shooting at the Japanese who were swimming and escaping in the river.

But Su Xin was skeptical about Wang Xuexin's idea.

She raised an unavoidable question at the seminar on the 25-ton inland river gunboat.

"Captain!" Su Xin said: "It may be feasible for the gunboats to enter the Songhua River for combat, but the problem is that when the gunboats enter the Songhua River, there are likely to be Japs everywhere on both sides of the river. The gunboats may go deep into the Songhua River to cut off the Japs' supplies or block the Japs' retreat. "?" Chen Songyong has been collecting intelligence on the Japs along the Songhua River during this period, so he said with confidence: "Director Su, the Japs are not well-defended on both sides of the Songhua River. Most of the troops are sparse and they are puppet troops. The shore defenses are There are only artillery towers for the guerrillas, and there are not even barbed wire fences in many places!”

This is caused by the fact that the Songhua River has had no combat needs for a long time.

The Songhua River itself is a natural barrier for the guerrillas. Therefore, the Japanese fortifications, barriers and troops are mainly distributed on bridges and ferries, and other locations are almost blank.

"I know!" Su Xin nodded: "But have we considered the Japanese artillery? Our army's gunboats sailing on the Songhua River can be seen at a glance, and they are not very fast. The maximum speed is only 11 knots. If they enter the enemy's gate, The range of the howitzer...won't our river fleet become a target? Then we will be hit and beaten but unable to escape and unable to escape!"

Su Xin's words surprised Wang Xuexin, which showed that she had gone one step further in the military field.

The institute needs such talents.

To be precise, such people are needed to lead. Although there are specializations in technology, people in the leadership must be involved in both military and research, so that they can grasp the right direction.

Otherwise, the arsenal will easily produce a bunch of equipment that looks high-end but is not practical at all.

Wang Xuexin nodded towards Su Xin with approving eyes.

"Director Su is right, we do need to consider the artillery aspect!" Wang Xuexin said, "So we need to increase air-ground coordination!"


"Captain!" Su Xin asked with a puzzled look on his face: "You mean to use mortars to suppress the howitzers that the Japanese might deploy on the shore?"

Su Xin was the one who researched and developed the equipment. She knew that not only was the range of mortars inferior to long-range howitzers, but there was also a gap in accuracy.

Therefore, the idea of ​​suppressing howitzers with mortars does not seem realistic.

But Wang Xuexin didn't think so. He replied: "Director Su, we have artillery detection radar. If we move the artillery detection radar to the gunboat, we can know the location of the Japanese artillery immediately, and the location is accurate. At this time, using mortars to cover the position can make up for the lack of accuracy to a certain extent!"

Su Xin had no objection, because Wang Xuexin's statement was indeed feasible. The accuracy problem of mortars could be compensated for by artillery detection radar and quantity.

But Su Xin still had concerns. She asked: "So, what about the howitzers that are out of range? If the Japanese howitzers are 6 kilometers away..."

"First of all!" Wang Xuexin said: "The enemy's howitzer fire will be delayed 6 kilometers away and will not easily hit the gunboat traveling at 11 knots! Secondly, we have air superiority. We require the gunboat to be in direct contact with the fighter planes and move the Japanese artillery positions Report the position to the pilot!"

Then, there is the issue of fighter planes firing rockets at targets.

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